07/19/21 07:47AM
I want to make a lewd RPG Maker game
Yeah, so for once, I'm gonna try and create a lewd game. I do have two ideas for the game, but I don't know which one to focus on so I need a little bit of help. I will leave the the concepts and the poll for it below.

Senzuri High - Based on the hentai comic series of the same name. In an alternate reality, follow the exploits of three different characters that must survive the troubles of high school, as well as users of magical devices made to control known as the Saimin Ars.

Double Minded: Duality - Follow the adventures of Max M. Masters, a clever and heroic inventor, and Demon, a mischeivious and perverted troublemaker, as they work together along with their allies to either save the world or conquer it, while getting slaves along the way.

07/19/21 12:35PM
If I could make a suggestion - these two concepts, while they're both interesting and I'd love to see them in action, seem like they might be very large in scale. Since you're saying "for once, I'm gonna try and create a lewd game", it doesn't sound to me like you have experience creating games (unless you've already designed non-lewd games, in which case I apologize and please ignore all of the following).
I would suggest starting smaller. Maybe just a game made of a singular level, or a short game with a couple characters. This would enable you to get the grasp of the engine, as well as to practice with a workflow when it comes to creating something like this. Once you've designed smaller games, you can move up to creating stuff that is a bit more ambitious, because you know that you're able to finish projects and RPG Maker doesn't bother you.

As someone who's tried, several times, to create amateur games, both MC and not, believe me that the idea of immediately jumping into this big, wide thing with lots of gameplay and a long storyline is tempting, but, unless you're focused as all hell, extremely persistent, and willing to continue to work even if you get discouraged, I think it often ends up failing. Obviously, there are exceptions; some creators do manage to make big games from very little.

I hope this doesn't come off as me discouraging you, by the way, I'm just trying to provide sensible feedback and perspective. I've seen way too many big ambitious MC game projects start and then peter off when their creators lost motivation (including some of my own) to not be wary when first-time creators suggest they're going for big games.

As I said above, though, there are exceptions. It's also possible that you don't care about these risks, and want to try a big game anyway. Or perhaps I'm overestimating the size of what you intend on creating. Feel free to disregard my entire comment if you don't think it applies to you. Either way, I wish you the best of luck.
07/19/21 02:35PM
I do appreciate the concern and I understand how big these two really seem. Which is why I plan on making a demo of the concept to really to get a feel of the engine. It will be fairly small, have a couple of characters and will have the story being the prologue and/or what I believe would be an appropriate first chapter for the games.

Thank you for voicing these concerns and I hope this response offers some sort of relief to you.
07/19/21 06:19PM
I used to be just the English localizer for Slaver's Quest, and since then, I've stepped up and taken on a few more responsibilities.

I will say that from personal experience, and as someone who is trying to help make Slaver's Quest be a complete, stellar game, that if you choose to move past a demo, and depending on the level of quality you want it to have and the scope of the game, it could be an incredible amount of work.

By that same token, it could also be very rewarding and an incredible opportunity for you to grow.

Making a demo is a really good idea for you to test the waters.

<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=67h8GyNgEmA|I will be watching your career with great interest.>>
07/19/21 11:00PM
Hypnofav1228 said:
I do appreciate the concern and I understand how big these two really seem. Which is why I plan on making a demo of the concept to really to get a feel of the engine. It will be fairly small, have a couple of characters and will have the story being the prologue and/or what I believe would be an appropriate first chapter for the games.

Thank you for voicing these concerns and I hope this response offers some sort of relief to you.

All right, yeah, that sounds good
07/20/21 01:26PM
Voted for duality. High sounds like boring school stuff. gibbe conceptual experiences.
07/22/21 09:46PM
Well with a score of 25 to 20, Double Minded: Duality wins the poll. Time to work on a demo.
02/11/22 07:07PM
Sorry about the pause. Been dealing with stuff. Currently working on an outline for the story of the prologue demo for Double Minded: Duality. Also I'm gonna need a way to make custom rpg maker sprites. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
02/12/22 02:49AM
Hypnofav1228 said:
Also I'm gonna need a way to make custom rpg maker sprites. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Aseprite is a very good/affordable pixel art software.

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