07/26/21 12:45AM
Descriptions of technological brainwashing
Do you have a favourite description of technological brainwashing? I'm looking for inspiration for a story I'm writing.

My personal favourite (or at least one of them) is from Planetary by Fool's Page (it's on the EMCSA, if you want to find it yourself). The actual story isn't that great, but these few paragraphs are excellent:

NO! she thought, too late. I don’t want to be a whore!! I don’t want to be a whore!!!

Then harsher lights and sounds from the headset started, drowning her mind in overwhelming sensations.

I don’t want to be a… a… I don’t… I want… no… I… ?

At first, the spiraling colors and pulsating rhythms were painful. The lights were too sharp and too piercing. The sounds were a cacophony. To Melissa’s horror, though, as time wore on, as she felt her most integral sense of self soften under the onslaught, the flowing patterns of light became smoother, the noises less throbbing. They became peaceful, and a warmth began to fill her belly and her breasts, a sexual warmth beyond any she had previously experienced. She knew without needing to be told that it wasn’t the sensory input on her mind that was changing, that was becoming less intense by the minute. Rather, it was that she was changing, that it was her mind that was being molded, a container being shaped by that which was poured into it. Melissa’s newfound awareness of her own resistance crumbled. No; not crumbled. Melted. Dissolved. Consumed as easily as tissue paper in a roaring fire.

…want… no… whore… I want… I want… am… no… I… I want to be… a whore…

It was beyond her ability to resist. It was as simple as that. Too many girls like her had been in her place. Too many had been treated by Planetary for them not to know what to do. Melissa succumbed to Erotic Processing. Her brief second of rebellion passed completely unnoticed.

…I… I want… I want to be a whore… I want… I am… I am a whore… I am a whore….

Her thoughts, never that sophisticated to begin with, not that that was ever her fault, became, under the lights and sounds of Planetary’s higher level televisual techniques, even more rudimentary. They began to focus on an important topic, a central concern for a girl of her background and future rank.

I want… I am… a whore… I am a whore… I want… I want dick… whore… dick….

The lights and sounds were really so soothing, so relaxing.

I want dick… whore… dick… I am a whore… serve… I serve… purpose… whore… dick…

She needed a dick. She really, truly needed a dick. She needed to be fucked. She needed to be used. That was what girls like her were for. To be used. To be fucked. She needed to be fucked. She needed to have a dick inside her. She needed to obey. That was what girls like her did. They obeyed. She wanted to obey. She needed to obey. Obedience was pleasure.

Obedience was her Purpose. Progress required Purpose. Her Purpose was Pleasure.

And Pleasure was Good.

Pleasure—giving Pleasure, being used for Pleasure—was very, very Good.
07/27/21 02:27AM
I am not sure if you are talking about the induction process or about the operation of the device, however this one is one of the most detailed description i have found and it's pretty interesting
(from a h-doujin)
"This is a biological controller that I have developed with the honor of being the head of the science department. It is a technology that controls the movement of vertebrates by attaching electrodes to their skin and sending a weak electric current of a few milliamps to stimulate their nerves.
It's a further application of the technology based on the fact that the vestibular sense of the brain, which senses the direction of gravity, changes according to the direction of the electrodes. Specifically, the gravity is felt to shift to the positive side, causing the organism to unconsciously turn in that direction.)"
07/27/21 06:00AM
Both, really.
07/27/21 10:49PM
Here's a great one from "The Reality" (on EMCSA, by J. Darksong and asianpersuasion, Chapter 23):

“Hmmm... don’t remember this screensaver,” she murmured, yawning sleepily again, shaking her mouse to disperse it. “Hmmm... let’s see. Oh. Looks like he left me an email,” she said, clicking it open. Her eyes scrolled down the long boring report, causing her to yawn again. She really was very sleepy, and would normally have called it a night by now, but she wanted to know what Marion had discovered. She paused, frowning slightly, losing her train of thought for the moment. The static sound had gotten more noticeable suddenly, seeming to come from the computer speakers as well as the surround sound, and while she’d sat there, pondering what to do about it, her screensaver had kicked in again. Shaking her head, she deactivated it, returning to the email. “Damn... lost my place,” she murmured woodenly, scrolling back up to the top to begin again.

Fifteen minutes later, Amanda Faraday sat in her chair, staring idly at the myriad colors dancing before her glazed over eyes, her lips moving softly, silently echoing the words being softly whispered into her mind. Suddenly, she blinked, her hand moving the mouse once again to disperse the hypnotic screensaver. Moving to the email, she slowly clicked the tab, closing and deleting it from her mailbox, then closed it completely before clicking on a new rainbow colored icon in the middle of the screen. A text file opened, a black page, but as she stared, spellbound, words began to appear, as if someone were writing them in real time. As each statement or question was posted, she would respond verbally, her answer spoken automatically, yet the text continued, as if the computer was somehow aware of her speaking.

“Mmmm... yes,” she murmured softly, nodding. “Yes, I am sleeping.”

“Yes. My mind is still. My thoughts are still. I am asleep.”

“Hnnn... nnn... y-yes. I will... I will.... o... obey.”

“My will is sleep. My resistance is sleeping. I will o... obey. I will o-obey... I will... obey.”

“Good girl. Yes.... mmmm... good girls are rewarded,” she murmured softly, a hand slipping down between her thighs, gently teasing and stroking herself to arousal. “Ohhhh... mmmm... yes, yes... good girls obey... I am a good girl.”


I've had an idea to write some stories myself around a device originally intended to record brainwaves, but modified and amplified so it can project signals into the brain. In particular, it induces <<en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_wave|delta waves>> in the brain, which puts the subject into a half-asleep state susceptible to brainwashing, receiving commands, etc.

As far as the induction goes, I have a few ideas:

1. The subject is led to believe she is participating in some kind of brain-mapping experiment, and is shown simple cognitive tests on a video screen -- "repeat the word in the green box", "count how many dogs have spots", that sort of thing -- but as the test goes on, and the brainwave modulator ramps up its effect, it turns into a brainwashing session, where she is shown commands on screen to repeat out loud.

2. Similar to the above, but the "test" is to watch a video and pick out words shown through "distracting visual phenomena" -- static, colored rings, spirals, whatever. The words start out innocently enough, but before too long, she's staring into the screen and repeating words of submission.

3. The subject is led to believe she is participating in a sleep study, but after she falls asleep, the operator wakes her up, using the modulator to keep her brain in a dreaming state while he issues commands, which she repeats in a sleepy, distant voice.

4. Similar to the above, but she thinks she's going through a 'biofeedback' test where she is shown some pulsing shapes that correspond to her breathing, heartbeat, and brain activity, and asked to relax her body and empty her mind. Hypnosis ensues.
07/28/21 02:59AM
8-bit's long since deleted <<web.archive.org/web/20090...es.com/Helpers/index.html|Helpers>>. Also, Tabico's <<mcstories.com/SubRoutine/index.html|Sub Routine>>.

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