09/04/21 03:26PM
Account deletion impossible?
Is there any way at all to delete your account from the site? I've tried messaging several mods with no answer so im assuming theres just no option to do so, i feel like there should be some kind of option to delete your account.
09/04/21 04:59PM
Some time ago there was some cases of accounts hacked/stealed/whathever by trolls asking the mods to delete their accounts, and then the real owner come back asking what happened.

Since that, the mod prefer to not delete accounts.
09/04/21 05:51PM
yumz said:
Is there any way at all to delete your account from the site? I've tried messaging several mods with no answer so im assuming theres just no option to do so, i feel like there should be some kind of option to delete your account.

IDPet said:
Some time ago there was some cases of accounts hacked/stealed/whathever by trolls asking the mods to delete their accounts, and then the real owner come back asking what happened.

Since that, the mod prefer to not delete accounts.

Even before that, we didn't actually delete accounts, as due to how horrid the site's code is, deleting accounts requires deleting all their messages and full-deleting all their uploaded images (where it shows no sign of the image even having existed, instead of just doing the normal deletion where if you visit the deleted post's page, it'll show a deletion reason (and on our end, an option to undelete should the uploader prove the act of deletion was rushed and incorrect (for example, a Mod deletes because they think an image is paywalled content, but the uploader proves the version they uploaded is available officially on sites like twitter from the twitter account (or other such site account) of the image's artist, or can prove they themselves are the artist))).

As such, it's a pain in the ass to actually delete accounts, and since we don't actually store any sensitive personal information that'd put us in trouble with the EU's Privacy Protection laws (all we do store is the chosen Username, an encrypted version of the current password, and an optional input of an email address for password recovery), we just tell users who want their account "deleted" to simply log off and never log back in, or we say we'll just apply a really long "ban" timer to their account so their account is effectively deleted as far as usability of it is concerned, without us needing to go through the pain of an actual account deletion.
09/04/21 07:54PM
Anon_3.141 said:
Even before that, we didn't actually delete accounts, as due to how horrid the site's code is, deleting accounts requires deleting all their messages and full-deleting all their uploaded images (where it shows no sign of the image even having existed, instead of just doing the normal deletion where if you visit the deleted post's page, it'll show a deletion reason (and on our end, an option to undelete should the uploader prove the act of deletion was rushed and incorrect (for example, a Mod deletes because they think an image is paywalled content, but the uploader proves the version they uploaded is available officially on sites like twitter from the twitter account (or other such site account) of the image's artist, or can prove they themselves are the artist))).

As such, it's a pain in the ass to actually delete accounts, and since we don't actually store any sensitive personal information that'd put us in trouble with the EU's Privacy Protection laws (all we do store is the chosen Username, an encrypted version of the current password, and an optional input of an email address for password recovery), we just tell users who want their account "deleted" to simply log off and never log back in, or we say we'll just apply a really long "ban" timer to their account so their account is effectively deleted as far as usability of it is concerned, without us needing to go through the pain of an actual account deletion.

I think the main reason people want their accounts deleted is that they used an account name that could be traced back to them (not that you should use your regular username on a porn site unless you don't care if you're found). So wouldn't renaming a user to something like "deleted_user1234" solve essentially every issue one might have with account deletion? Because I can't think of any other legit reason you'd want to explicitly cancel an account here. Except maybe you've gotten so addicted to porn that you need to delete your account to deny yourself the possibility of returning?
09/04/21 09:55PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
I think the main reason people want their accounts deleted is that they used an account name that could be traced back to them (not that you should use your regular username on a porn site unless you don't care if you're found). So wouldn't renaming a user to something like "deleted_user1234" solve essentially every issue one might have with account deletion? Because I can't think of any other legit reason you'd want to explicitly cancel an account here. Except maybe you've gotten so addicted to porn that you need to delete your account to deny yourself the possibility of returning?

Is renaming accounts even possible on these site? Considering how deletion isn't, I'd be surprized if it was.
09/04/21 10:18PM
Oshachu7755 said:
Is renaming accounts even possible on these site? Considering how deletion isn't, I'd be surprized if it was.

Name changes we can’t offer due to technical limitations. It previously required someone who was paid to help operate and fix the inner workings of the site.
09/05/21 01:19AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Name changes we can’t offer due to technical limitations. It previously required someone who was paid to help operate and fix the inner workings of the site.

is it really that hard to modify a few DB entries?
From what i remember reading, MyImouto refers to users via their id when it comes to comments, posts, pools, forums, etc..., so it should only really be a matter of changing the name in the user DB
09/05/21 04:41AM
Mattlau04 said:
is it really that hard to modify a few DB entries?
From what i remember reading, MyImouto refers to users via their id when it comes to comments, posts, pools, forums, etc..., so it should only really be a matter of changing the name in the user DB

It still requires backend stuff to change, and messing with the backend risks breaking the entire site because of how shit the site's code is.
09/06/21 02:01AM
As someone who does coding, I can attest that code can go horribly wrong in completely unexpected ways rather easily. If we don't have someone on hand who can fix a huge problem that occurs unexpectedly by messing with the code, it's better not to even risk it on "seemingly simple fixes"
05/25/23 10:43AM
delete my account please
delete my account please

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