08/17/13 08:29AM
So I want to post a few manips that I made so I want to make a tag for myself and since they are loli I know I need to add that tageas well, but I'm not used to posting on a booru so what level of accurate tagging is expected, also how do I add a new tag?
08/17/13 08:32AM
How do you make a new tag? Just by typing it. Tags are automatically created if it hasn't been used before.

This is the basic stuff we want tagged as often as possible:
08/18/13 07:59AM
Don't know how I missed that. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. My first two are up and I have some plans for more soon. gotta support the new site. :)
08/18/13 11:12AM
I have a quick question myself... when it comes to adding a new artist, since now the tags are colour-coded, how would we go about editing the tag to be an artist tag?

Sorry if its an obvious answer, this is actually my first time not lurking... :/
08/18/13 11:17AM
There are 2 ways to do it, but the easiest is, when you add the tag, type it as "art:artist". You can also edit a tag this way.

The prefixes you can use are:

* art: (for artists)
* copy: (for copyrights)
* char: (for characters)
08/18/13 11:19AM
Ah I got it now, thanks Mindwipe!
08/18/13 10:12PM
This is a minor thing but does anyone think we should make a cross-over tag? It would be a tag for characters appearing with characters of another series.
08/18/13 10:36PM
You mean like the "crossover" tag we already have?
08/19/13 02:17AM
lol didn't see it on one of the images soo I thought we didn't use it. Sorry...
08/19/13 04:15AM
Just a thought, some sort of lolidom/shotadom tags might be good.
08/19/13 07:21AM
sleepymaid said:
Just a thought, some sort of lolidom/shotadom tags might be good.

Well, I'm certainly not against that, I suppose. The small controlling the large is a fetish in and of itself. Though, with the femdom and maledom tags already in place, I would prefer a gender neutral lolidom tag that would work for shota, too.

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