10/28/21 05:52AM
Hypnosis fetish, just hello
I mean, sort of just the title? I have been a lurker of various hypnosis communities but never reached out. Just wanted to talk. It's going to get VERY personal. I am a LONG time hypno-fetishist but never was able to delve into it, only on my own time. This has always been a random thing of mine and it has always felt so deeply and INTENSELY personal and like everyone else is so different, and doesn't get it. I just want to reach out to everyone here, and honestly thank all of you for sharing a kink/interest that is atypical. I am so glad that, regardless of your individual walks of life, you all share at least some bond with myself and each other. We all know the feeling that is the hypnokink.

If you are willing, I am interested in your answers following questions:

1) How do you identify yourself sexually (straight male/female/bi male/female/etc./etc.)

2) What is one of your earliest memories of "hypnofetishism".

3) What sorts of hypnosis/mind control are your turn-ons now?

4) How are you managing your fetish in your current life?

5) Have you ever felt embarrassed or weird because of your hypnofetishism?

I'll go first:

Identify: Straight Male (surprise surprise lol) EDIT: (Could be bi if pressed...like i"m 99% straight but sex is sex as long as I'm in charge pfft)
Earliest memories: Around Grade 4: imagining mind controlling my classmate via ghosts/magic (didn't really understand sex at the time...so hypnosis and my sexuality always grew together)
Turn-ons now: Everything hypnosis related in general, but particularly subtly dominating a female with her (subconscious) consent. The idea that I could have a girl who openly wants to remain in control but subconsciously wants to give up control is SUCH a turn on. I am partially a sub, but mostly for increased understanding and knowledge of how hypnosis works, prefer dom role in my sex life. Fantasy is having a girl with post hypnotic suggestions that can be triggered. I mean, so hot.
Managing in current life: Purely through porn/hypno games here. I do not have a good skillset to realize my fantasy, but perhaps one day. Various sources of Hypnoporn/kink etc. is a necessity in my life. (Praise be Angela Deville, et all, somehow creating exactly what we all need)

Ever felt embarrassed: Yes. Very yes. I have hinted towards my feelings for hypnosis for two different people, each responding with a confused/ (don't bring that up with me hahahahahaha I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that) response. I just am glad that, through the internet, I at least can meet a bunch of similar weirdos like me who understand that hypnosis is hella sexy.

Thanks all,



(but for real I am curious about all y'all answers. I am def reading all posts on this topic)

Also: (If you don't want to answer some questions, but only answer a few of them instead, that's fine, 'totes understand, wouldn't want to put you in an awkward position. Also you can always PM me if you want...not trying to be sketchy, just want to be accommodating and I am very curious about the community.)

Also also: Somehow, only now do I think of this. I am only looking for honest answers from all of you. I have no interest in "hooking up" or anything. Like I am honestly flattered from any such responses, but only looking for data here (I mean maybe I'll give you a LITTLE something if you are really horny, (regardless of gender), I'm not a monster :P. But not the goal of post)
10/28/21 09:39AM
1) Asexual. I'm attracted to women and enjoy a few kinks and other sex-adjacent activities, but nudity and actual sex itself are just... No, thanks.

2) Most of my early memories on this topic involve cartoons: Misty and Hypno, Daphne and the Ghost Clown, a few episodes of Lilo and Stitch, etc..

3) My favorite hypno stuff tends to fall into the wholesome/consensual category. (Bonus points if a girl who's normally really quiet or passive is the one in control.) Runner ups include "villainess turned good"/"heroine turned evil", hypnotized hypnotists, and really anything with a good spiral eye effect.

4) Primarily via this site. I've been considering getting into writing and manipping, so that may or may not be going somewhere.

5) I once used someone else's computer and found he left a tab open on this very site. I closed it and didn't say anything, but I think he could tell from my reaction that I'd been here before.
10/28/21 10:13AM
1) Think I'm Bi? Love femsubs but I recently started to enjoy quite a few malesub pics too. Always nice to have variety now and again.

2) I do remember when I was a kid, me and an old friend were playing with some Spongebob figures, and he thought up this idea where Spongebob hypnotized people into doing stuff. I thought the idea was really clever and interesting, and considered it good enough to be an actual plot in an episode. (Looking back, this could've played a factor in awakening my fetish, but idk).

3) Waving the watch/pendulum in front of the sub. I know the methods have advanced over time but nothing can beat the classic method for me. Love seeing their eyes follow along as they go deeper and deeper.
Also enjoy when the subs made to think they're an animal, don't know what exactly I love about it but I just find it hot.

4) Through the artworks shared and created on Hypnohub.net.

5) Never embarrassed, but it has made watching media that contains hypno pretty awkward. About five or four years back I was watching the live action jungle book remake on a college course cinema trip and had to go to the bathroom as soon as the Kaa scene came on.
10/28/21 06:18PM
1) Bi, but generally only into feminine girls/guys

2) Legitimately, I have no idea how it originated, absolute earliest memory of me actively searching for it was typing "hypno sex" into google and finding the EMCSA site probably 15 years ago at this point

3) Mainly into unaware control, like someone being under control and accepting everything happening to them as being completely normal, the more ridiculous/outlandish the better

4) Managed to keep it a complete secret from everyone i know

5) Definitely felt awkward when watching some sort of mind control/hypnosis in a normal show with other people in the room
10/28/21 06:39PM
1. I assume I'm straight guy but I have no interest in relationships and sex. Moreso hypnosis is the turn on and that can be mostly girls but sometimes bois.

2. A nurse joy creepypasta. From there I looked at pictures and it doomed me to a life of a feitsh.

3. Dronefication is nice, but I like most types of hypnosis. It'd be easier to say what I don't care for (Sex under hypnosis, vore, childifcation stuff like that. Nudity is a very fine line to me, I generally prefer leotards or bodysuits to complete nudity.)

4. Nobody in my personal life knows! But I have commissioned quite a bit of the stuff to put on the site! I apologise for that.

5. Eh, it is a little weird but I generally don't go out much so it's easy to cover up.
10/29/21 04:10AM
1. bi male, suspicions of being aromatic

2. ehhh, hard to say, junge book, both one and two, aladdin, certain scenes from jimmy neutron, and i have some memories of searching youtube and finding those pov hypnosis videos oddly arousing, this was all around the age of 9 i believe

3. i like long drawn out inductions, sleepiness, confusion, and particularly blissed out or droopy expressions, drool is a plus, i also enjoy spirals and unique forms of induction i havent seen before, i find the overplayed to be rather dull

4. Ive let my close friends in on it, none of my family knows, i do a pretty good job of keeping it under wraps

5. sometimes said friends will make fun of me for it, but the most embarrased i ever get is when some prime hypno content is playing on the tv while everyone is watching and ive got no way out of the situation
10/30/21 02:26AM
1) I'm a dude and i swing both ways (still mostly straight)

2) My earliest hypnosis-related memory was finding a wholesome hypnosis manip on google image about a girl helping her roommate relax with hypnosis

3) I like pretty much all kinds of MC, but confusion inductions and slow relaxation inductions hit different (in a good way)

4) I'm very open about it, i don't bring it up out of nowhere, but i don't mind talking about it with anyone

5) I never really felt ashamed because of my fetish, except of course a bit when a mind control scene comes up when watching a movie with someone
10/30/21 02:50AM
1. Straight cis male.

2. It happened weirldy, so there wasn't really a "one image". First I hated it, then it grew on me and then I liked it. I think the oldest I can remember is having a fantasy about a cartoon charater in a show I watched being mind controlled.

3. Mmmh, a bunch of things really. At the moment I'm trying to figure out if I like better consensual or not. I really like both, but I can't find as many examples of consensual mc as I'd like. Also I have a weak spot for any physical contact with the head or the brain. And that works with ghosts too. I have a thing for monster girls so combining the two (as dom or sub) is the best. And, well I'm not big on bimbofication, but having a character's proportions and mindset being more "slutty" if you will, well, yeah that works.

4. Well, I kind of accept it and create stuff about this. Even through I haven't completely come to terms with it either. I've posted veeeeery few stuff on this website, which I'm pretty proud of, even if sexy stuff isn't the easiest for me. (writing wise or visual wise). As time passes I go more and more in that direction and it's a lot of fun. I'm trying to make more comics for this place (but they take forever and I'm not satisfied with it so it takes even longer) and I started recently trying to work on a MC game.
As for social life, most people around me probably can't even imagine me drawing erotic stuff, let alone fantasise about mind control. But very few very close friends know all about it, and they don't judge me too much. Which has helped. One of them even made a kinktober prompt list that I followed, and the best drawings to come out of it are on the hub : D

5. hahahaha always. Well, not always but a lot. Many people around me talk very hatefully about this kind of stuff, without knowing I like it. Some of the friends who know about it make jokes about it too. Most are all good, sometimes, eh.
The real problem's my inner monologue tho. Basically, I have issues with self worth and my hypnofetish is something I find hard to tolerate about myself. It's not just liking it, at this point I'm okay with what I look at, but I make content. I dedicate a lot of time and work into this, and I can't turn a blind eye to this the same way I do with just "liking images and ideas".
I publish the content I make, so there's always the risk of "being found out" too.
Well, I'm trying to work it out but that's kind of tough > n < )

aaaah I can't help but get talkative but it ends up with a lot of text nooooo (I've been trying to keep it short for too long at this point)
10/30/21 11:04PM
What the heck, I'll reply to this.

1. I'm a straight guy

2. It probably started with the movie Aladdin. Obviously Jasmine is hot, and I always wondered what it would be like if Jafar had hypnotized her. I also read a lot as a kid, including the Animorphs books, and I clearly remember one scene from a Bionicle novel that stuck out to me because of the mind control. The villains had developed mind-control weapons that turn people into obedient slaves after getting shot. They attack a village in the night, and the book describes how the villagers that are hit just stand impassively as everyone else is panicking around them. One of the villains even orders the ones that were hit to restrain the ones who were missed, so he can shoot them more easily. In the end, they control all the villagers except the main characters, who were off doing something else.

3. I like tech control, parasites, magic spells, or just total psychic takeover. The more direct the control is, the better. None of this slow gradual induction or subliminal messages for me, thank you.

4. I've never told anyone about my fetish, and I don't know if I ever will. I think that'd be on a need-to-know basis, and the only people who would need to know are people I'm having sex with. Which so far is nobody.

5. Not really, but I did get caught off-guard when I went to see Incredibles 2 with my sister. I just had to be very careful not to give any indication of what I was feeling during certain scenes.
10/31/21 12:09AM
Why not?

1) Straight Male

2) If I had to be honest, it was probably when I was a watching the show "Kablam!". There was an episode of the segment "Action League NOW!" where the villain was using hypnotic radio signals to make people attack the heroes. The hypnosis would be so sudden that it freaked out and fascinated me. So I did more digging...

3) Spirals. Subliminals. Pocket Watches. Anything Femsub turns me on. I especially like it when the hypnotized woman has some kind of reaction to both the hypnosis and commands, rather than acting like some mindless doll that barely does anything other than repeat commands.

4) This site, whatever decent hypnosis hentai on nhentai.net, and roleplaying through Notes on DeviantArt are how I indulge in my fetish. I otherwise keep it to myself.

5) Considering that I don't tell people I know in real life about my fetish, that should tell you how I feel at time.
10/31/21 02:03AM
I'll answer.

1) Lesbian Trans-Girl

2) I think the very earliest example of hypno i ever encounter was the hypno-headphones from Scooby Doo and The Ghoul School.

3) There are so bloody many of them...like...holy hell there's a lot:
Spiral Screens
Slime Possession
Slow, Subtle alteration of perception
MtF Gender Change
Ghost Possession
Hypnotic Food and Drinks
Blissing out
Ass and Boob Expansion
Transformation (Into things like Slime, Demons and Other Weird Sexy Monsters.
Purification (Like a Mean Girl being Forced to be good)
Penis Milking
Breast Milking
Stripping and Dancing

4) I sub for several people on Discord and keep a buncha lewds on my personal computer.

5) So my entire family loves The Incredibles. Imagine how mortified i was when i found out Hypno was the main crux of the plot in the sequel. What followed was a very uncomfortable viewing, with me crossing my legs agressively while praying to the allspark that my family didn't notice how weird i was acting. Thankfully, I didn't get found out. If i ever do, i think i will die from the inevitable harassment i will face.
10/31/21 03:23AM
1) Straight as a motherfucking arrow.

2) Quite a bit of cartoons of course but one of the most discint ones I had was a dream I had where this ancient Egyptian guy was going around controlling everybody in town and when he came to select me, I was like "Oh? I'm suppose to join in? Okay I guess".

3) Lots of things and it would take too many to list them. It all sort of depends on the context and how it's executed. Hard question for me to answer, going to the next one.

4) Fine.

5) Sometimes, but I'll put it like this: Once you talk to your mom about it, you learn to be not be as embarrassed about it. Plus she actually gets the appeal (she would force to make her previous boyfriends do humiliating shit for her just because lol).
10/31/21 01:20PM
1) Pansexual!

2) This might sound odd, but I vividly remember the first instance of hypnofetish-ism, and that was playing the original Lego Batman for my Xbox 360. The one before voice-acting was a thing in those games. Since it was basically the same as playing it with the sound off, sometimes I would play it muted and try to guess what the characters were doing and give them voices or something. It was pretty funny since most of the jokes and whatever don't rely on sound, but then there was Poison Ivy's level and you can probably guess where this is going if you played it. Long story short, <<youtu.be/o6y4eyYk8z4?t=1331|she hypnotized Robin>> and my Xbox played that scene many times after I came to it again. Having googled that scene again, it's actually not composed very well, but it was enough to awaken something.

3) It's a little hard to list them all, but I think these cover the bases: stepfordization, princessification, corruption, lazy-ification, anything subtle or quiet before suddenly plunging them deep into a trance, manips, regression, anything cute, and extreme domination.

4) Every couple months or so I vent things out of my system by going here. This is a vicious cycle of sorts, especially since I live with people.

5) I've built up a reputation in my small town for being the pure and honest type, so it's pretty hard to talk about without people seeing me in a radically different light. I don't want to do that to people, so I more or less just try to avoid the topic if it comes up and then proceed to think about it for the rest of the day because of how my brain works.
11/02/21 05:17AM
1) Asexual and idk about my gender these days, lol. I'm completely into hypnosis and control, I'm a 'saimincon' as I learned recently.

2) My earliest memory where I understood this made me "feel funny" was Yu-Gi-Oh with Marik mind controlling people.

3) Gosh, like, everything? Fictitious hypnosis does it for me a little more than realistic style stuff but I enjoy that too. I'm really fixated with eye effects in particular, on my DeviantArt I do lots of white eyes manips as well as some spirals.

4) Pretty well! Basically no one knows and I intend to keep it that way.

5) I'm horribly embarrassed by the idea of other people finding out. My fetish is /really/ intense so they're pretty personal feelings for me. But privately of course I love it. <3

11/02/21 05:44AM
1. To this day it's actually hard for me to pinpoint my sexuality. For the most part, I'd say I'm pan-asexual. I identify as a male. I'm also a "psymicon" (That's how it's spelled btw.)

2. I have a lot of fragmented memories about hypnosis and mind control growing up. I beleive my awakening was when I watched an anime episode that featured an MC scene.

3. I like insightful and creative portrayals of mc, humorous instances are also good. Turning the tables is probably my favorite scenario but as long as there's a decent induction with fitting expression and perhaps relaxed body language then I'm satisfied.

4. I don't go out much and I like to keep things to myself.

5. I've had my share of negative experiences with sharing it in the past so I'm cautious these days. In the right setting though, I feel quite comfortable with expressing it. I should note that the setting is generally my own mind.
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