10/03/21 05:31AM
Hypno themed FE: Fates mod ideas.
I have been planning on doing some modding of Fire Emblem Fates, but I realized I was lacking in ideas. I figured I would see if any of you had any fun thoughts on the subject.

I can change any already existing support to be something different. If you want an in game scene of one character hypnotizing another, it can be done. The only rule is that they need to already have supports.

I can also modify existing or add custom items, classes and units. The only limiting factor on these is that they need to use models and animations that already exist in the game, though I can retexture any of them.

I can mix and match units face shape and hair along with giving them whatever eyes I want.(Yes, spiral/kaa eyes are possible if a bit compressed. Can't animate them though.)

Let me know if there are any ideas you think I should take a shot at. No guarantees if I will get all or any of them done as I am mostly just tinkering.
10/03/21 07:36AM
How plausible would it be to make gameplay changes? Like dark magic that mind controls an enemy and makes them fight for you in combat or something like that.
10/03/21 07:41AM
Take advantage of the prison, and hack the game to make a totally new story revolving around capturing and brainwashing the various women in the game. And remember that no matter how corny it feels in the end, it'll still be better writing than the story is anyways, lol.
10/03/21 09:26AM
PoppedCorn said:
Dark magic that mind controls an enemy and makes them fight for you in combat or something like that.

TheGrandOleRuski said:
Take advantage of the prison.

Good stuff both of you. It's new ground for me, but I should have the ability to change the text regarding the prison. Furthermore, though mind control mid combat is a bit out of my range, I could probably make the capture skill easier to get on other units. You could then bring them back to the prison and "Convince" them to fight for you. I could also probably make the named units capturable.

TheGrandOleRuski said:
hack the game to make a totally new story revolving around capturing and brainwashing the various women in the game. And remember that no matter how corny it feels in the end, it'll still be better writing than the story is anyways, lol.

Unfortunately, the cutscenes and level intros are set in stone. Changing levels also is beyond my current abilities.

Keep the ideas rolling in.
10/03/21 12:57PM
Are any of the swimsuit models thin enough on the body they could make a plausible nude texture?
10/03/21 01:03PM
Hawkeye said:
Are any of the swimsuit models thin enough on the body they could make a plausible nude texture?

Not really. The best bet for something like that would be to use the bottom layer of the dark mage armor. It is essentially form fitting underwear. I could try messing with it and seeing if I can get the look right.
10/03/21 01:13PM
thedude107 said:
Not really. The best bet for something like that would be to use the bottom layer of the dark mage armor. It is essentially form fitting underwear. I could try messing with it and seeing if I can get the look right.

None of the swimsuits they cut out of the English release work? Really? That's disappointing.
10/04/21 03:12AM
Hawkeye said:
None of the swimsuits they cut out of the English release work? Really? That's disappointing.

It's not that I can't modify them, they are just less form fitting compared to what you would expect. They also have lot's of accessories on the same layer as the base. Even the skimpiest of the swimsuits uses gold rings to hold itself together. I can't think of a way to effectively hide these things to make it look like they aren't there at all.
10/11/21 06:57PM
I just started playing fire emblem fates for the first time (doing birthright), so seeing this made me even more excited. I'm still a noob at the game and h, so I don't know what even is possible in the base game.
I don't know what the limits of modding are so I'll list some ideas without regards for the ability to implement.

I wonder if there is some way to change up the dialog in the hot springs when you walk in to people of the opposite gender.
Perhaps you could hypnotize them to forget they saw you, and then your character will run out.

10/11/21 07:47PM
Well, Supports could be changed as well. If I'm not mistaken, you might be able to edit character portiarts using Paragon, so you could make some supports based on hypnosis if there's pairs you like. (You can also create characters using the same program... though I'm not sure if you can give them supports. I'll need to double check that.) Outside of that though, until we can do actual cutscene editing and big map editing, a story based game might not be possible.
10/16/21 02:19AM
MalloryMc314 said:

I wonder if there is some way to change up the dialog in the hot springs when you walk in to people of the opposite gender.
Perhaps you could hypnotize them to forget they saw you, and then your character will run out.

That is actually doable. I can't change how many lines there are when you walk in on them (They are limited to one text box per character), but I can change what they say.

Oshachu7755 said:
You can also create characters using the same program... though I'm not sure if you can give them supports. I'll need to double check that.

I'm actually decently good at making the custom characters. It is possible to add custom supports for them, but it wouldn't be via Paragon.

As far as modifying supports for existing characters, do you have any ideas? I know how to do it. I just lack the creativity to think up anything specific.
10/16/21 03:47AM
thedude107 said:
As far as modifying supports for existing characters, do you have any ideas? I know how to do it. I just lack the creativity to think up anything specific.

Maybe depending on the character it can range from cute and cuddly for younger characters and down right enslavement for the older characters
10/16/21 11:57AM
thedude107 said:

As far as modifying supports for existing characters, do you have any ideas? I know how to do it. I just lack the creativity to think up anything specific.

(This is assuming more than Corrin does have these abilities and honestly I'm just spitballing here.)

You could have something with Corrin and Camilia where Cam goes around and hypnotizes people to leave Corrin alone or to be insanely overprotective to the point it fricks them out and when they try to object Camilia gives Corrin some hypnosis fun unintentally annoying them, haha.

Or maybe have Bekura use hypnosis to assassinate people as a part of a updated backstory which could be why she'd be good at it.

Or maybe edit Opheilia's and Midori's supports where instead of getting defensive Ophelia hypnotizes Midori which makes the Green Nitori admit why she hates the idea of seeing the future (because she has to deal with the dying in the present) so Ophelia goes ahead and plants the idea of a new future where she'll be happy in her mind which makes her happier?

Or having the Hoshidan Ninjas use hypnosis in order to sneak in more effectivly. Saizo is fine with it, Kangero enjoys it and Kaze doesn't like it too much. So their supports could bounce off that idea for the hypnosis.
10/24/21 09:37PM
There's one thing I thought. There was this mod that I used called "Gay Fates Mod" made by UnassumingVenusaur which added custom scenes for some supports, along with new supports for both homosexual and heterosexual couples. I think it may be illegal, but you could use their mod to add more dialogues that can be modified for your own mod.

As another personal thought, maybe you could use the witch class as a basis for an hypnotist class? I feel that the lantern could be used as a parallel to an hypnotic light or a pendulum.
12/10/21 07:32PM
thedude107 said:
Good stuff both of you. It's new ground for me, but I should have the ability to change the text regarding the prison. Furthermore, though mind control mid combat is a bit out of my range, I could probably make the capture skill easier to get on other units. You could then bring them back to the prison and "Convince" them to fight for you. I could also probably make the named units capturable.

Capturing the named units is definitely the best thought imo. Maybe make it so Capture is a skill scroll that can be given So its not only Niles and Orochi.

Perhaps making a option for what type of hypnosis/brainwashing you want. Obedient can change supports and how your addressed. Loyalty can just change their loyalty to you and your cause so supports really don't need to change that much. Army is you just want more soldiers so they are mostly silent and just say "For Hoshido/Nohr" when you speak to them. A possible option to enslave those already loyal to you as well depending.

A source for this ability could be just magic via Orochi or whatever the term that the Dai Li in Avatar used for Niles. Or it can be gifted to Corrin by Lilith in an attempt that after a certain amount of people get enslaved she can return to her human form. (where you can then attempt to enslave her)
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