09/25/21 12:53AM
September 23rd Nintendo Direct
So... anyone else catch the Nintendo Direct yesterday? What did you guys think? I'm excited to learn about the RPGs (new and old) coming to Switch. As well as the Castlevania collection (I'd be excited about Shadowrun, but I already have all three on Steam).

Though I do have to ask... Nintendo, why haven't you put Earthbound on the Switch Virtual Console yet??? I'm happy Breath of Fire 1&2 are there, and excited to get to play Phantasy Star IV and Paper Mario, but SERIOUSLY give us Earthbound, damn it!

Also... Full disclosure: When I saw Lappy, I thought the trailer was for Astral Chain 2. Nice trick you pulled Platinum Games.
09/25/21 02:12AM
Since this was mentioned in the direct, but I find it odd that Chris Pratt is being the voice for Mario in the movie. But I'll wait for a trailer to see if he can pull it off.
09/25/21 02:15AM
To see the queen, Bayonetta herself, finally return was a truly glorious return. It's just fabulous, darling!
09/25/21 04:33AM
The new Kirby looks... Well, it looks like Mario Odyssey with a different main character. (Not that that's a bad thing.)

Splatoon 3 looks good, but I can't help but wonder what they would have done with it if that "Order and Chaos" Splatfest had gone the other way.

Do we know yet who Bayonetta's new voice is? Because she kinda sounds like Jennifer Hale, and I am loving it.

I have several questions about this Mario movie. Like, who the heck watched Queen's Gambit and said to themselves "This girl should totally be Princess Peach!"
09/25/21 04:39AM
nisantis said:
The new Kirby looks... Well, it looks like Mario Odyssey with a different main character. (Not that that's a bad thing.)

Splatoon 3 looks good, but I can't help but wonder what they would have done with it if that "Order and Chaos" Splatfest had gone the other way.

Do we know yet who Bayonetta's new voice is? Because she kinda sounds like Jennifer Hale, and I am loving it.

I have several questions about this Mario movie. Like, who the heck watched Queen's Gambit and said to themselves "This girl should totally be Princess Peach!"

you think thats bad, I've already seen fan art of Jacksette.
09/25/21 04:46AM
nisantis said:
Do we know yet who Bayonetta's new voice is? Because she kinda sounds like Jennifer Hale, and I am loving it.

Last I heard, we don't even have confirmation that it's a different voice actor.
09/25/21 04:54AM
Mindwipe said:
Last I heard, we don't even have confirmation that it's a different voice actor.

It's not even the Bayonetta we're use to; It's Cereza from the first game in an alternate timeline. Kamiya confirmed it last night.
09/25/21 09:59AM
I went in expecting to be disaponted and I came out with Kirby so I was please. I'm easily pleased when it comes to Kirby.
09/25/21 06:52PM
Oshachu7755 said:
I went in expecting to be disaponted and I came out with Kirby so I was please. I'm easily pleased when it comes to Kirby.

Oh yeag kirby gonna be great.
09/25/21 09:53PM
- The Mario movie is going to be just like the live action one. Cast is a mixed bag for me. Probably gonna see the movie just for Jack Bowser.

- N64 stuff is interesting, but felt like a sort of "we're announcing an announcement" kind of thing.

- Bayonetta still doesn't fight with 17th century attachable blades, and I have still never played those games. She hot tho.
09/26/21 06:57AM
Icontrol said:
Since this was mentioned in the direct, but I find it odd that Chris Pratt is being the voice for Mario in the movie. But I'll wait for a trailer to see if he can pull it off.

nisantis said:
I have several questions about this Mario movie. Like, who the heck watched Queen's Gambit and said to themselves "This girl should totally be Princess Peach!"

Mindcollector13 said:
- The Mario movie is going to be just like the live action one. Cast is a mixed bag for me. Probably gonna see the movie just for Jack Bowser.

I admit, Chris Pratt is not someone I would imagine Nintendo wanting to act as the voice of Mario... But before Detective Pikachu, I never would have imagined Ryan Reynolds voicing Pikachu and I loved that movie...

I feel like this will be like the Sonic the Hedgehog movie:
*Before* "Oh it's gonna be terrible! It's going to suck! What were Sega smoking!? Why the hell did they cast Jim Carrey as Eggman!?!?"
*After* "What the- This is awesome!!!"

In all fairness, I enjoyed the live-action Super Mario Bros movie.

Argonis said:
you think thats bad, I've already seen fan art of Jacksette.

As disturbing as that is... I have to wonder: Since they cast Jack Black as Bowser... Does this mean Bowser is going to get a musical number? Possibly about why he refuses to stop kidnapping Peach?

Also... No one has commented on how Keegan-Michael Key is gonna be Toad while Seth Rogan is voicing an ape in a tie?

nisantis said:
The new Kirby looks... Well, it looks like Mario Odyssey with a different main character. (Not that that's a bad thing.)

Oshachu7755 said:
I went in expecting to be disaponted and I came out with Kirby so I was please. I'm easily pleased when it comes to Kirby.

Argonis said:
Oh yeag kirby gonna be great.

Yeah, Kirby Odyssey does not sound like a bad idea at all.

Contorted said:
To see the queen, Bayonetta herself, finally return was a truly glorious return. It's just fabulous, darling!

nisantis said:
Do we know yet who Bayonetta's new voice is? Because she kinda sounds like Jennifer Hale, and I am loving it.

Mindwipe said:
Last I heard, we don't even have confirmation that it's a different voice actor.

Contorted said:
It's not even the Bayonetta we're use to; It's Cereza from the first game in an alternate timeline. Kamiya confirmed it last night.

Oh, they confirmed that? And here I thought her new look was simply to comply with Nintendo's "Good Boys and Girls" policy. The same one that requires censorship tights.

Mindcollector13 said:
- Bayonetta still doesn't fight with 17th century attachable blades, and I have still never played those games. She hot tho.

No, but she does still have guns attached to herself. She is however quite sexy.

Mindcollector13 said:
- N64 stuff is interesting, but felt like a sort of "we're announcing an announcement" kind of thing.

True. I'll probably switch membership plans ASAP just so I can play Phantasy Star IV on my Switch while hoping Paper Mario comes soon.

And speaking of "announcing an announcement": Who do you guys think is gonna be the last fighter announced for Smash Ultimate???
09/26/21 08:22AM
Honestly my only gripe about Nintendo Direct is that the "next DLC fighter for Smash will be the last one”. I hope it isn't the last one forever in Smash Bros's franchise. There are so many characters that could/can be added still and it'd make sense. I won't go heavy into it but many people want either:

Doomguy, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Obiwan, Starkiller, Undyne or Waluigi in Smash.

I agree with a lot listed as these characters are in or have been features in Nintendo Games before. But still.

Also no new Star Wars port was announced. But hey at least Republic Commando for Switch is good. Just hope we get Kotor or Battlefront II released for it soon.
09/26/21 08:37AM
Since nobody is talking about this I'll be the first and probably only one to say this:


No joke, I fucking LOVE ActRaiser on the SNES, it's one of my favorite games on the system, top 10 easily. But I NEVER thought it would EVER come back considering it only got ONE sequel then got COMPLETELY forgotten over the past 30 years. And after playing ActRaiser Renaissance after the direct, I can say.... I like this game :3 Platforming has been updated and I like that you can change magic on the fly instead of being stuck with one, and I do enjoy the tower defense gameplay added to the game, not to mention how this version actually has actual characters instead of just mini pixels you only ever see like a SimCity game that do nothing but ask you to do everything for them.

In other Direct opinions, Kirby walking along the Z-Axis blows my mind, can't wait for that, SUPER happy we FINALLY got some news about Bayo 3 after 4 years and LOVE her new design, the Mario cast, I can't even be angry at it. It just feels like a big troll move, and one I can actually laugh at x3 And can't wait for the new Mario Party. And I like the new N64 and Genesis games added to Nintendo Online. Hope they add Smash 64 and Gauntlet Legends eventually :3
09/26/21 10:23AM
VG_Climp said:
Honestly my only gripe about Nintendo Direct is that the "next DLC fighter for Smash will be the last one”. I hope it isn't the last one forever in Smash Bros's franchise. There are so many characters that could/can be added still and it'd make sense. I won't go heavy into it but many people want either:

Doomguy, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Obiwan, Starkiller, Undyne or Waluigi in Smash.

I agree with a lot listed as these characters are in or have been features in Nintendo Games before. But still.

Also no new Star Wars port was announced. But hey at least Republic Commando for Switch is good. Just hope we get Kotor or Battlefront II released for it soon.

I mean, there will probably be another Smash Bros game at some point. It's not the last DLC in the entire franchise, just the last one for Ultimate - which is fine.

It's already the biggest roster by a long shot, with several characters that people have been clamoring for for *years*. Count your blessings.
09/26/21 11:17AM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I mean, there will probably be another Smash Bros game at some point. It's not the last DLC in the entire franchise, just the last one for Ultimate - which is fine.

I almost hope there isn't. I used to love smash and all, but it's terrible online just stopped me from playing. Plus, outside of one or two characters, I've been overall disaapointed with the newcomers so overall I'm glad that the reveals are coming to an end. Finally let this be done and over with.
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