11/12/21 06:14AM
Shadman arrested
Legit just posting this because I have nowhere else to talk about this but holy fuck Shadman got arrested for assault with a deadly weapon
11/12/21 07:44AM
11/12/21 08:04AM
I have no idea who this is, but uh...

Everyone on this post seems to hate him. So good, I guess?
11/12/21 08:06AM
Mindcollector13 said:
I have no idea who this is, but uh...

Everyone on this post seems to hate him. So good, I guess?

KEEP. IT. THAT. WAY. I've barely heard of him myself and I don't like it.
11/12/21 09:08AM
Mindcollector13 said:
I have no idea who this is, but uh...

Everyone on this post seems to hate him. So good, I guess?

The guy's been recognized over the past decade as a very infamous nsfw artist for his edgy material and depictions of taboo subjects (particularly involving lolicon).
He has some MC art on the site, though it's arguably tame compared to the older stuff he used to put out.

Whenever the guy's criticized, there tends to be plenty of people who will defend him, claiming that he's just being provocative and that his artwork isn't harmful. There may be some people in this very thread who will want to do just that. I don't want this thread to devolve into a lot of back-and-forth bickering, so I'm going to be clear on this:

Although I often try not to take hardline stances on divisive topics here and instead prefer to keep the peace, there's no doubt in my mind that Shad is a terrible human being who should not be given any sympathy.

The man has drawn on multiple occasions depictions of real underage girls in very sexually explicit situations. One instance involved him threatening to draw a popular drama YouTuber's underage daughter being gangbanged, as he didn't want the guy talking about him. He still went through with drawing and posting it. Another instance involved him drawing a comic of the underage actress from the film Logan being violently sexually assaulted. Her agents were rightfully appalled and sent a cease-and-desist, which landed him in hot water. He tried laying a bit more low afterward.
11/12/21 12:01PM
I've been aware of the guy but didn't really care much for him, safe as a cautionary tale that 'drawfag' plus 'edgelord' is a dangerous and often cringe combination.
The only good Shad on the internet is a medieval enthusiast.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
The man has drawn on multiple occasions depictions of real underage girls in very sexually explicit situations. One instance involved him threatening to draw a popular drama YouTuber's underage daughter being gangbanged, as he didn't want the guy talking about him. He still went through with drawing and posting it. Another instance involved him drawing a comic of the underage actress from the film Logan being violently sexually assaulted. Her agents were rightfully appalled and sent a cease-and-desist, which landed him in hot water. He tried laying a bit more low afterward.

That first one's... certainly crossing the line at full sprint. Which got me thinking, where does "the line" actually lie? Emma Watson has been the face of Hermione Granger ever since the first movie, but that hasn't stopped people depicting the character in all manner of nsfw situations using the then-child actress' likeness, yet to my knowledge they don't get anywhere near the same amount of flak as Shadman be it legally or socially. Is that because it's explicitly meant to be the character rather than the actress being depicted, or because they aren't making as big of a deal about it?
11/12/21 12:37PM
There was a time where I viewed Shad in a more positive light. His work certainly wasn't for me, but he had a bit of that "Life needs some madness" vibes going on. Then he did the picture of the real underage girl. When he fell over himself apologizing to Colossal I figured that maybe he just got caught up in his own edge-lord personality and (though nobody should have forgiven him) maybe he wasn't a total trash bag of a human being. Then, instead of following through on his promises to take the image down, he immediately went back on his word and proceeded to draw another image of a different real underage girl a few months later.

He is a terrible excuse for a human being and you can't even pretend that he is somehow standing by his beliefs because he has shown himself to be spineless when push comes to shove. Him being the type to assault somebody isn't that surprising at this point.
11/12/21 01:49PM
I’m just amazed it was for Assault with a deadly weapon and not any of the shit he’s known for
11/12/21 08:47PM
skullman2033 said:
I’m just amazed it was for Assault with a deadly weapon and not any of the shit he’s known for

This is pretty much my entire reaction.
11/12/21 10:03PM
skullman2033 said:
I’m just amazed it was for Assault with a deadly weapon and not any of the shit he’s known for

He's known for it now! :LUL:
11/12/21 10:36PM
Even if i like his Helen Parr hypno-stuff, his art sometimes was boring.


Boys with female outfit.

(Do not misunderstand, i don't have nothing against those people who like this, just some things i don't like, that's all)

Sniffing asses.

The only thing i know from him is the YouTube drama.
11/12/21 10:42PM
Welp, guess this is the last we'll hear of him for a few years.
11/12/21 10:48PM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
Welp, guess this is the last we'll hear of him for a few years.

plot twist: He gets off on a technicality some how.
11/13/21 06:19AM
Yea, he can rot.
He's pretty depraved, and coming from someone who doesn't even scratch the surface publicly, of how crazy my mind is at times... Dude has problems.
I mean, obviously, since he tried to kill someone... but I meant before that!

Anyway, fuck 'em. Or don't... we don't need that scumbag to reproduce.
11/13/21 04:43PM
Apparently he was released on bail. Something that came up on my real, non-fetish Twitter which scares me.

What scares me more is that, apparently, a comic on the Hub I really enjoy is made by him and I never realized until now.

I don't know what to do with this information.
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