08/05/21 05:20AM
Filthy 3D Animator Here, Cannot Upload Any GIFs to the Hub
Hi there, I'm that bloke that makes the most random hypno content in the third dimension, sometimes that's okay and other times it really fucking bad.

I'm here today not to complain about there being no good method for posting my content on the Hub but rather that I can't post my content here at all. In theory I could upload a .png file and link to the animation but that just doesn't really sit right with me unless the project is like... 4 minutes long or something too absurd for a GIF to handle. And I'm the fucker that has split animations in two multiple times just to be able to post them here at all.

Now to circle back around to my issue,
I go to Upload Post and select my .gif file to upload. The upload proceeds pretty normally until it reaches 100% where it then pauses for a moment before it just resets back to how the page was before I hit upload. Hitting refresh on the page does indeed refresh the page like normal while hitting Ctrl+F5 immediately after the page resets like this consistently produces an error code of 'The web server reported a bad gateway error.' Doing this at any other time just refreshes the page without the error coming up.

The last files I attempted to upload were 36MB, 74MB, 24MB, and 56MB. Here is a link to the last one on MEGA:

All of them had identical results across various browsers and internet connections. Cleared the site data from each browser even and used various clients.

Tested Browsers:
Firefox (PC + Mobile)
Chrome (PC + Mobile)
Edge (PC)

Mobile ones were tested on my home internet, my cellular data, and then also at a friend's house just to check if maybe my connection was the issue.
08/05/21 05:30AM
I've found that compressing the absolute shite out of it helps. And only posting a small portion of it
08/05/21 06:05AM
It doesn't show your uploads as being deleted or anything so i don't know how to fix this problem.
08/05/21 08:11AM
ItSwingsBothWays said:
Hi there, I'm that bloke that makes the most random hypno content in the third dimension, sometimes that's okay and other times it really fucking bad.

I'm here today not to complain about there being no good method for posting my content on the Hub but rather that I can't post my content here at all. In theory I could upload a .png file and link to the animation but that just doesn't really sit right with me unless the project is like... 4 minutes long or something too absurd for a GIF to handle. And I'm the fucker that has split animations in two multiple times just to be able to post them here at all.

Now to circle back around to my issue,
I go to Upload Post and select my .gif file to upload. The upload proceeds pretty normally until it reaches 100% where it then pauses for a moment before it just resets back to how the page was before I hit upload. Hitting refresh on the page does indeed refresh the page like normal while hitting Ctrl+F5 immediately after the page resets like this consistently produces an error code of 'The web server reported a bad gateway error.' Doing this at any other time just refreshes the page without the error coming up.

The last files I attempted to upload were 36MB, 74MB, 24MB, and 56MB. Here is a link to the last one on MEGA:

All of them had identical results across various browsers and internet connections. Cleared the site data from each browser even and used various clients.

Tested Browsers:
Firefox (PC + Mobile)
Chrome (PC + Mobile)
Edge (PC)

Mobile ones were tested on my home internet, my cellular data, and then also at a friend's house just to check if maybe my connection was the issue.

I have the same problem (I even made a thread about it too) but I found out that it just seems to do that sometimes. There have been days where what you described happened on a 30mb gif and there have been days where uploading an 80mb gif was a matter of seconds.

So I'd just suggest waiting and probably retrying some time later (I've been stuck on a 70mb gif since 3 days though, but a week ago uploading 80mb worked fine).
08/05/21 09:09PM
ItSwingsBothWays said:
Hi there, I'm that bloke that makes the most random hypno content in the third dimension, sometimes that's okay and other times it really fucking bad.

I'm here today not to complain about there being no good method for posting my content on the Hub but rather that I can't post my content here at all. In theory I could upload a .png file and link to the animation but that just doesn't really sit right with me unless the project is like... 4 minutes long or something too absurd for a GIF to handle. And I'm the fucker that has split animations in two multiple times just to be able to post them here at all.

Now to circle back around to my issue,
I go to Upload Post and select my .gif file to upload. The upload proceeds pretty normally until it reaches 100% where it then pauses for a moment before it just resets back to how the page was before I hit upload. Hitting refresh on the page does indeed refresh the page like normal while hitting Ctrl+F5 immediately after the page resets like this consistently produces an error code of 'The web server reported a bad gateway error.' Doing this at any other time just refreshes the page without the error coming up.

The last files I attempted to upload were 36MB, 74MB, 24MB, and 56MB. Here is a link to the last one on MEGA:

All of them had identical results across various browsers and internet connections. Cleared the site data from each browser even and used various clients.

Tested Browsers:
Firefox (PC + Mobile)
Chrome (PC + Mobile)
Edge (PC)

Mobile ones were tested on my home internet, my cellular data, and then also at a friend's house just to check if maybe my connection was the issue.

The same error happen to me a few days ago, just retrying with a VPN did the trick somehow, but the "Bad Gateway" errors are some of the hardest error to diagnose since they are server-side errors

I think the only real thing you can do is pray the luck god that your request goes through (or try and use the API directly)

Side note: the size of the file probably isn't a problem, you can upload up to 100mb then it blocks the upload

Other side note: the animating is great, amazing job!
08/05/21 11:09PM
So if I may recommend something, why not just make a still or a very short loop from the animation and link to the full version in the source?
08/06/21 12:00AM
Welp i just uploaded a gif to the hub just fine with no problem. If you don't mind, can i upload the gif you posted to see if it's working with it?
08/06/21 03:59AM
Mattlau04 said:
Welp i just uploaded a gif to the hub just fine with no problem. If you don't mind, can i upload the gif you posted to see if it's working with it?

No trouble there, will isolate the issue being on my end or on the site itself.
08/06/21 04:38PM
ItSwingsBothWays said:
No trouble there, will isolate the issue being on my end or on the site itself.

Welp i also got a 502, so the problem is with the file itself...
How did you made these gifs, did you export them directly as gif? as mp4 then converted them? That might be where the issue is

Also your gif seemed to be corrupted a bit so that was probably why it didn't work, after converting the original mp4 to gif it had no problem uploading
08/06/21 06:04PM
Mattlau04 said:
Welp i also got a 502, so the problem is with the file itself...
How did you made these gifs, did you export them directly as gif? as mp4 then converted them? That might be where the issue is

Also your gif seemed to be corrupted a bit so that was probably why it didn't work, after converting the original mp4 to gif it had no problem uploading

Interesting since I legit run every GIF I make through the same process... Will have to investigate further.

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