08/08/21 03:41PM
How long should it take for a story to introduce hypnosis to the plot?
I've personally always wondered that when doing so in my own written work

I've read a lot of comics and erotic stories and some entirely skip the idea of the discovery and immediately have the protagonist have it while others do the usual introduction and events that makes the character earn it.

what's your personal take on what the pace should be about it? Personally, if the start is too tropey and similar to 20 stories I've read before I usually skim it. Although, I think its always more interesting to see how the protagonist starts and how he changes overtime rather than it being one note the whole way through.
08/08/21 03:49PM
BlueAnyday said:
I've personally always wondered that when doing so in my own written work

I've read a lot of comics and erotic stories and some entirely skip the idea of the discovery and immediately have the protagonist have it while others do the usual introduction and events that makes the character earn it.

what's your personal take on what the pace should be about it? Personally, if the start is too tropey and similar to 20 stories I've read before I usually skim it. Although, I think its always more interesting to see how the protagonist starts and how he changes overtime rather than it being one note the whole way through.

Well if the story is centered around hypnosis, it should obviously be introduced really early, and i think at least having a bit of the story of how the protagonist came to know hypnosis is pretty nice

If it's just a secondary element, it doesn't really matter when it's introduced or how
08/08/21 05:30PM
My take is there should be mind control in every chapter except perhaps the first one if there is an interesting discovery phase.
08/09/21 12:16AM
Depends on what kind of story you're making. Do you just want to skip to the mind control sex? Do you want to draw it out?
08/09/21 12:39AM

Is the story solely about the induction process, or is there more tomfoolery happening after? How complex are the reasons behind the hypnosis? How long is the story going to be? Etc.

It all boils down to the intent of the story. A longer story should obviously have more buildup or detail than a shorter one. One with more complex reasons should have more buildup and detail.

One with more happening in it should have it match the length so that the story moves at a solid pace.
08/09/21 02:40AM
master226 said:
Depends on what kind of story you're making. Do you just want to skip to the mind control sex? Do you want to draw it out?

Mindcollector13 said:

Is the story solely about the induction process, or is there more tomfoolery happening after? How complex are the reasons behind the hypnosis? How long is the story going to be? Etc.

It all boils down to the intent of the story. A longer story should obviously have more buildup or detail than a shorter one. One with more complex reasons should have more buildup and detail.

One with more happening in it should have it match the length so that the story moves at a solid pace.

well I always liked building stories that have a chance to go on the longer term than the short one. When it comes to creating settings and characters, I do enjoy exploring and give them dimensions.

Even when it comes to the slaves, its fun to have different kind of relationships the master has with them and how they react differently to the hypnosis.
08/09/21 07:07AM
"Does it turn you on?" Only actual rule in writing fetish fiction.

Analyzing some stories I liked, at 25% of the story you should be done with the induction/initial hypnotism and go on to the hypno-shenanigans.
08/09/21 07:25AM
zenon_dios said:
"Does it turn you on?" Only actual rule in writing fetish fiction.

Correct opinion

Generally I like the story to start with either an outright obvious connection to hypnosis, or with the characters in some situation where it's comedically obvious (to the reader) that and how they're about to get hypnotized. My attention span for these kinds of stories has been ground down by years of reading (and writing) bad ones. People like to excuse lengthy diversions from the main fetish stuff by saying it makes for a deeper connection with the characters, but the stories I like are the ones that manage to make you like the characters while the fun stuff is happening. If it doesn't get to doing that quickly, I'm out.

On the other hand, plenty of people are looking for "slow burn" romance stuff. I'm just not one of them. So write whichever you like better, and give up on the idea of pleasing everyone.
08/09/21 02:34PM
Really depends on the what the exact "purpose" of the writing is.

Instead of asking, "How long should it take for a story to introduce hypnosis to the plot?", I prefer to generalize and ask, "What are the specific emotions, feelings, and ideas do I want the reader to have or think about, and how do I pay attention to them, and how much?" Once you determine that, it should become more obvious how long it should take to introduce hypnosis.

The purpose of the standard hypno-doujin (i.e. on is an excuse for standard porn which is marketed toward the average person, so they introduce it very early on and then never revisit it.

Fetish stories may choose to introduce it later, if for some reason you need to set up the plot or <<|introduce or focus on personalities>>, or earlier, if starting in media res or if you can <<|jump into the action because their personalities don't matter>>.

Stuff like post #88907 is none of the above, and introduces hypnosis immediately for educational purposes.

If you're looking for some advice and you want to dig deeper, you can always visit a hypno-fetish writer's group (yes, they exist) to try to get another, more in-depth opinion.

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