07/16/21 06:22PM
HH Bingo
Hi, I'm new here(at least account-wise) and had an idea for something to boost new artist creativity. I wanted to make a bingo card that has spaces for different things to do with the site over a set period of time. Stuff like use 200 different tags, draw 20 induction methods, favorite (insert number of posts), etc. over a six month period. I guess it's a bit similar to those posts I see on twitter. It probably wouldn't work well for people who have been making art and posting for a long time but it seems like an interesting to me. Has anyone ever thought about something this before?
07/17/21 02:42AM
HH Bingo...

Honestly that sounds like a game the hub's tists could play. 25 of the hubs most submissive characters. Whoever gets five in a row first wins. Erika is the free space.

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