06/17/21 06:00PM
Useful tips for the hub
Hey everyone!
There's a lot of cool little tricks that aren't so obvious, and i thought it'd be nice to have a thread with all of them! (don't hesitate to post yours, i'll edit this post to add them)

(something in [brackets] means you need to replace the brackets by that something)
(ex: pool:[pool_id] --> pool:1234 )

h2. The must-know:
* To add posts to pools, you must go to your <<|user setting page>> and enable "Advanced Editing". Once you save, the option to "Add to pool" will be shown under "Options" on post pages
** Alternatively, you can add the tag "pool:[pool_id]" on a post to add it to a pool

* This isn't a tip but a workaround to a bug on the hub, if you need to add a parent post, don't do it on the upload page and instead do it on the post page after the post is uploaded, otherwise it won't show up as a child post on the parent post
** If a post is already affected by this bug, just remove the parent post, save changes, then add it back

h3. Useful stuff in no particular order
* You can sort posts by popularity using "{{order:score}}" as a tag (you can also use "{{order:random}}" to sort randomly)

* Most people know you can view deleted posts by using the MD5 ([md5].[file_extension] ), but if you don't want to have to find the file extension, you can use[post_id]

* You can use "pool:[pool_id]" as a tag to show all the posts in a specific pool, which makes it very easy to edit tags in bulk with tag scripts
** ex: {{pool:3522}}

* Speaking of tag scripts, they're very useful, you can access them in the "mode" dropdown menu under the search bar
** Some tips for the tag scripts:
** -putting "-[some_tag]" in the tag script will remove that tag from selected posts
** -putting "hide" or "show" as tag will hide or show posts in index, respectively (very useful when uploading pools, note that this also works at upload)

* <<|There's a cheat sheet to help you learn how tags work>>
* <<|As well as a page on text formating for comments/forum/mails>>

* You can search for posts that are hidden by using the {{shown:only}} metatag
** if you want to see only non-hidden posts, use {{shown:true}}
** (When on the main page, it only only shows non-hidden posts by default, while when searching with any tag, it shows both hidden and non-hidden posts by default)

* Adding some notes to a post and you want to start a new line without having to skip a line? Add two spaces at the end of the previous line instead of skipping a line

* You can "hold" posts so they don't show up in the index while you tag them (more info <<|here>>) (thanks THF for the tip)

* you can use the metatag {{deleted:true}} to search for deleted posts only
** you can also use the metatag {{deleted:all}} to search for both deleted and non-deleted posts at once

* When <<|searching for a user's comments>>, add an underscore and a space (_ ) before the username or you won't get any results.
** For example, to search for Argonis's comments, you'd search "<<|_ user:Argonis>>" (thanks Hypnorgasm for the tip)

* you can use the metatag limit:[number of posts per page] to show a specific amount of posts per page (up to 1000/page)
** ex: {{limit:500}}

h4. Bonus stuff (not that useful but still good to know)
* You can find posts with a specific file extension using the ext:[extension] metatag
** ex: {{ext:png}}

* Did you know there's a handy userscript that allows to use the arrow keys to navigate the site easier? More info in forum #96700 (yes this is shameless self-promotion)

* Want to just scroll through the last ~1000 posts without any bloat? For some reason, you can do that <<|here>> (in fact, you can even scrool through tags by adding "?tags=tag1+tag2+tag3" at the end of the url, <<|exemple>>)

h5. API Tips (spoilered because i doubt anyone really cares)
The API is a poorly documented mess that makes little sense, but if you do want to use it, here's what you need to know (and good luck, you'll need it):

* To authenticate with the API, you must that as your cookies:

"login": username
"pass_hash": password_hash

with password_hash being the sha1 hash of your password salted like this:

so if your password is 123, you'd hash:
and the resulting password hash would be:

* There is no .json endpoint for the notes API, you have to use <<|the XML one>> (have fun parsing all that)

* You can use the limit parameter on pretty much all endpoints, and it usually caps at 1000


Not tips per say, but you can find some good tagging practice in <<|THF's post below>>
06/17/21 06:20PM
Putting that separately bc it's very specific, but if you ever want to use the hypnohub API, you can get the "pass_hash" cookie for the site by taking your password, salting it with "choujin-steiner--" + password + "--", then using sha1 on that. (code that does exactly that <<|here>>)
06/17/21 06:40PM
Another tagging tip is to upload the pic before tagging, then hiding it by adding the "hold" tag, and only after that start adding the tags with the double advantage of auto completion and no pressure. Putting the post on hold also allows to grab the first comment in order to add a description/flavor text.

Adding "hold" on the upload page doesn't work, you need to add it afterwards to put the post on hold.

Speaking of tags, here's my list of tags-not-to-forget by order of importance:

- Tags required by rules like loli and shota
- Extreme fetishes and/or common blacklisted tags such as nightmare_fuel, scat, watersports...
- Artist tag, if it doesn't exist yet you need to write it as "artist:[tag_name]"
- Character and copyright tags, they can be created as "char:[tag_name]" and "copy:[tag_name]" respectively
- femdom/femsub/maledom/malesub/futadom/futasub
- yaoi/yuri/futanari, you don't need to add the futanari tag if you already added futadom or futasub (it will be added automatically)

To avoid common bad practices:

- Don't use/create tags called "hypno"/"hypnosis"/"mind_control"... Any image that would not fit these tags is forbidden in here anyway, so they are redundant.
- The "hypno" tag in particular refers to the Pokemon called Hypno
- Only leave the "tagme' tag if you have doubts. Don't leave it because you want other people to do your job tagging the image.
- If you're tagging after uploading, put the post on hold before doing so.
- Spaces in tag names are represented by underscores in the tagging & search boxes, don't use actual spaces in tag names.
- Add the copyright tag "original" to a post that contains OCs

(These 2 lists are not official rules or decided by moderation, they are simply my recommendations based on my experience on the site. The first is the one I try to stick to when posting and the second one is a few of the bad practices I've seen from time to time.)

Another tip: make sure you wait at least 30 seconds after you upload a pic before giving it children posts, otherwise they won't show up.

And last but not least, want to get rid of advertisements, even those your adblocker can't hide? Go subscribe to SlayerDuck's Patreon (it works even for just 1 USD/month) and add your Patreon email in your account info. SlayerDuck is the person in charge of hosting the site, so this money will actually help keep the Hub online. More info here:

Mattlau04 said:
Speaking of tag scripts, they're very useful, you can access them in the "mode" menu under the search bar

Are tags scripts for mods only? I have a use case for them (I need to mass-rename my OC tags to add my username), but I can't find them. For me there's no link called "Tag Scripts" in More, and under "Tags" the "Mass Edit" link leads to a page that just says "disabled". IMO it would make sense that they're accessible only to mods since they make it really easy to wreak havoc, but I'm surprised you talk about them as if it's a tool anyone can use.
06/17/21 07:17PM
Thf772 said:
Are tags scripts for mods only? I have a use case for them (I need to mass-rename my OC tags to add my username), but I can't find them. For me there's no link called "Tag Scripts" in More, and under "Tags" the "Mass Edit" link leads to a page that just says "disabled". IMO it would make sense that they're accessible only to mods since they make it really easy to wreak havoc, but I'm surprised you talk about them as if it's a tool anyone can use.

Nope, it's just the wrong "more" lol
It's <<|this one>>

Thf772 said:
Another tagging tip is to upload the pic before tagging, then hiding it by adding the "hold" tag, and only after that start adding the tags with the double advantage of auto completion and no pressure. Putting the post on hold also allows to grab the first comment in order to add a description/flavor text.

Adding "hold" on the upload page doesn't work, you need to add it afterwards to put the post on hold.

That seems really useful, but adding "hold" to a pic doesn't seem to do anything on my side :/
06/17/21 07:29PM
Mattlau04 said:
Nope, it's just the wrong "more" lol
It's <<|this one>>

That seems really useful, but adding "hold" to a pic doesn't seem to do anything on my side :/

Damn I never noticed that menu, thanks ^^ that's gonna be really useful!

For the hold tag it only works for a really short time after the pic is posted:
06/17/21 07:55PM
Thf772 said:
Damn I never noticed that menu, thanks ^^ that's gonna be really useful!

For the hold tag it only works for a really short time after the pic is posted:

I see, that's really useful
06/17/21 08:01PM
Thf772 said:
Putting the post on hold also allows to grab the first comment in order to add a description/flavor text.

What do you mean by this?

- Artist tag, if it doesn't exist yet you need to write it as "artist:[tag_name]"

I'm fairly sure it's actually "art:[tag_name]"
06/17/21 08:14PM
eldomtom2 said:
What do you mean by this?
I'm fairly sure it's actually "art:[tag_name]"

both work

just like you can use copy: or copyright: / char: or character:
06/17/21 08:42PM
eldomtom2 said:
What do you mean by this?

Awkward wording for "it will let you post the first comment"
06/17/21 08:50PM
Thf772 said:
Another tagging tip is to upload the pic before tagging, then hiding it by adding the "hold" tag, and only after that start adding the tags with the double advantage of auto completion and no pressure. Putting the post on hold also allows to grab the first comment in order to add a description/flavor text.

Adding "hold" on the upload page doesn't work, you need to add it afterwards to put the post on hold.

Use the "hide" tag instead. it does the same thing but does work on the upload page.
06/17/21 08:59PM
Rotem_Dishon said:
Use the "hide" tag instead. it does the same thing but does work on the upload page.

It's not exactly the same. When hidden the post will still show up in tag search, it just removes it from the front page. When held, only you can see the post, and there's a message at the top of the screen reminding you that it's not published yet, with a link to quickly make it public.

I think the intended purpose of hidden posts is for when you have a long series posted in one go, you hide most of the pics so you don't clutter the front page but they can still be viewed by following the pool links.

Both have their pros and cons I guess. Personally, I use hold ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
06/17/21 09:06PM
Thf772 said:
Awkward wording for "it will let you post the first comment"

People who upload at a reasonable time of day: uses hold.

People who don't upload at smart hours: <<|Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!>>

(Jk these tips are very helpful thank you)
06/18/21 09:28PM
I don't suppose there's some sort of batch uploading feature, is there? I'm considering uploading my own most recent work from Deviantart that's got about 30 pages.
The "hold" feature mentioned above seems useful, but it'd be even better if you could do some sort of batch upload :\
06/18/21 09:56PM
TheMadPrince said:
I don't suppose there's some sort of batch uploading feature, is there? I'm considering uploading my own most recent work from Deviantart that's got about 30 pages.
The "hold" feature mentioned above seems useful, but it'd be even better if you could do some sort of batch upload :\

I mean, you can use the API to do the dirty work (I made myself a nice pool uploader that way), or use something like <<|booru mass uploader>> (been a while since I used it, but it worked fine on the hub last time I tested)

Also fun fact, myimouto (what hypnohub is running) has a bulk uploader feature. Not sure how to access it, I think it's probably but that requires mod perms
06/19/21 12:06AM
Mattlau04 said:
I mean, you can use the API to do the dirty work (I made myself a nice pool uploader that way), or use something like <<|booru mass uploader>> (been a while since I used it, but it worked fine on the hub last time I tested)

Also fun fact, myimouto (what hypnohub is running) has a bulk uploader feature. Not sure how to access it, I think it's probably but that requires mod perms

Thanks, I didn't know that existed.
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