06/27/21 09:43AM
Is there an etiquette for re-uploading revised posts?
I'm unhappy with how a recent post of mine turned out and am strongly considering re-uploading a revised version of it. However, the changes are relatively minor (if sufficiently irritating that I want to address them), and I don't want to appear as though I'm trying to game the system. Is there a preferred way to go about this?

EDIT: After some thought, I think I'm actually fine with the post in question, but I'd still like to know this information for the future.
06/27/21 11:22AM
Generally, the accepted method is to post the new picture, then flag the old one with "Revised version uploaded". After that, the mods will take care of deleting the old post.

Of course, given you're the uploader of both, you *could* just delete the old post yourself.

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