07/12/21 05:57AM
Hunter X Hunter Spell Cards
So Hunter X Hunter has an in-universe Sword Art Online style game called Greed Island, and there are different spell cards which have crazy abilities. I found some MC Themed Cards and would be good ideas for some potential HxH pics.
062 - Club “You Rule”. Everyone in the club will do your bidding while you are there. However, one hour in the club equals a day outside.
064 - Witch’s Love Potion. Kiss a pill and have your intended drink it, and he or she will fall in love with you. One pill lasts one week; one vial contains 500 pills.
071 - Mad Scientist’s Pheromones. Spray on your body to attract the opposite sex. However, you cannot adjust the strength of its effect, so be careful as it may cause a proliferation of stalkers.
028 - Capricious Remote. A remote control to manipulate ten emotions someone feels toward someone else, on an intensity scale of 1-10. (You cannot control how people feel toward you.)
33 - Hormone Cookies. After eating this candy, your sex will temporarily change for 24 hours. A set of 10 boxes; 20 cookies per box.
My idea was to have some generic hunter lure HxH characters into Club “You Rule”, make them take the love potion and pheromones (and hormone cookies if you’re into gender swapping) and turn them into love slaves.

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