09/27/21 03:45AM
HellTaker, but it's Hypnosis Themed (Ideas Thread)
I thought I'd post this little idea here: HellTaker, but instead, you gather a hypno harem. Just post how your dream version of this process, from who you'd like to "romance" to how "negotiations" would work. I'll go first, using "Spiral Clicker" and hub characters as an example.

After solving the puzzle, the player has to choose how to hypnotize the woman in question.

The Plot: I don't have a unique one, other than the player getting magic devices from Helen (that's the green-haired elf from Spiral Clicker) thanks to an "Elf Bag". Her hope is that the player will eventually be drained of their willpower using the devices so she can easily hypnotize them herself and get a whole harem for little effort. A bit more sinister than her S.C. counterpart. The player heads to the mall to find ladies.

Note: all dialogue options would appear in a randomized order. For the sake of keeping things clear, all wrong options will come first. Also, I will be assuming the player is a male character, although a female character would only require slight dialogue changes. Finally, I'm by no means a writer, this is just a fun idea that won't leave my head.

[spoiler=this is a long post]
Chapter 1: Erika - The Easily Swayed. When the player reaches her, they must ask her to look into their eyes while they wear spiral glasses or look at a coin on a string. The former will almost hypnotize her, but she'll snap out of it and laugh about it, finding it a "cool trick" and be on her way. Picking the second option will have her quickly fall under.

Chapter 2: Cassie - The Sharp-Eyed Friend. When the player reaches her, she asks what they did to Erika while acknowledging it's hardly the first time she's been like that. The player can either mention they used the coin on the string or the spiral glasses. The former will start to hypnotize her, but she snaps out of it out of anger and berates the player, getting a dead end. The glasses are snapped out of the player's hand as she immediately figures it out and puts them on to hypnotize the player, only for the glasses to instantly hypnotize her instead.

Chapter 3: Alice - The Watchful Friend. Alice asks where Erika and Cassie have been and who their new friend is. The player's character then mentions that he's been shopping with them and asks if she's their friend, which she confirms. The player mentions they bought something for her. They can pull out a coin on a string, a candy bar, or a wall-mounted clock. The first one would have her call the player a crap magician, a sleazeball, and as good as dead, reaching a dead end. The second would have her eat the candy bar, apologize for being so mean, and take Erika and Cassie as she left, another dead end. The wall-mounted clock will leave her confused before the ticking starts to hypnotize her. After getting hypnotized, she will agree with the player it's time for her to join her friend in the harem.

Chapter 4: Myuk-ko - The Curious Friend. Upon reaching her, Myuk-ko actually figures out what the player is doing right away, and mentions that she's hypnotized Erika plenty of times. She compliments the player getting Cassie and Alice as well, something she's never done successfully, and asks if they have interest in her. If the player says no, she'll leave defeated and sad, leading to a dead end. If the player says yes, she'll offer one of her hair clips to hypnotize her, which she readily jumps at.

Chapter 5: Haru - The Difficult-To-Pin-Down Friend. Haru at first doesn't talk, before mentioning that everyone with you is acting weird. She mentions she knows them but hasn't hung out with any of them beyond Myuk-ko, before thinking this Myuk-ko trying to hypnotize her again before commenting how hypnosis is impossible and getting friends to play along won't work. The player can then either swing the hair clip in front of her or ask her to put it on. If the player swings it, Haru will comment the player is worse at it than Myuk-ko is and leave annoyed, causing a dead end. Having her put it on will cause her to straighten up before she going on about how she must think as Myuk-ko does, and then falls under just like Myuk-ko has.

Chapter 6: Crystal - The Gamer. Crystal is outside a game story in her lose, pink outfit, upset at how expensive the newest headset is. The player can offer her one from their bag, pull out the wall-mounted clock, or offer her his number to play a party game with the harem. The first one has her embarrassed about not being able to pay and leave, while the clock's ticking annoys her into leaving. She assumes the harem comment is a joke and agrees, asking to see your phone. She mentions how pretty the spiral screen saver is before it completely hypnotizes her.

Chapter 7: Evilka - The Sinister One. Evilka shows jealousy towards the player's harem, but offers to just take Erika as that's the one she wants. She'll ask how you hypnotized her, and the player can say that the glasses or the coin didn't work well. If the player answers honestly, she'll say to let a professional get to work as tells Erika to look into her eyes, swiping her and the rest of the harem for herself. If the player lies, she'll be flabergasted and demand the player tries to hypnotize her with it, since no one can suck that hard at hypnosis. She'll start to fall under, mention that the player IS good at it, before having an "oh crap" moment and falling under.

Chapter 8: Hypno-Tan - The Mesmerizing Icon. Hypno-Tan appears from a portal to congratulate the player for the harem, but notices the player staring at her breasts. She jokingly says that her spirals are just too big to not look at and that everyone finds them irresistible. The player has the point to stare at them, try to hypnotize her, or grab them. Staring at them results in the player getting hypnotized as she rubs them together. Trying to get something from the bag results in the player being unable to look away long enough, and so they still get hypnotized by them rubbing together. Choosing to grab them shocks her, but simply because no one has ever tried to before getting hypnotized. Curious as to what happens, she starts rubbing them only to fall under as her own magic is reversed onto her. She likes the feeling but refuses to fall under unless the player agrees to get another woman she knows. If the player refuses, throws his hands off her, calls him a buzzkill, and leaves. If he agrees, she happily submits to her own magic.

Chapter 9: Awake-San - The Caffeinated Busy Body. Having the easiest puzzle (comparable to chapter 8 from HellTaker), Awake-san has the most complex negotiation. She immediately spots Hypno-Tan in the harem and assumes she told the player to get her, then tells them to get lost. The player can agree to leave but has to deny the request to continue. She then pulls out an alarm clock and threatens to use it to wake up the whole harem, as she designed her clock to counter all hypnosis. The player can bluff and say it'll only drive them deeper, but she won't believe them and use it to wake them up. Instead, the player has to bring up they aren't here to disturb the peace and that she should either; this gets her to hesitate but she won't put it away. The player could mention she'd make a cute addition, but she won't be amused and wake everyone up. The right response is to comment on how tired she looks, which gets her to go on about how she works all the time and has saved up well over a year's worth of time off. Commenting on how she's about to take a year off will earn a flat "like hell" as she wakes everyone else up.

The player instead suggesting how that's a lot of weekends to take off will have her comment that she has Saturdays and Sundays off but works from home on personal projects, but refuses to say what those projects are as she blushes. After a moment of silence, she asks if the player has any lewd intentions. If the player says no, she'll get angry and mention how there's no way they're forming a harem for video game sessions, and turn on her clock. The player instead needs to say that it's not the only intention, getting Awake-San to ponder longer. The player can just pull out a ray gun to finish it quickly, but with her last act of free will, she'll use the clock. Awake-San will respond much more favorably to offering to talk about it over some coffee. She decides that some rest, sex, coffee, and friends all sound really good right now, and agrees to fall under with her shift being over an hour ago. The player can use the ray gun, the coin on a string, or Hypno-Tan's boobs. While they get different dialogue, all three options will work.

Chapter 10: Helen - The Puppet Mistress. After getting home, Helen awaits the player and thanks him for getting a harem for her, and offers the player to join it freely. If the player agrees, they get the dead end. If not, the final battle begins (with her being glad the player resist since that's more fun). This is the only actual chance of failing at talks, as the boss fight is the player fending over her attempts to hypnotize him by fighting her in her mind (like how the boss fight of HellTaker plays out). At first, she bends over to wiggle her butt to hypnotize him, but beating the phase brings them back to the real world with him now groping it and her liking it. She snaps out of it and switches to trying titnosis, and once the player breaks out of it he's playing with both of them and with her outfit's top half-striped down. Getting mad, she then kisses the player to manually take over. Once the final wave is beaten, the player is kissing her while groping a breast in one hand and a butt cheek in the other. Helen, having had her magic reversed onto her. She comments that this is bound to happen from time to time and that it's been a few hundred years since a human has beat her. She decides a human's life span isn't that long to wait and submits.

But wait, there's more!

[spoiler=The Exploits Of Zone-Tan]The Exploits Of Zone-Tan is the equivalent of ExamTaker, and takes place after the main events. Helen appears in Zone-Tan's house to offer her the bag, mentioning that her Master currently doesn't plan to expand the harem much anymore, and she's curious what Zone-Tan could accomplish. Zone-Tan, naturally, uses this to create hypnotize tentacle monsters for her fun little experiments. Each monster is a recolored sprite of the same base monster, but each one hypnotizes Zone-Tan in a different manner. Zone-Tan always recovers perfectly for the next test.

The green tentacle monster will pull Zone-Tan's brain out, causing her eyes to glow bright green as her tongue hangs out drooling.

The red tentacle monster will have an eye form out of a tentacle, making Zone-Tan fall under Kaa-style eyes.

The blue tentacle monster will inject a substance into her mouth until she becomes addicted to it and refuses to stop.

The yellow tentacle monster will put a tentacle into her ear. Once it comes out, she smiles with glowing yellow eyes as she takes a missionary position with the tentacle monster, having been "reminded" what the test is "really" about.

The final pink tentacle monster enters her ear as well, but the tentacle breaks off and becomes slime that enters her. This being a boss fight, it must be done three times with each time triggering a phase of a battle in her mind. Once it works, Zone-Tan with glowing pink eyes gropes her chest as she wonders if Helens harem has room for one more.
09/27/21 04:43AM
97643241 said:
I thought I'd post this little idea here: HellTaker, but instead, you gather a hypno harem. Just post how your dream version of this process, from who you'd like to "romance" to how "negotiations" would work. I'll go first, using "Spiral Clicker" and hub characters as an example.

After solving the puzzle, the player has to choose how to hypnotize the woman in question.

The Plot: I don't have a unique one, other than the player getting magic devices from Helen (that's the green-haired elf from Spiral Clicker) thanks to an "Elf Bag". Her hope is that the player will eventually be drained of their willpower using the devices so she can easily hypnotize them herself and get a whole harem for little effort. A bit more sinister than her S.C. counterpart. The player heads to the mall to find ladies.

Note: all dialogue options would appear in a randomized order. For the sake of keeping things clear, all wrong options will come first. Also, I will be assuming the player is a male character, although a female character would only require slight dialogue changes. Finally, I'm by no means a writer, this is just a fun idea that won't leave my head.

[spoiler=this is a long post]
Chapter 1: Erika - The Easily Swayed. When the player reaches her, they must ask her to look into their eyes while they wear spiral glasses or look at a coin on a string. The former will almost hypnotize her, but she'll snap out of it and laugh about it, finding it a "cool trick" and be on her way. Picking the second option will have her quickly fall under.

Chapter 2: Cassie - The Sharp-Eyed Friend. When the player reaches her, she asks what they did to Erika while acknowledging it's hardly the first time she's been like that. The player can either mention they used the coin on the string or the spiral glasses. The former will start to hypnotize her, but she snaps out of it out of anger and berates the player, getting a dead end. The glasses are snapped out of the player's hand as she immediately figures it out and puts them on to hypnotize the player, only for the glasses to instantly hypnotize her instead.

Chapter 3: Alice - The Watchful Friend. Alice asks where Erika and Cassie have been and who their new friend is. The player's character then mentions that he's been shopping with them and asks if she's their friend, which she confirms. The player mentions they bought something for her. They can pull out a coin on a string, a candy bar, or a wall-mounted clock. The first one would have her call the player a crap magician, a sleazeball, and as good as dead, reaching a dead end. The second would have her eat the candy bar, apologize for being so mean, and take Erika and Cassie as she left, another dead end. The wall-mounted clock will leave her confused before the ticking starts to hypnotize her. After getting hypnotized, she will agree with the player it's time for her to join her friend in the harem.

Chapter 4: Myuk-ko - The Curious Friend. Upon reaching her, Myuk-ko actually figures out what the player is doing right away, and mentions that she's hypnotized Erika plenty of times. She compliments the player getting Cassie and Alice as well, something she's never done successfully, and asks if they have interest in her. If the player says no, she'll leave defeated and sad, leading to a dead end. If the player says yes, she'll offer one of her hair clips to hypnotize her, which she readily jumps at.

Chapter 5: Haru - The Difficult-To-Pin-Down Friend. Haru at first doesn't talk, before mentioning that everyone with you is acting weird. She mentions she knows them but hasn't hung out with any of them beyond Myuk-ko, before thinking this Myuk-ko trying to hypnotize her again before commenting how hypnosis is impossible and getting friends to play along won't work. The player can then either swing the hair clip in front of her or ask her to put it on. If the player swings it, Haru will comment the player is worse at it than Myuk-ko is and leave annoyed, causing a dead end. Having her put it on will cause her to straighten up before she going on about how she must think as Myuk-ko does, and then falls under just like Myuk-ko has.

Chapter 6: Crystal - The Gamer. Crystal is outside a game story in her lose, pink outfit, upset at how expensive the newest headset is. The player can offer her one from their bag, pull out the wall-mounted clock, or offer her his number to play a party game with the harem. The first one has her embarrassed about not being able to pay and leave, while the clock's ticking annoys her into leaving. She assumes the harem comment is a joke and agrees, asking to see your phone. She mentions how pretty the spiral screen saver is before it completely hypnotizes her.

Chapter 7: Evilka - The Sinister One. Evilka shows jealousy towards the player's harem, but offers to just take Erika as that's the one she wants. She'll ask how you hypnotized her, and the player can say that the glasses or the coin didn't work well. If the player answers honestly, she'll say to let a professional get to work as tells Erika to look into her eyes, swiping her and the rest of the harem for herself. If the player lies, she'll be flabergasted and demand the player tries to hypnotize her with it, since no one can suck that hard at hypnosis. She'll start to fall under, mention that the player IS good at it, before having an "oh crap" moment and falling under.

Chapter 8: Hypno-Tan - The Mesmerizing Icon. Hypno-Tan appears from a portal to congratulate the player for the harem, but notices the player staring at her breasts. She jokingly says that her spirals are just too big to not look at and that everyone finds them irresistible. The player has the point to stare at them, try to hypnotize her, or grab them. Staring at them results in the player getting hypnotized as she rubs them together. Trying to get something from the bag results in the player being unable to look away long enough, and so they still get hypnotized by them rubbing together. Choosing to grab them shocks her, but simply because no one has ever tried to before getting hypnotized. Curious as to what happens, she starts rubbing them only to fall under as her own magic is reversed onto her. She likes the feeling but refuses to fall under unless the player agrees to get another woman she knows. If the player refuses, throws his hands off her, calls him a buzzkill, and leaves. If he agrees, she happily submits to her own magic.

Chapter 9: Awake-San - The Caffeinated Busy Body. Having the easiest puzzle (comparable to chapter 8 from HellTaker), Awake-san has the most complex negotiation. She immediately spots Hypno-Tan in the harem and assumes she told the player to get her, then tells them to get lost. The player can agree to leave but has to deny the request to continue. She then pulls out an alarm clock and threatens to use it to wake up the whole harem, as she designed her clock to counter all hypnosis. The player can bluff and say it'll only drive them deeper, but she won't believe them and use it to wake them up. Instead, the player has to bring up they aren't here to disturb the peace and that she should either; this gets her to hesitate but she won't put it away. The player could mention she'd make a cute addition, but she won't be amused and wake everyone up. The right response is to comment on how tired she looks, which gets her to go on about how she works all the time and has saved up well over a year's worth of time off. Commenting on how she's about to take a year off will earn a flat "like hell" as she wakes everyone else up.

The player instead suggesting how that's a lot of weekends to take off will have her comment that she has Saturdays and Sundays off but works from home on personal projects, but refuses to say what those projects are as she blushes. After a moment of silence, she asks if the player has any lewd intentions. If the player says no, she'll get angry and mention how there's no way they're forming a harem for video game sessions, and turn on her clock. The player instead needs to say that it's not the only intention, getting Awake-San to ponder longer. The player can just pull out a ray gun to finish it quickly, but with her last act of free will, she'll use the clock. Awake-San will respond much more favorably to offering to talk about it over some coffee. She decides that some rest, sex, coffee, and friends all sound really good right now, and agrees to fall under with her shift being over an hour ago. The player can use the ray gun, the coin on a string, or Hypno-Tan's boobs. While they get different dialogue, all three options will work.

Chapter 10: Helen - The Puppet Mistress. After getting home, Helen awaits the player and thanks him for getting a harem for her, and offers the player to join it freely. If the player agrees, they get the dead end. If not, the final battle begins (with her being glad the player resist since that's more fun). This is the only actual chance of failing at talks, as the boss fight is the player fending over her attempts to hypnotize him by fighting her in her mind (like how the boss fight of HellTaker plays out). At first, she bends over to wiggle her butt to hypnotize him, but beating the phase brings them back to the real world with him now groping it and her liking it. She snaps out of it and switches to trying titnosis, and once the player breaks out of it he's playing with both of them and with her outfit's top half-striped down. Getting mad, she then kisses the player to manually take over. Once the final wave is beaten, the player is kissing her while groping a breast in one hand and a butt cheek in the other. Helen, having had her magic reversed onto her. She comments that this is bound to happen from time to time and that it's been a few hundred years since a human has beat her. She decides a human's life span isn't that long to wait and submits.

But wait, there's more!

[spoiler=The Exploits Of Zone-Tan]The Exploits Of Zone-Tan is the equivalent of ExamTaker, and takes place after the main events. Helen appears in Zone-Tan's house to offer her the bag, mentioning that her Master currently doesn't plan to expand the harem much anymore, and she's curious what Zone-Tan could accomplish. Zone-Tan, naturally, uses this to create hypnotize tentacle monsters for her fun little experiments. Each monster is a recolored sprite of the same base monster, but each one hypnotizes Zone-Tan in a different manner. Zone-Tan always recovers perfectly for the next test.

The green tentacle monster will pull Zone-Tan's brain out, causing her eyes to glow bright green as her tongue hangs out drooling.

The red tentacle monster will have an eye form out of a tentacle, making Zone-Tan fall under Kaa-style eyes.

The blue tentacle monster will inject a substance into her mouth until she becomes addicted to it and refuses to stop.

The yellow tentacle monster will put a tentacle into her ear. Once it comes out, she smiles with glowing yellow eyes as she takes a missionary position with the tentacle monster, having been "reminded" what the test is "really" about.

The final pink tentacle monster enters her ear as well, but the tentacle breaks off and becomes slime that enters her. This being a boss fight, it must be done three times with each time triggering a phase of a battle in her mind. Once it works, Zone-Tan with glowing pink eyes gropes her chest as she wonders if Helens harem has room for one more.

If you made this a mod I would play it
09/27/21 05:38AM
12 said:
If you made this a mod I would play it

If I ever learn to code, I probably will.
09/27/21 07:38AM
yes sir i like this alot
09/28/21 07:15AM
Alright, I'll take a crack at this

Setting: Fantasy RPG style dungeon

Plot: You play as an adventurer doing the usual dungeon crawling, and you find a cursed amulet on one of the monsters you've killed. The amulet constantly generates corruptive magic which can be used to hypnotize people, but will quickly turn you into a mindless zombie if it goes too long without being used.

The only way to save yourself is to defeat the Lich Queen who controls the dungeon, but to make it that far, you need to buy yourself more time by using the amulet's power on every adventurer, merchant, and reasonably intelligent monster you can find on the way.

Possible endings:
-- Zombie- You run out of time and become a zombie. You aimlessly wander back to the entrance level of the dungeon, where an adventurer quickly strikes you down. The last thing you see before your vision fades is your killer's hand reaching for the amulet around your neck. (Default Game Over)

-- Hero- You kill the Lich Queen, causing the amulet to shatter and its effects to fade away. The girls you had under your control are set free and go their separate ways. You bring the queen's crown back to your guild as a trophy and quickly become the most famous hero in the land.

-- Pacifist- You defeat the queen, but offer to spare her life if she lifts the curse and lets you leave. She agrees, and alters the amulet's enchantment to reduce its intensity. It's not a threat to you anymore, but it no longer has enough power to hypnotize anyone outside of your existing harem.

-- Minion- The queen offers you a deal: Pledge yourself to her service, and she will reduce the severity of your curse. You will still be magically enslaved to her, but your personality will remain mostly intact and your harem will remain fully under your control. You accept her terms and return to one of the higher floors of the dungeon, eager to use your powers on anyone that would dare to invade your Mistress's home.

-- DM- You turn the amulet's power against its creator and take her place as the Dungeon Master. The amulet will no longer turn you into a zombie, but you have been thoroughly corrupted and feel an irresistible need to bring more people under your control. You turn your attention to the nearest city and begin plotting to expand your new empire. (This ending is only available if you complete the entire game in one continuous run with no deaths.)
09/28/21 04:25PM
nisantis said:
Alright, I'll take a crack at this

Setting: Fantasy RPG style dungeon

Plot: You play as an adventurer doing the usual dungeon crawling, and you find a cursed amulet on one of the monsters you've killed. The amulet constantly generates corruptive magic which can be used to hypnotize people, but will quickly turn you into a mindless zombie if it goes too long without being used.

The only way to save yourself is to defeat the Lich Queen who controls the dungeon, but to make it that far, you need to buy yourself more time by using the amulet's power on every adventurer, merchant, and reasonably intelligent monster you can find on the way.

Possible endings:
-- Zombie- You run out of time and become a zombie. You aimlessly wander back to the entrance level of the dungeon, where an adventurer quickly strikes you down. The last thing you see before your vision fades is your killer's hand reaching for the amulet around your neck. (Default Game Over)

-- Hero- You kill the Lich Queen, causing the amulet to shatter and its effects to fade away. The girls you had under your control are set free and go their separate ways. You bring the queen's crown back to your guild as a trophy and quickly become the most famous hero in the land.

-- Pacifist- You defeat the queen, but offer to spare her life if she lifts the curse and lets you leave. She agrees, and alters the amulet's enchantment to reduce its intensity. It's not a threat to you anymore, but it no longer has enough power to hypnotize anyone outside of your existing harem.

-- Minion- The queen offers you a deal: Pledge yourself to her service, and she will reduce the severity of your curse. You will still be magically enslaved to her, but your personality will remain mostly intact and your harem will remain fully under your control. You accept her terms and return to one of the higher floors of the dungeon, eager to use your powers on anyone that would dare to invade your Mistress's home.

-- DM- You turn the amulet's power against its creator and take her place as the Dungeon Master. The amulet will no longer turn you into a zombie, but you have been thoroughly corrupted and feel an irresistible need to bring more people under your control. You turn your attention to the nearest city and begin plotting to expand your new empire. (This ending is only available if you complete the entire game in one continuous run with no deaths.)

Ooh, that's pretty cool
10/02/21 01:24AM
I used this idea in a manip. You are a telapath out to get some girls. However, you can't just go ZAP NOW YOU ARE MINE! You have to map out the mind of your victim in order to attune them to you. This can mean the Helltaker style puzzle rooms can have different looks and themes based on the psyche of the person whose brain you're trying to forge a path through. The final level could be that pretty, seemingly pure girl next door you had your eye on since the start with all the other girls being practice for when you make your play for her. Once you enter her head, you realize too late that she is A TOTAL PSYCHO!. You have to navigate a final level born of an insane mind.

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