07/17/21 04:32AM
Furrwhore is leaving the hub
Yep, I’m leaving. I thought I’d tell everyone instead of fading into obscurity and leaving people to worry about my health or something.

I’ve gotten into a bit of hot water using other people’s art in the past, and I don’t want to go through that again. I was lucky enough for said artist not to mention legal action, and even if it was just a minor caption edit, I very well may have gotten into much more trouble. The fear of receiving copyright claims and lawsuits from doing stupid little edits, while somewhat irrational, has terrified me to the point of sleeplessness. I’ve gotten better at handling this, and even started checking artists’ bios to see if they allowed free use of their work (which I strongly encourage every manipper to do), but the constant fear of them finding it and deciding to take action anyway has slowly been killing my love for the hobby. Every caption I make could become a court case in my mind.

While I know the chances of artists taking legal action against a niche hypnofetish captioneer like me are very small, I know the gamble isn’t worth the risk of entertaining a few hundred people. So I’ve decided that I won’t be posting captions to this site anymore.

Along with this, hypnosis as a fetish is something I really don’t want to involve myself in. I’ve recently tried to make my stories as consensual as possible, aside from a very few outliers. I hate the idea of seeing other people forced into sex without their say-so, and the longer I expose myself to the content featuring such things on this site, the more likely I am for it to develop into a full blown kink.

Of course, this is my own opinion. I’m not here to argue, and I’m definitely not here to label every person with a hypnosis kink a future rapist. This community has been one of the most friendly and accepting I’ve met, but the core concept of the site is something I’d rather avoid.

If my past manips somehow violate guidelines or the original artist wants them removed, by all means, mods have the right to delete them, but I would rather have them stay up after I leave.

Also, finally, my FRCU series of captions seemed to be quite popular, and without me being around to continue it, I give permission to any writer/manipper to add to or copy from my story as they see fit. I don’t expect anyone to do so, but the option is there if you’re a fan. You may also translate my captions into different languages and post them to different sites. They’re yours.

Sorry if any of that sounded too egotistical or hateful. I truly loved this community and the positive feedback you provided me. My mental health comes before friendly fandoms, however. Just know that I’ll miss you all :)

Thank you for reading. I know this may be too wordy an explanation.

tl;dr- I’m leaving because I’m scared of possible legal troubles with artists and developing a rape fetish. I’d prefer if my content stayed up, as well.
07/17/21 08:03AM
Thanks for the manips, dude. I appreciate it.
07/17/21 08:26AM
Kind of sad ngl, looking back I had favorited some of your stuff so, sad to see ya go.
07/17/21 07:58PM
Do what you feel you've got to do, man. I'm sort of in the opposite boat, having only discovered my hypnokink about a year or two ago, and only joining the hub in the last few months. Despite the fact that I'm big into hypnosis, rape is a huge turn-off for me, and I don't ever see that changing. I think I'm fine with hypno because of two things.

One, hypnosis is like turbo-seduction. You're making the other person want to have sex with you. Even when they resist, they're resisting in the sense that they're trying not to be incredibly attracted to you, not in the sense that you're physically forcing yourself on them. The partner is never unwilling by the end, and is usually, in fact, quite eager. It sorta scratches the same itch that BDSM does, but in a different way. I mean sure, they're not really "consenting" in any way that would pass real-world muster, but that leads into my next point...

Two, it's all make-believe. Or at least, the type of sexual hypnosis I like is. There's no real equivalent, so, to me, it doesn't have the same baggage of "this actually happens to real people." A manip of a big-titted woman making me cum my brains out, or an image of a hot anime girl with spirals in her eyes doesn't make me feel guilty liking it, because I know it can't really happen that way. It's quite possible to have a kink for something that's totally fictional, after all. (Side note: Why the fuck is magic so underused in porn of magical characters?)

Anyway, your feelings are valid, and I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. Just offering my perspective as someone who recently discovered this part of themselves and has more-or-less come to terms with it.
07/20/21 06:12AM
Sucks to see you go, you were one of my favorites. It's understandable though.
07/21/21 12:25AM
Gonna miss you dude. You did some great stuff. Sorry you have to go
07/22/21 04:50AM
Furrwhore said:
Yep, I’m leaving. I thought I’d tell everyone instead of fading into obscurity and leaving people to worry about my health or something.

I’ve gotten into a bit of hot water using other people’s art in the past, and I don’t want to go through that again. I was lucky enough for said artist not to mention legal action, and even if it was just a minor caption edit, I very well may have gotten into much more trouble. The fear of receiving copyright claims and lawsuits from doing stupid little edits, while somewhat irrational, has terrified me to the point of sleeplessness. I’ve gotten better at handling this, and even started checking artists’ bios to see if they allowed free use of their work (which I strongly encourage every manipper to do), but the constant fear of them finding it and deciding to take action anyway has slowly been killing my love for the hobby. Every caption I make could become a court case in my mind.

While I know the chances of artists taking legal action against a niche hypnofetish captioneer like me are very small, I know the gamble isn’t worth the risk of entertaining a few hundred people. So I’ve decided that I won’t be posting captions to this site anymore.

Along with this, hypnosis as a fetish is something I really don’t want to involve myself in. I’ve recently tried to make my stories as consensual as possible, aside from a very few outliers. I hate the idea of seeing other people forced into sex without their say-so, and the longer I expose myself to the content featuring such things on this site, the more likely I am for it to develop into a full blown kink.

Of course, this is my own opinion. I’m not here to argue, and I’m definitely not here to label every person with a hypnosis kink a future rapist. This community has been one of the most friendly and accepting I’ve met, but the core concept of the site is something I’d rather avoid.

If my past manips somehow violate guidelines or the original artist wants them removed, by all means, mods have the right to delete them, but I would rather have them stay up after I leave.

Also, finally, my FRCU series of captions seemed to be quite popular, and without me being around to continue it, I give permission to any writer/manipper to add to or copy from my story as they see fit. I don’t expect anyone to do so, but the option is there if you’re a fan. You may also translate my captions into different languages and post them to different sites. They’re yours.

Sorry if any of that sounded too egotistical or hateful. I truly loved this community and the positive feedback you provided me. My mental health comes before friendly fandoms, however. Just know that I’ll miss you all :)

Thank you for reading. I know this may be too wordy an explanation.

tl;dr- I’m leaving because I’m scared of possible legal troubles with artists and developing a rape fetish. I’d prefer if my content stayed up, as well.

You're probably long gone by now, but on the off chance you're still checking this page, I want to give my two cents.

I can understand fearing legal action. It's a risk anyone takes when using another person's ideas or characters. The best advice I could probably give would be to get the greenlight from the original artist before posting. Maybe type up the story, and send it their way to get their feedback. Also reassure them that they'll be credited as the artist, if they so wish, and the site won't make any money off their work.

As for the fetish part, what I do to reassure myself is acknowledge that everything here is fictional, and that I wouldn't feel the same way if was happening to someone in real life. Most of the tags I search for can only happen fictionally, outside of roleplay with a partner. If it gets to a point where I'm imagining myself is either an abusive or self destructive scenario, then I back off. There is a thread stickied to the top of the forum with a list of numbers for those in emotional need as well.

As for hypnosis itself, I wouldn't say that it and non-consent/rape are mutually exclusive. In fact, hypnosis IRL requires consent and trust between partners. No one can put you under without you knowing about it, or vice versa. There are cases of breaking someone through torture and classical conditioning, among other things, but that's an entirely different beast. Still, if you want to leave, go do what's best for you, and I wish you the best of luck.
07/22/21 10:20AM
Novadrone said:

As for the fetish part, what I do to reassure myself is acknowledge that everything here is fictional, and that I wouldn't feel the same way if was happening to someone in real life.

This is what I do.

And frankly, I find it incredibly and ridiculously simple and easy to do so.

So much so to the point that I seriously question anyone who would even imply otherwise, or somehow act as if that is not the simplest solution in the world.

As for hypnosis itself, I wouldn't say that it and non-consent/rape are mutually exclusive.

I wouldn't JUST say that isn't, I even so much as flat out 100% vehemently disagree that it even remotely has to be even slightly viewed as such if YOU don't want to.

I certainly don't.

I know this is going to come off as possibly seen as somewhat confrontational, maybe even rude, but I'm gonna frankly speak my mind on this.

While it seems to many here that are calling this point of view "understandable" or "reasonable" and showing respect for it....

I'll be blunt. I honestly don't respect it and would even go as far as saying it's untrue, insulting and a load of crap.

Only one as an individual themselves are directly responsible for how much involvement in the extreme ends of the fetish they CHOOSE to tread into deeper waters with, while there is actually every single shade of grey possible in the transition from pure white to solid black on the matter.

It's not all or nothing, and thus no reason to leave over it for this view. You set the volume of your own involvement. The community doesn't just do this FOR you, and you don't have to take what YOU see as THEIR standards to inform that view FOR you.

Don't want to associate it with rape? Then just don't. Not hard. Nothing I do, care about, or look at around here has anything to do with it.

Don't want to feel guilt? Then realize it's just fictional, and thus completely harmless and inapplicable from reality. Easy. All you needed to do.

I would think any well adjusted, normal human being who isn't going to wind up on the news for their own actions that they choose to do or not do, knows how to do this, correct?

I don't know much about the "legal" aspects you're talking about, nor do I get it. But if YOU don't think you're going to wind up in jail for rape, than what EXACTLY is the issue, here?

Don't want to indulge in the darkest part of the community? Then simply adjust your own ability to look away from, set blacklists of visibility, and the level of art you're willing to write or create accordingly, and presto. There ya go.

I've been able to do that since the beginning with nothing but the bare handful minimum of reasonable common sense. If I can, literally anyone can too.

I'm free to disagree with some of the content and depictions of things that other people in this community do. Anyone is. It's not like I go around kink-shaming or publicly calling it out or anything, but I just discard the darker parts OF the community from my mind as being "not for me" and move on.

That doesn't mean I have to stop liking the things here that I DO. The smaller aspects that appeal to me. That's why i'm here. That's why I would ASSUME anyone is, or ever WAS.

The vast, vast majority of my stuff never really goes into the realm of the hentai explicit simply because I CHOOSE not to. But i'm still here, because I understand the concept of the freedom to choose one's own level involvement other than the 2 extreme choices of "ON' or "OFF".

You only get as much from any given community fetish, hobby or interest as you're willing to put into it, your own self. But it's a volume dial, not a light switch. The way I see it, to oversimplify it to just the light switch mentality, is an insult to anyone who knows better. There are numbers between 1 and 100.

You're free to leave, as anyone is, of course. It's not going to really matter that much to me 10 minutes from now, don't get me wrong. Do what you want.

But as much as that's true, I'm definitely free to think your reasons are completely asinine and absurd and make no reasonable sense to me, as someone whose known how to manage one's one personal expectations about how involved I choose to be involved in the smaller, shallower end of the hypnofetish scene while maintaining my own personal sense of strong ethics about it for at least the last 17 long years.

If you or anyone else's notebook of ethics and personal common sense really are that weak than bye I guess. I'll probably still be here for the next 20 years or until I die, even if that means I just put up some kind of lame, basic zombie walk picture that 10% of people even care about 5 times every other year or so.

Not because I have any particularly strong love the community or want to suck up to anyone in particular, nor do I want everyone's mindset to become my mindset or get paranoid that it will, or anything. But just because it's only as fun as I want it to me, or like doing only want I want to do and nothing more.

Because at least I have no pretensions about myself other than knowing that's probably all i'll ever really do, because that's all I really ever WANT to do.

Basically, when it comes down to it....

If you don't wanna play football, don't sign up for football tryouts in the first place.

Least of all, decide in the MIDDLE of the game that you never liked practice, running or being tackled anyway, while pointedly remarking to the team that you didn't want to catch a disease in the showers on your way out.
07/23/21 10:20PM
Furrwhore said:
Yep, I’m leaving. I thought I’d tell everyone instead of fading into obscurity and leaving people to worry about my health or something.

I’ve gotten into a bit of hot water using other people’s art in the past, and I don’t want to go through that again. I was lucky enough for said artist not to mention legal action, and even if it was just a minor caption edit, I very well may have gotten into much more trouble. The fear of receiving copyright claims and lawsuits from doing stupid little edits, while somewhat irrational, has terrified me to the point of sleeplessness. I’ve gotten better at handling this, and even started checking artists’ bios to see if they allowed free use of their work (which I strongly encourage every manipper to do), but the constant fear of them finding it and deciding to take action anyway has slowly been killing my love for the hobby. Every caption I make could become a court case in my mind.

While I know the chances of artists taking legal action against a niche hypnofetish captioneer like me are very small, I know the gamble isn’t worth the risk of entertaining a few hundred people. So I’ve decided that I won’t be posting captions to this site anymore.

Along with this, hypnosis as a fetish is something I really don’t want to involve myself in. I’ve recently tried to make my stories as consensual as possible, aside from a very few outliers. I hate the idea of seeing other people forced into sex without their say-so, and the longer I expose myself to the content featuring such things on this site, the more likely I am for it to develop into a full blown kink.

Of course, this is my own opinion. I’m not here to argue, and I’m definitely not here to label every person with a hypnosis kink a future rapist. This community has been one of the most friendly and accepting I’ve met, but the core concept of the site is something I’d rather avoid.

If my past manips somehow violate guidelines or the original artist wants them removed, by all means, mods have the right to delete them, but I would rather have them stay up after I leave.

Also, finally, my FRCU series of captions seemed to be quite popular, and without me being around to continue it, I give permission to any writer/manipper to add to or copy from my story as they see fit. I don’t expect anyone to do so, but the option is there if you’re a fan. You may also translate my captions into different languages and post them to different sites. They’re yours.

Sorry if any of that sounded too egotistical or hateful. I truly loved this community and the positive feedback you provided me. My mental health comes before friendly fandoms, however. Just know that I’ll miss you all :)

Thank you for reading. I know this may be too wordy an explanation.

tl;dr- I’m leaving because I’m scared of possible legal troubles with artists and developing a rape fetish. I’d prefer if my content stayed up, as well.

Goodbye Furr. Your comment on the Old Republic character by calling him " Space Jesus " is an all time classic comment. My quote for you furr if you ever see this is " When you look at the dark side, careful you must be. For the dark side looks back " ~ Yoda - Return of the Jedi ".

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