07/06/21 07:15AM
Bodily Reactions of Hypnotic Binuarals and Visuals.
I've noticed that occasionally when im watching hypnotic visuals or binuarals, that my body will begin to involuntarily's inconsistent, doesn't occur under any other circumstances, only happens when i'm extremely excited (or horny) and doesn't show any signs of occurring again once i'm finished. Should i be concerned?
07/07/21 02:59AM
I'm not a doctor, but I have family who are medical professionals. Since I am not... I'll say, go seek advice of an *actual* medical professional. It could be anything; the human body is weird in so many ways, and as many of us here know, mind over matter... But since I doubt more than one or two hubians are employed in the medical field at all... Just go see a doctor about it. Phrase it however you like as long as it gives all relevant details (physical feelings, mental state at time of experience (and overall) and effects, emotions, your dietary habits, any unusual spikes of adrenaline you may have felt recently, recent troubling/traumatic experiences, etc).
"I like guided meditation with these elements"
"I play lots of relaxing video games that include X, Y, and Z"
"When I feel strong emotions, usually excitement or... 'excitement', I experience this"
are just a few examples. Or, if you're feeling exceptionally bold, just be 100% forthcoming and be like "yea, I'm into hypnosis, I watch a lot of audio/visual stuff for it, it's trippy, this thing happens. what do?

Hospitals/doctors aren't something everyone may be comfortable with, but usually they're just trying to do what they can to help within their means. If you must, get multiple doctors' opinions.
Hope it's nothing serious! Please update when you can!
07/07/21 08:56AM
I have the same thing and It can kill immersion, the only difference is more like twitching. But the inconsistency is the same. My only guess is that I live my life constantly stressed, tensed, and unable to trust most around me. So when something like hypnosis comes along, something that makes you relax and give in it is very different and hard to get into. Causing my muscles to twitch.

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