09/13/21 04:00AM
Tips for writing hypno-centric stories?
Hi there!

So, lately, I've wanted to try to write a hypnosis themed story. I have a few ideas, but those aren't all that important at the moment (unless they do later lol). But, I've come across a question that's been bothering me.

How do you write a hypnosis story? Let alone a good hypnosis story? Is there anything special about it that warrants knowing?

That's what I'm curious about, and what I'm hoping you awesome people can help me out with!
09/13/21 04:11AM
MercifulSymmetry said:
Hi there!

So, lately, I've wanted to try to write a hypnosis themed story. I have a few ideas, but those aren't all that important at the moment (unless they do later lol). But, I've come across a question that's been bothering me.

How do you write a hypnosis story? Let alone a good hypnosis story? Is there anything special about it that warrants knowing?

That's what I'm curious about, and what I'm hoping you awesome people can help me out with!

Personally, I think a good hypnosis story contains at least a good, reasonably in length induction. Otherwise, there isn't much point in it even BEING a hypnosis story. But that's just me and I mostly write captions.

Also, it might depend on the maturity rating you want the story to have.
09/13/21 04:16AM
ghost13 said:
Personally, I think a good hypnosis story contains at least a good, reasonably in length induction. Otherwise, there isn't much point in it even BEING a hypnosis story. But that's just me and I mostly write captions.

Also, it might depend on the maturity rating you want the story to have.

Induction is the part that brings someone under trance, yes? That's the one part of it I'm not all too familiar with lol.

If so, yeah, that definitely needs to be a good length, since it needs to be believable that the entranced is well...entranced.

(Also, mad respect for writing captions!)

As for the maturity, generally I'd like to start it out 'innocently' enough, and then progress towards more mature sections as time goes on. For example, one idea I had takes place over a single study session. But, now that I think about it, it might work better as multiple study sessions or an all-nighter session.
09/13/21 04:41AM
If it's legitimate hypnosis (not, like, magic or tech means), then yeah it's just writing the induction and taking believable steps in the process. Probably not a "show me your boobs", could probably get away with "kiss me" on a first time. Depends on the character hypnotized and their relationship to the 'tist.

Normal hypnosis is best over several scenes, due to the lengthy nature of it. Tech and magic can pretty much be whatever you want, some people like the process of change, some like the contrast of instant stuff.

Don't forget that inductions also aren't one-sided, there's a lot of room for personality in writing how the subject responds to certain things. Are they shy and only nodding? Outgoing and responding with "mhm" and "yes"? Did they fall asleep completely and are just taking things in?

Overall, I personally think that characters make it, so having good interactions and dialogues is important when I write hypno. Not saying I always manage that either. Hope it helps.
09/13/21 04:54AM
MercifulSymmetry said:
Hi there!

So, lately, I've wanted to try to write a hypnosis themed story. I have a few ideas, but those aren't all that important at the moment (unless they do later lol). But, I've come across a question that's been bothering me.

How do you write a hypnosis story? Let alone a good hypnosis story? Is there anything special about it that warrants knowing?

That's what I'm curious about, and what I'm hoping you awesome people can help me out with!

Without knowing further what you're trying to write, I'll say in general: read hypno stories/comics. Whether they're good or bad, look to see what works for you and what doesn't. Trust that what you like, others will like too.
Now one thing I've learned from reading hypno stories is:

a lot of newer writers don't take their time on the hypnosis scenes. They just make it like *poof* and the character is instantly hypnotized/ under mind control, which in my opinion while not necessarily bad (and can/should be used for certain instances in a story), undercuts the payoff of that character getting hypnotized (so if they're a minor character I view it as more fine to do a quick induction compared to a main character).

I always prefer when writers take their time savoring the characters brainwashing. Give several paragraphs describing how a character's falling into a trance. Or do several smaller hypno scenes where the hypno happens fast but the overall submission of the character is spread out over chapters, so we see how from first hypno scene they're resistant to the final where they've willingly submitted. And utilizing both is not a bad thing.
Also give details! Is there any subtle action the hypnotist is doing that's key? Maybe they're touching the hypnotized in a pleasurable way (doesn't necessarily have to be sexual, I did a hypno scene involving massaging the hands) that helps them associate being entranced with pleasure? What exactly is the hypnotist saying and how does the hypnotized react to it? What is the person being hypnotized feeling both physically and emotionally. What are they thinking about (if anything at all)? Are they mentally envisioning something that symbolizes their entrancement (like sinking deep into the ocean) or are they fixating on something (like the flame of a candle or the cliche swinging pendulum), completely enraptured by it as the words of the hypnotist creep into their mind.

As for pacing, in my opinion, while not every scene or chapter needs hypno but it should still be frequent. And those scenes where there isn't any hypnotism, it should be used to set up future ones. Like I adapt the rule about what makes a good action movie for hypno stories: 'plot sets up the hypno and the hypno advances the plot' so they feed off each other and sustain a story.
09/13/21 07:26AM
Lots of good advice in this thread already, but I'll add my two cents anyway.

1. Ask yourself what you want the focus of your story to be and stick with it. Trying to turn your revenge story into a touching romance halfway through is a bold move, doubly so when the narrative is built around dubious consent at best. It's also fine keeping things simple as long as you're consistent, I like to think that a solid seven often beats out a shaky eight.

2. Don't neglect your characters. One of the key elements of a good hypnosis story is getting a character, perhaps more so than the plot itself, from A to B. Like teso said above, not every chapter needs hypno; you can easily spend quite a bit of time in the aftermath of a session, or the setup for the next one. Seeing believable changes occurring in a sub -or dom- as the story progresses can be a reward in and of itself.

3. Remember that you can't please everyone. Unlike many other fetishes, hypnosis is a broad umbrella with many variables, as discussions of short vs. long inductions, degrees of consent and realistic versus fantasy methods tends to show, and that's without even getting into any auxiliary content or fetishes.
09/13/21 05:51PM
Wow, thanks guys! A lot of these tips are very helpful, so I'll do my best to make use of it. Especially stuff like making characters have development, showing a progression of the hypnosis over numerous sessions (as well as scenes outside of trance, such as aftercare and scenes between sessions). I noticed that a lot of people brought up the importance of character, so I'll definitely focus on that much more closely!

Also, I kinda realized I should have included my ideas so far, to receive some more specific information! Probably should have done this in the initial post, but here we are!

1. The Valedictorian (Corruption, brain drain / cumming brains out, method of hypno tbd)

The Valedictorian position is not just one of high prestige, and an acknowledgement of academic achievement, but also one that comes with several advantages for applications to jobs, colleges, and scholarships. In a high school, two students are competing for the position. It's been a close one, as both students are top of their class. But one of them always has the edge on the other, always a few points ahead. And the other student is sick of this.

So, they decide to take some...underhanded measures, to finally win over their rival. Finding some sketchy hypnosis tips (if not an actual spiral app or something) online, they invite their cocky rival over for a study session. After hypnotizing said rival, they begin to slowly drain their brain away, dropping their IQ down from near genius levels to the point where they can't even remember their name. (After all, they can't get points for writing their name if they don't remember it~)

And who knows, they might bring them back after the test, or leave them there permanently~

For some bonus parts, maybe it's an unpopular nerd getting hypnotized by the darling of the class too.

2. Do No Harm... (Brain Drain, experimental drugs and hypnotic body parts (breasts, ass, eyes, etc.), nurses, mind break.)

A company has been experimenting with some new hypnotic compounds. They make use of the drug itself, alongside arousal, to make someone very suggestable.

So, this would be the story of one such patient that's been given the drug, trying to resist as they're forcibly tested on, trying to resist their hot nurse, as their will power slowly begins to fade and they eventually begin to give in, until their mind goes completely blank.
09/19/21 07:46PM
Those ideas sound good, the brain drain ain't really my thing but I know there is an audience for it. Though I def love hypno eyes and boobies.
09/20/21 12:25AM
teso said:
Those ideas sound good, the brain drain ain't really my thing but I know there is an audience for it. Though I def love hypno eyes and boobies.

Thanks. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea haha, but I figured I'd write about what turns me on too. I do have some more general hypnosis ideas, but they do mostly center on femdom, among a few other kinks.

I know right? Hypno eyes and breasts (especially hypnotic breasts) are sooo good! I was actually thinking of using it in a few of my ideas as well haha.
09/20/21 04:05AM
Give your subject depth before they go under, whether the act of hypnosis/mind control is against their will or not. Much as I enjoy seeing a hot lady with great tits get all trance'd out and such, their fall becomes much more meaningful when their is context given. That's sort of the unique thing about hypno porn the like: Plot is actually sort of pivotal here than most types.
09/20/21 01:57PM
teso said:
Without knowing further what you're trying to write, I'll say in general: read hypno stories/comics. Whether they're good or bad, look to see what works for you and what doesn't. Trust that what you like, others will like too.

To add onto teso, you could always do the Benjamin Franklin method of writing: read something, take notes on it, and then try to reconstruct it with just your notes.

This is why it's important to know what you like and find an author that does it well - so you can copy their good parts!

MercifulSymmetry said:
I noticed that a lot of people brought up the importance of character, so I'll definitely focus on that much more closely!

A lot of hypno stories focus on character, but I've also seen a lot that don't. Instead of focusing on characterizing people, these stories usually focus on characterizing situations. <<|Paladin>>, for example, doesn't really get into the back stories of the hypnotist, the hypnotized, or the villain, and only briefly touches their motivations.

Instead, it focuses on their reactions, how they're brainwashed, and what you do with that. So, plot is still important, but it doesn't necessarily have to be about the characters.

I'm not a writer, but I am a prolific reader. Compared to regular writing, I'm guessing this would be kind of analogous to an action movie, except hypnosis stories often involves characters falling asleep and long monologues we call inductions.
09/21/21 01:05AM
ghost13 said:
Personally, I think a good hypnosis story contains at least a good, reasonably in length induction. Otherwise, there isn't much point in it even BEING a hypnosis story.


I get so disappointed whenever I see hypno stories/porn where the sub is hypnotized in like 10 seconds. I think most people who like hypno would agree that the induction is the hottest part of any hypno content.

09/21/21 10:32AM
As others have said, slow, seductive hypnosis is best. Stages of transformation as well as a purpose for it all. Induction is sexy, but so is showing the results. It doesn't have to be realistic as it is fiction. How would it work in your world?
09/26/21 02:15PM
MercifulSymmetry said:
So, they decide to take some...underhanded measures, to finally win over their rival. Finding some sketchy hypnosis tips (if not an actual spiral app or something) online, they invite their cocky rival over for a study session. After hypnotizing said rival, they begin to slowly drain their brain away, dropping their IQ down from near genius levels to the point where they can't even remember their name. (After all, they can't get points for writing their name if they don't remember it~)

And who knows, they might bring them back after the test, or leave them there permanently~

This is reminding me of a brain drain post that was deleted (though that was more urination fetish, but the question from outside observers "Did she get addicted to drugs or something?" came up). It's up to you on whether you want to explore this (I've seen plenty that just use a cop-out and be done with it), but he does have family and friends who are going to want to know what the fuck happened. Queue police/PIs getting involved and the easy trail of "he just wasn't the same ever since he met up with the MC". If the MC found the app rather than make it himself, that means others know about it and its uses.

Anyway, glad to see someone linking to mcstories. My favorite author is cactusjuggler. He likes to brush over inductions and they may as well be magic, but what he does really well is show how the victims react and come to terms with what triggers just got programmed in to them. I highly recommend "Happy Girls" though "Nicknames" is my favorite from him.

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