10/07/21 04:55PM
Reversing a Deleted Picture
There was a picture that got deleted that I was hoping to get reuploaded. I don't think there was anything in the picture that was bad and it had been on the site for over half a decade. I was not sure about how to go about that and who to talk to. I am trying to find a link to the post, but I never saved it as I just had it in my favorites. I have been on here a long time and sorry if there was a different way to do this but this is my 1st time posting in the forums.
10/07/21 05:04PM
Hey, at least describe the picture xD
10/08/21 06:16AM
It was a Sleepymaid picture with 3 people. A mother and her 2 kids at least one of which had purple hair.
10/08/21 06:21AM
KnightsAlly said:
It was a Sleepymaid picture with 3 people. A mother and her 2 kids at least one of which had purple hair.

It was probably taken down for lolicon or shota con.
10/08/21 06:24AM
There was nothing sexual going on in the picture and it was just 3 people standing being hypnotized. It has been on this site longer then I have a believe.
10/08/21 07:52AM
KnightsAlly said:
There was nothing sexual going on in the picture and it was just 3 people standing being hypnotized. It has been on this site longer then I have a believe.

I would assume there was still some kind of nudity present. I otherwise don't know why it was removed if all 3 characters were completely clothed.
10/09/21 06:41PM
So how do I contest its removal?
10/10/21 01:12AM
KnightsAlly said:
So how do I contest its removal?

Do you know what pic this was?
i don't remember taking down a sleepymade pic in recent memory so odds are this was taken down some time ago, maybe even during the big purge we had with loli and shota.
10/10/21 06:05PM
I tried to give details but I would be happy to go through the deleted ones to find it if that is possible. There was a picture of 3 people all from one family. They had different colored hair and were all standing looking right at the viewer. There were in socks and various state of undress but I don't believe any of them were even naked. One was male and two were female.
10/10/21 08:24PM
KnightsAlly said:
I tried to give details but I would be happy to go through the deleted ones to find it if that is possible. There was a picture of 3 people all from one family. They had different colored hair and were all standing looking right at the viewer. There were in socks and various state of undress but I don't believe any of them were even naked. One was male and two were female.

Find the pic your talking about in the history tab
go to it and look for the MD5 number here's a example d58401a65940ff62ef4008953815eed3
in the search bar at the top of the screen enter this in followed by the MD5 so it should look like this
now at the end it will have one of three things
the post in the example will look like this
hope this helps
10/11/21 01:47AM
It doesn't exactly match but might #8788 be the one?
It has the purple hair and looking at viewer but with 4 people and got removed for explicit loli which is pretty much justified because one of them is nude but it's the closest match I could find
MD5 is c41b991987459db6ba47dd1fd350cce6 and it's a .png
You can search id:8788 and click on the little star icon below to view the image a little easier
10/11/21 06:43PM
I am sorry but I don't have any past history on my web browser. I really am sorry that I can't help more directly. Either way, I really appreciate how quickly the community has been willing to help. This might be my 1st time posting in the forums but I am really impressed with the help.
10/11/21 09:04PM
KnightsAlly said:
I am sorry but I don't have any past history on my web browser. I really am sorry that I can't help more directly. Either way, I really appreciate how quickly the community has been willing to help. This might be my 1st time posting in the forums but I am really impressed with the help.

Click the arrow next to the post tab at the top of the site a drop down will open at the bottom of it is history search for the tags of the post your looking for
10/12/21 08:52AM
KJay said:
It doesn't exactly match but might #8788 be the one?
It has the purple hair and looking at viewer but with 4 people and got removed for explicit loli which is pretty much justified because one of them is nude but it's the closest match I could find
MD5 is c41b991987459db6ba47dd1fd350cce6 and it's a .png
You can search id:8788 and click on the little star icon below to view the image a little easier

I am not seeing one with that number #8788. I think I might be using the search wrong but the only ones that come up with that number when I search it are 87884, 87883 and 87880.
10/13/21 02:59PM
I am going through the log now. I hope to see it but I fear it has been gone so long it is just going to be one of the deleted ones and I won't know as I can't see the picture.
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