08/24/21 04:27PM
Spider-Man: No Way Home Teaser Trailer
When I first saw the trailer I almost got hard. Do you think the movie will have mind control scenes? I think it has a lot of potential for gifs on here.
08/24/21 04:29PM
I was wondering when people were going to mention this.

I don't expect MJ's comment to be anything more than a joke...but I have seen Spidey hypnoporn based on the same idea.

Because that's actually something certain spiders can do.
08/24/21 04:32PM
somesuchnonsense said:
I was wondering when people were going to mention this.

I don't expect MJ's comment to be anything more than a joke...but I have seen Spidey hypnoporn based on the same idea.

Because that's actually something certain spiders can do.

Which spiders exactly?
08/24/21 05:28PM
somesuchnonsense said:
I was wondering when people were going to mention this.

I don't expect MJ's comment to be anything more than a joke...but I have seen Spidey hypnoporn based on the same idea.

Because that's actually something certain spiders can do.

I'm hoping this is the instance of a "joke" at the beginning actually being a chekov's gun that Peter somehow uses in the movie
08/24/21 05:40PM
Wait, there's such a thing as a "Spiderman, Home trilogy" ?
Because I knew 2 titles containing that keyword, so it makes 3...
08/24/21 06:00PM
I knew that line would get people's attention. I give it like a week or two before we start seeing hypnopics of it.
08/24/21 08:03PM
Flyman said:
I'm hoping this is the instance of a "joke" at the beginning actually being a chekov's gun that Peter somehow uses in the movie

Maybe some other villain with spider powers mind controls MJ for plot reasons.
08/24/21 09:42PM
jennydeath said:
Maybe some other villain with spider powers mind controls MJ for plot reasons.

The thought of a mind-controlled Zendaya awakens... certain feelings in me, I must admit
08/24/21 10:52PM
Isn't spider woman ( Jessica )the one in the comic with
pheromones ?
08/25/21 12:31AM
*Looks up the movie on wikipedia*

*Reads premise*

*Screams in abject horror*

08/25/21 04:51AM
ghost13 said:
*Looks up the movie on wikipedia*

*Reads premise*

*Screams in abject horror*


I despise One More Day as much as the next man, but it's surprising how few changes are needed to go from a terrible comic book to a (hopefully not so bad) movie.

For starters, make Peter's motivation about how his life is literaly ruined now as is some of his loved ones, rather then not accepting his old aunt dying.

Second, make it Dr Strange offering to legitimately help out a friend, rather then Mephisto trying to do evil.

Thirdly, [spoiler]Add the Sam Rami villains into the mix. At the very least Dafoe's Goblin will provide some hammy goodness even if the rest of the movie sucks.[Spoiler]
08/25/21 05:07AM
Ainsley said:
I despise One More Day as much as the next man, but it's surprising how few changes are needed to go from a terrible comic book to a (hopefully not so bad) movie.

For starters, make Peter's motivation about how his life is literaly ruined now as is some of his loved ones, rather then not accepting his old aunt dying.

Second, make it Dr Strange offering to legitimately help out a friend, rather then Mephisto trying to do evil.

Thirdly, [spoiler]Add the Sam Rami villains into the mix. At the very least Dafoe's Goblin will provide some hammy goodness even if the rest of the movie sucks.[Spoiler]

To be fair, Dr. Strange was in One More Day... Led to this joke:

Dr. Strange (origin comic): Doctor Strange assists no one!
Linkara: Well that really explains One More Day...
08/25/21 05:35AM
For the record, saying "One More Day" is really kind of a misconception, it's more One Moment In Time, the SEQUEL to One More Day that explained "what the fuck was even going on during that story" mixed with "Happy Birthday", in which Peter and Strange fuck up a spell, and Spidey goes a time/space adventure with his greatest villains.
08/25/21 07:21AM
Pinkanator said:
For the record, saying "One More Day" is really kind of a misconception, it's more One Moment In Time, the SEQUEL to One More Day that explained "what the fuck was even going on during that story" mixed with "Happy Birthday", in which Peter and Strange fuck up a spell, and Spidey goes a time/space adventure with his greatest villains.

A good point, Pinkanator. Though I recall Tony Stark being involved, though that isn't possible in the MCU...
10/17/21 08:24PM
In this part Spider-Man became dizzy with his popularity. He completely stopped paying attention to his beloved girl's life and even betrayed "their kiss. Likewise he kissed another in front of Mary J. That's the scene that showed all the men in the world. Like they didn't do anything wrong and they don't understand the charges against them... The ending of the trilogy came out decent. All the actors did a great job with their roles. And the stylists and makeup artists did a good job. The image of brutal Peter was a success. I forgot how the whole story ends but thank God it didn't end so trite. It was clear that there would be no sequel. I would have kept watching but it's not the same without Franco. And the new Spiders aren't the same style either. Let them look for more suitable actors for the roles. To watch Peter Parker with rapture again.

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