08/18/21 06:36PM
What did you think of the pokemon present?
So <<|a pokemon present>> aired a bit earlier today, and boy did it have cool stuff about the new games
What were your reactions and things you're liked, and what are you hoping to see in the new games?

Personally, since they showed that the player can get attacked by wild pokemon, i REALLY hope some pokemon can use hypnosis on you (it's unlikely, but it'd be amazing)
Otherwise, the legends games really seem to be a great new direction that pokémon desperately needed to take, I'm really hyped to see if they succeed in making this work
08/18/21 06:50PM
In a nutshell:

Still excited for BD/SP. I dropped the series after Gen 4, and picked back up with 8. And my memory of 4 is foggy at best.

Still don't particularly care about Legends, Unite, or Go.

Go has never interested me, and I hate Mobas.

Legends... I dunno. Legends to me looks like how 99% of "open world" games are. Just big, open areas with sweet fuck all to do in them.

I also assume the finale will be fighting Arceus which... I hate Arceus with a burning passion. The idea of Pokemon God is stupid to me, and the idea of CATCHING IT is worse
08/18/21 09:16PM
The Remakes look as I expected them to but I'm pretty happy they bringing back the underground. I played the heck out of that when I was a kid and hope I could get the same enjoyment out of it again. Still iffy if I might buy the game. I think I need one final push of extra content.

Legends on the other hands looks really amazing. Love everything they showed. Love the mons (Hisuian Growlithe is so cute!) Loved the rides and loved everything about it. The one gripe I have with it is I wish it wasnt coming out so soon. January is less the half a year away. I love that Game Freak is doing something new but I wish that they would give more time on it to flesh it out and make it amazing. Im hoping it doesnt flop because of how good it gets. Im def going to pick this up and support it.
08/18/21 09:47PM
BDSP looks REALLY good to the point that I'm only apprehensive about how HMs will work in this game (as the Sinnoh games didn't handle them well).
As for Legends it also looks good, but I need to see more of the general gameplay loop.
08/19/21 03:11PM
I must be the only one here that see bdsp as a downgrade, looks souless compared to the original.

At least legends looks interesting.
08/19/21 03:16PM
IDPet said:
I must be the only one here that see bdsp as a downgrade, looks souless compared to the original.

At least legends looks interesting.

One of my best friends actually agrees with you in thinking that BDSP in a downgrade and he is never going to buy it.
08/19/21 04:18PM
Really the only thing bugging me about bdsp is the chibi style. When they showed the new outfits for Lucia I was gasping in awe only to be disappointed when I saw them in chibi in the next scene o:

Legends looks good but kinda empty (at least botw has a reason for being somewhat empty so let's see if this one has a good reason too).

Also pokémon LEGENDs - LEGEND of Zelda o:
08/19/21 05:13PM
I'm *cautiously* optimistic about Pokémon Legends Arceus. Will be waiting for post-release reviews before buying it, but what I saw looked good.

The Diamond/Pearl remakes I frankly have no interest in. Don't know why, they just look... Uninteresting.
08/19/21 08:03PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I'm *cautiously* optimistic about Pokémon Legends Arceus. Will be waiting for post-release reviews before buying it, but what I saw looked good.

The Diamond/Pearl remakes I frankly have no interest in. Don't know why, they just look... Uninteresting.

Same here, though I know why I am personally unintersted in the remake. It's because I have my good old friend rom hacks.

(Still, new Growlith is adorable. Gonna wait until reviews to see if the game's any good though since I don't like open world games but maybe the classic Pokémon fomular can work with me here.)
08/19/21 09:01PM
IDPet said:
I must be the only one here that see bdsp as a downgrade, looks souless compared to the original.

I always find this so strange.

Gen 4 is where I dropped off. I played it and remember like 1% it... which is like... Cynthia and the starter mons. I must have put hundreds of hours in and remember none of it.

Because Gen 4, to me, felt soulless. Seeing the updated version brings a certain spark to it that feels fresh to me. Especially after the new showcase.

As far as Legends Arceus, though... does anyone else feel like the presentation made it seem like a sort of grind-fest RPG? Almost like Monster Hunter: Pokemon Edition? That's kinda the vibe I got. Big, empty areas where you're meant to just explore and hunt endlessly.
08/19/21 09:05PM
Mindcollector13 said:
I always find this so strange.

Gen 4 is where I dropped off. I played it and remember like 1% it... which is like... Cynthia and the starter mons. I must have put hundreds of hours in and remember none of it.

Because Gen 4, to me, felt soulless. Seeing the updated version brings a certain spark to it that feels fresh to me. Especially after the new showcase.

Gen 4 felt soul-less? Eh, I guess we all go through that stage in Pokémon timeline, I ain't gonna judge. I hardly remember anything about Gen 2 or Gen 6 outside of the fact that Lysander tries to nuke the earth or something and I've played that game at least 4 times.
08/19/21 09:41PM
Oshachu7755 said:
Gen 4 felt soul-less? Eh, I guess we all go through that stage in Pokémon timeline, I ain't gonna judge. I hardly remember anything about Gen 2 or Gen 6 outside of the fact that Lysander tries to nuke the earth or something and I've played that game at least 4 times.

I honestly think it was just Pokemon burn-out. Eventually they all start to feel kind of samey, I think. Like, Gen 1 was the first one I played, and loved. Then I enjoyed 2.

I barely remember 3 (I actually remember more of Mystery Dungeon from Gen 3), and I put the most time into 4 and it just blended into this realm of stale grey.

I skipped 5 and 6 because they felt the same as 4 to me. Wanted to try 7 but didn't have a 3DS. Then 8 made me feel like I was back in Gens 1 and 2 when I loved Pokemon.

Kinda why I'm hyped for the rerelease. Hoping I'll keep riding the high of 8 and learn to love 4.
08/19/21 09:43PM
Mindcollector13 said:

Kinda why I'm hyped for the rerelease. Hoping I'll keep riding the high of 8 and learn to love 4.

That's fair. Even if I'm not hyped, the idea of other people being able to get into games they weren't able to before is always nice. Hope you enjoy your experience with the remakes!
08/19/21 10:11PM
I remember the first four Gens vividly. Though more with the first 3 now considering all the remakes for 1, Heartgold, Soulsilver for 2 and ORAS for 3,

5 is actually where I start forgetting things which is weird cause I know Gen 5 was good. Gen 6 was also pretty bad for me as well in terms of remembering things

I really like Gen 7 for the characters and everything and Gen 8 is okay.
08/19/21 10:34PM
IDPet said:
I must be the only one here that see bdsp as a downgrade, looks souless compared to the original.

At least legends looks interesting.

No, i feel the same way as you, i really hope they don't give gen 5 the same treatment...
1 2>>>

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