10/15/21 05:46PM
Types of Hypnosis and Mind Control
Sooooooo chances are that you get turned on by hypnosis or mind control. Chances are that's why you're here. Maybe that's also why I'm here. But this kink is obviously a very varied one and there are tons of different facets to it. How many? Well, I made a rough categorization on all the different types of mind control, realistic and fantasy only, that are common around and that you can look for. I've grouped them into 4 categories that can be combined:

- type
- method
- situation
- motivation

So let's get into it.

First, the types. I've categorized 10 types of control that a victim can be under:

- entranced/mindless:
In this state the victims thoughs are vulnerable and easy to mess around with as the victim is extremely suggestible, taking everything she's told as the truth. Vacant stares, a relaxed body and maybe some drooling are a sign of this as your victim dreamily repeats any commands. Besides being a good type of control itself, it can also work as a stepping stone for other types of controls. Triggers and post hypnotic suggestions can prolong the effect even beyond. The victim can still react to sensations and maybe even orgasm as she's taking in new suggestions.

- on demand/robotized/hivedrone
Victims in this state do not feel or think anything at all. All they care about is executing orders as they are told. They could either act like robot or be actual robots, either naturally or by robotization. The victim's body might still react physically to stimulation of all sorts, including arousal, but not necessary. The drone version of this state will try to gather new slaves for her owner too, usually by the same method she herself got enslaved. In a hive the victims will all share the same thoughts and receive commands from the same place.

- brainwashed
A brainwashed victim has her original personality. Mostly. They are usually super submissive and passionate about serving their owners while still being mostly themselves. They will use the fullest of their mental capacities (or at least how much they were allowed to keep) to serve their master. Brainwashed victims might also be sleepers (heh.) for their owners, blending in perfectly into their old lives but revealing their complete devotion when called upon. Victims can also be brainwashed into more than just submission, getting new fetishes and kinks like dressing up and acting certain ways from it.

- Horny/Mind broken
Ever been too horny to properly think? That's exactly the state these victims are in, craving sex and pleasure so much that their conscious mind can't handle it. Usually these victims can still resist in the beginning if in an unwilling situation, but their bodies will surely react in line to their controller. Usually comes with an insane increase to sensitivity and/or libido. But finally getting off might not be the relief the victim was hoping for, it might be the exact opposite. After cumming too much or too hard (or not at all for too long after constant simulation) the victim might experience a mind break, where she's completely unable to think about anything else but satisfaction. The effect might be permanent, leaving the victim constantly horny and willing forever. Even after snapping out of a mind break, the victim will be extremely easy to break again.

- Unaware (altered perception/morals)
Sometimes hypnosis can carry on into the waking state, leaving the victim at full mental capacity and acting regularly, just not in the regular world or not realizing how they actually act. The victim might be completely naked in public and wondering why everybody is looking at her body like that. Another version of unaware hypnosis is altered perception. Like unaware hypnosis the victim still acts at her full mental capacity and how she would normally, just that the ice cream the nice man offered her never seems to run out. And it's not cold at all. But at least it's filled with cream. Salty warm cream. Yummy. Another way of unaware hypnosis is altering the morals of the victim. Of curse she's at her full mental capacity, but any good citizen presents her naked body to perverts, doesn't she? Nothing weird about that.

- Corrupted
If a victim knows she's under control, she'll usually either deny or fight it, unless they are brainwashed. But what if she fully embraces it. Corrupted victims have their morals completely turned around and are fully aware of that. They completely act on their own will, but that will is twisted and focused on personal gain, pleasure and serving their master.

- Possessed/Body Control (awake/passed out)
Even with the mind still 100% intact, the body can still be controlled. Whether through possession or other ways of body control, the victim is helpless as her body acts on its own, or rather on command, sometimes able to speak freely but that's it. Alternatively the victim's mind can be deactivated, leaving a remote controlled puppet to be used. Body control and possession can also lead to a mind break if the victim's body goes through countless ways of stimulation or orgasms with the mind constantly assaulted and unable to fight back.

- Memory alteration
This form of control will leave the victim at its highest mental capacity and also closest to her original self. She'd act just like normal, only if she actually always wanted to be a slave in the past. This method is especially powerful for victims that are needed at their fullest mental capacity. The choice of false memories needs to be selected carefully though since the victim's personality does not alter, so confident victims might still fight back if injected with wrong memories.

- Transformation (Bimbofication/Stepfordization/zombiefication/animals etc.)
This form of control that might or might not go with physical changes has the victim mentally change into someone else, with certain traits and memories of the old self sometimes retained. Whether the victim becomes a sex crazy dumb bimbo, an obedient housewife or a catgirl, the possibilities are endless.

- Conditioning (Triggers/Aware)
Similar to unaware hypnosis, conditioning affects the victim even if she's awake. A conditioned victim might react to something in a predetermined way without giving it much thought. Like you'd open a door without consciously thinking about it, a conditioned victim might not give much second thought when she strips naked. Another way of conditioning are triggers, making the victim perform certain actions or even enter another hypnotic state on command or on certain actions. Lastly the victim might even be aware she's being controlled in her wake state, but be powerless to stop it.

Now that we have the types of being controlled, let's get into the methods of how the victim has been put into that state:

- Visuals (Pendulum/Spirals/lights)
The absolute classic. Whipping out a pendulum in front of a girl and swaying it until she falls into trance, having her look at swirling spirals or beautiful lights until she falls.

- Relaxing (meditation/mantras)
The closest thing to actual non sexual hypnosis: have the victim enter a state of complete relaxation and vulnerability to be open for your suggestions.

- Induction (speech/eyes/videos)
Slowly push into the victim's mind with your words as you induce her into the state you wish.

- Confusion/Surprise (finger snap/handshake etc.)
In a confused or surprised state where the victim can't really make rational decisions, the victim might be susceptible to a command, including the command to fall into a deep trance or asleep

- Subliminals (hidden video messages/hidden sounds)
A flash of the video, a few off notes in the soundtracks and suddenly it seems reasonable to open up the webcam and strip. Subliminals are a strong way of weakening a target's mind without them casing any suspicion, but there usually needs to be a lot of exposure for it to have any effect.

- Audio (music/sounds/voices)
"Listen to my voice". As the victim keeps listening, her mind might drift off, becoming vulnerable and absorbing new information without giving it any second thought. Or any thought at all. Audio based hypnosis might also come through headphones or from the surrounding music playing. Relaxing to your favorite tune from your headphones and becoming a mindless slave sounds nice.

- Stimulation (vibrators/fucking machines/sex)
Ever tried to properly think when multiple sensitive spots are assaulted at the same time and the mind is close to cumming? Arousal is a powerful way of controlling a victim, making her accept anything as her waking mind is too busy with the intense sensation.

- Aphrodisiacs/hypno drugs (drinking/breathing in/injection/body contact)
Wonder what that weird pink liquid is? Aphrodisiacs can make the victim needs and aroused, sensitive and easy to control with sex. Whether it's ingested, either unknowingly or knowingly, or mixed into the air, injected into the victim or rubbed onto her body or sensitive areas, soon the victim will crave for sex no matter what. Alternatively drugs can cause the victim to enter a state directly, mostly just a trance. Nanobots are a tech version of drugs that, once entering the body or even brain of a victim, can completely repgrogram her into any state.

- Mind break (orgasm denial/constant orgasms/using kinks)
Even if stimulation might not be enough, a mind breaking will always lead to the victim being controlled. While a state of control itself, the mind break might also be a stepping stone for further ways of control.

- Gadgets (penlights/remote control/smartphones and hypnotic apps)
Controlling a victim can be as easy as taking out a device and pointing it. There are versions where prior interaction with the victim is necessary, where the victim needs to interact with the gadget or where the gadget alone can turn any girl into anything you want.

- Accessories (collars/jewelry/sex toys)
This collar looks stylish and turns the wearer into an obedient slave. Hypnotic accessories can be put on the victim either sneakily or by force and instantly bring them into any state as long as they're worn. There's also a kinky version with sex toys. Push the hypnotic butt plug in the victim's ass and watch her fall under complete control.

- Magic (spells/curses/magic items/magic seals)
Whether it's spells that are cast at the victims or magic seals put onto her body to control her, this fantasy version of control overpowers the victim's mind with supernatural force, leaving her in any state you like.

- Parasites/Tentacles
Parasites in real life can easily alter their host mentally, something that can also happen in a mind control setting. Alternatively tentacles might also be able to push the right buttons to get the victim to drool and submit. Tentacles can also use stimulation or aphrodisiacs for stronger effects.

- Mind infiltration (Brain Probes/Telepathy/Dream infiltration)
Sometimes you don't want to go through extra routes. Directly probing a victim's mind, usually though technology, instantly brings her into your desired state, maybe even while she's sound asleep, waking up as a willing slave.

- Body parts (dicknosis/titnosis)
A dick can sway like a pendulum, so focusing on that too much can bring a girl into trance too. There's also the female version with tits.

- Machines (conversion machines/labs)
Usually this type of control has the victim sit into a machine or otherwise go through a machine as she's restrained as she's rewritten, often with a combination of multiple other control mechanisms that all work together in the machine.

- Tech control (visors/earpieces/microchips/helmets/full suits)
Like with machines, these devices are usually just the carrier for other control types, whether a visor or vr-headset shows swirling spirals, the earpiece assaults the mind with constant hypnotic audio or probes the brain directly or the classic microchip on the forhead or neck interfering with the victim's mind.

- Monsters (vampires/evil ghosts/nagas etc.)
Monsters might have their own way of enslaving targets. Usually either after abducting or ambushing their prey, in a surprise attack or during the fight they might use their natural controlling ability. Some monsters have inherent abilities, like Ghosts being able to possess their targets and succubi or incubi being able to arouse their targets naturally, some use other methods like aphrodisiacs or sounds and lights.

- Brain control (tentacles/parasites/implants/wires)
Hooking something up to the brain directly makes the victim completely helpless to any sort of control. This method is pretty much impossible to resist and can cause the victim to orgasm instantly, change anything about their mind and so much more.

- Hacking (hacking robot girls/hacking implants/avatars/viruses)
Brain implants help you think faster, give you all your knowledge on demand and turn you into an obedient slave. In case you get hacked or catch a virus of course. Alternatively robot girls or virtual girls (or virtual avatars of real girls) might get infiltrated and changed by a hacker too.

- Infection/Conversion (robotization/normal infections/sexually)
Getting converted into a part of a hive or switching into a hypnotic state from an injection or after sex can happen to the victim in this form of control.

Now that we have the ways a victim can be controlled, there's more: the settings. Here I collected 5 different settings:

- Consensual (stage hypnosis/betting)
Sometimes the victim will just agree to the control willingly. A special sort is the stage hypnosis, where the victim will take part willingly in order to deliver a good show. Victims might also bet about whether they can be hypnotized. Sometimes the last thing a victim will say is "come on and try it, it's not like it works on me".

- By force/abduction
Since it won't matter anymore once the victim is under control, controllers can go all out and use their methods against any resistance. Often it's best to do this at the own sweet home/underground brainwashing labortatory. The victim might know what will happen to her, but it won't be of any use.

- Sneaky
With this sort of hypnosis the victim has no idea of what's happening until she's under control. Often used with subliminals or aphrodisiacs, and sometimes just to weaken the victim's mind for the actual controlling.

- Surprise/Trap
In these settings the victim does know she's in the process of being mind controlled, but only after it has already started. Whether it's sneakily jumping behind her and applying a mind control collar or a plate on the ground that releases a strong aphrodisiac, the victim might know what's coming, but it's already too late.

- Blackmail/Pressure
Willingly allow the controller to do with you as they please or abandon your best friends? Using other people as pressure to get the victim to agree to partake in your mind control method can be effective, if your method of control is able to deal with the strongest of resistances. Having those persons already be your slaves and then having them help enslave your newest target adds extra spice (and extra "snap out of it, he's controlling you").

And ultimately and totally not forgotten by me: the motivation. Why turning someone into a willing slave? There are actually multiple possible reasons:

- power fantasies/wanting a servant
Even as a sub I sometimes wish for someone to do my work. Having a maid take care of all your annoying tasks and even get off of it sounds great, and what if you just get off on the thought of controlling someone alone? Or of the thought of being controlled in a consensual setting

- sexual reasons
Have your target of choice fulfill all your sexual desires is reason alone for any sort of mind control. Especially if those desires involve the target being under mind control.

- to weaken the target for more mind control
Sometimes the target is just too resiliant to just brute force into her mind, so something like a sneaky drug in the drink or a subliminal message in the back can make the victim more susceptible to your true method

- humiliation/revenge
Sometimes a victim isn't completely undeserving of control. Reversing a prior humiliation by turning her into a (not so) willing servant can be a motivation. Or the controller is just jealous or into humiliation

- furthering other goals
Sometimes it's not about who the victim is but about what she can do. Getting promotions, conquering kingdoms and otherwise gaining power can be a reason to bring someone under your control, or maybe she's just friends with your main target and you want to get closer to her.
10/16/21 06:45AM
Wow, this is a lot. Is this meant to be a comprehensive treatise?

Also, not sure if you purpose didn't elaborate on the motivation section, or just forgot.
10/16/21 12:19PM
anonlv000 said:
Wow, this is a lot. Is this meant to be a comprehensive treatise?

Also, not sure if you purpose didn't elaborate on the motivation section, or just forgot.

Yeah I hope he continues! This is quite the handy list.
10/18/21 09:25AM
anonlv000 said:
Wow, this is a lot. Is this meant to be a comprehensive treatise?

Also, not sure if you purpose didn't elaborate on the motivation section, or just forgot.

Yes, this was meant to be a tiny little reference sheet, but it kinda got out of hand x:
10/18/21 11:27AM
This was great to read! I've always had these information stored somewhere in my brain but it's really nice to see it organized and written out in words.
10/20/21 03:24AM
I made a tier list of the first section of this (types of control)
Currently too lazy to do the rest, you people can fight over that yourselves if you want
Also I didn't put much effort into this so pls don't yell at me for bad opinions .-.
Or do if you want idc
Edit: I'm a dumbass and only included the template and not my own tier list and didn't notice until the next day
10/20/21 04:16AM
Pron said:
I made a tier list of the first section of this (types of control)
Currently too lazy to do the rest, you people can fight over that yourselves if you want
Also I didn't put much effort into this so pls don't yell at me for bad opinions .-.
Or do if you want idc

<<imgur.com/G67Iide|My own take, no order within the tiers themselves.>> Initially had possession much higher, but I prefer more of a "personality merge" than body control... which I figured is basically corruption moreso than possession as OP defined it

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