09/28/21 11:27AM
Issues with the blacklist?
The other day I got frustrated because adding something to my blacklist seemed to not work at all. It would just vanish from the list after I refreshed or changed pages

I got frustrated and left it over night only to come back today and find that none of the posts were loading literally at all, leaving no blacklist and no posts.

Clearing my cache seems to have solved the no posts problem, but has caused the fun NEW issue that, while my blacklist works, it keeps switching back to the default blacklist, my actual blacklist only showing up and working if I add something.

Oddly enough I swapped browsers to see if that fixed it, and the other browser ALSO had the no-posts issue.

Any suggestions? Local girl is Bad At Tech so idk what this could even be
09/29/21 10:33PM
I've heard that if you have more than like, a hundred tags on your blacklist or something, it tends to bug out - that may be your issue?

EDIT: To be precise, <<|this thread>> estimates the limit at 200 before it stops working outright, but <<|this other thread>> has the main admin of the Hub recommending that you don't use more than 100 tags, mostly for server purposes.

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