08/10/21 12:38AM
Images that are only tenuously MC related
I don't wish to name names here, but there are two users who consistently upload images that only have a tenuous MC connection. Random examples:


This might not be violating any rules specifically, but all this posting of images where the characters are technically mind controlled feels like it violates the spirit of the rules.
08/10/21 02:37AM
eldomtom2 said:
I don't wish to name names here, but there are two users who consistently upload images that only have a tenuous MC connection. Random examples:


This might not be violating any rules specifically, but all this posting of images where the characters are technically mind controlled feels like it violates the spirit of the rules.

Just checking... but what counts as "technically" mind control? I ask because I have a hard time grasping how something is only "technically" mind control. With mind control, I kind of feel like your controlled or your not, with little to no room for in between...

Also... how am I suppose to look at the examples you posted? They only read as text to me.
08/10/21 02:55AM
ghost13 said:
Also... how am I suppose to look at the examples you posted? They only read as text to me.

Here you go.

post #123344
post #121889
post #122306
post #110444
post #104811
post #102060
post #92962
post #123341
post #102590
post #105563
post #93005
08/10/21 03:22AM
Seems to me that the bulk of these are corruption. And others are things I personally wish I could un-see so uh...

Thanks for that.

Anyway, while not my cup of the proverbial leaf water, it counts. It's a mind being forcibly altered towards being evil.

Sure, I suppose mind alteration could be argued to not be mind "control" but this site doesn't specifically cater to control.
08/10/21 03:47AM
Regarding all the "Evil Rey" posts, I'm tempted to agree with OP.

It would be one thing if that was something that actually happened in the source material and you just needed to know the context coming in. But that's not the case, and regardless of whether or not you saw the movies, there's nothing in any of those pictures that clearly indicates that she's under someone else's control. They could just as easily be an AU or something where she's like that on her own.
08/10/21 11:06PM
nisantis said:
Regarding all the "Evil Rey" posts, I'm tempted to agree with OP.

It would be one thing if that was something that actually happened in the source material and you just needed to know the context coming in. But that's not the case, and regardless of whether or not you saw the movies, there's nothing in any of those pictures that clearly indicates that she's under someone else's control. They could just as easily be an AU or something where she's like that on her own.

I have to agree concerning something like Evil Rey. Corruption has always been a bit iffy to me in general, but in this specific instance, a Jedi becoming a Sith does not imply mind-control or corruption per se. If Kylo Ren or Snoke have some sort of mind-altering thing that encouraged her fall, that's one thing.

But if it's just that she's okay with coming to the dark side, I'm unsure why any fanart of, say, Darth Vader doesn't also count in that sense. A Jedi becoming a Sith can be hot, yes, but I wouldn't classify it as mind-control, or anything MC-related. I guess the ones with the red eyes could imply some actual corruption, so those could potentially count, but the second one at least seems a bit fringe to me.
08/11/21 12:32AM
TheMadPrince said:
I guess the ones with the red eyes could imply some actual corruption, so those could potentially count, but the second one at least seems a bit fringe to me.

While we're on the topic of eye color, quick side note for everyone else: canonically, Sith develop yellow eyes when they embrace the dark side, so specifically yellow eyes are not indicative of MC in and of themselves.

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