11/14/21 10:23PM
Sub Dialogue
What words or phrases does a hypnotized sub use that is your favorite?
11/14/21 10:38PM
"I feel funny..."

Don't know why but that gets me rock hard.
11/15/21 07:20AM
When the person repeats what the dom says. A bit cliché, but I'm still fond of that.
11/15/21 09:03AM
"So pretty" for when they look deep into the spirals, watch, etc.

Just love how blissful they sound.
11/15/21 09:16AM
Nothing xd!

So cliché the dialogues xd!
11/15/21 11:15AM
Just sub talking normally, but then call dom "Mistress/Master", especially combined with slight smile, is so hot to me.
11/15/21 11:25AM
hotpot said:
Just sub talking normally, but then call dom "Mistress/Master", especially combined with slight smile, is so hot to me.

This guy has it!

Also, if they're unaware, "I'm not hypnotized, I just felt like doing [insert what you commanded]."
11/15/21 11:45AM
I guess when they say something as if it's matter of fact or mundane.
Like "yeah I know I gotta take off my clothes just gimme a sec"
11/15/21 08:46PM
There is no too cheesy or too cliche for me.
"Your wish is my command." Love it.
"I hear and I obey" Love it.
"Yes, Master." Can never get enough of it.
Anything like that, it's pretty easy to drive me wild.
11/16/21 01:55AM
responding with titles (master/daddy/etc), repeating the dom, and the "i hear and i obey" cliches are all so good, but also i agree with val. LOVE when subs stare and say stuff like "so pretty"/"feels so good"/"cant look away/cant stop" etc etc~
also love degredation thats said in like a sweet way, especially when the sub repeats it and owns up to it proudly (like "im a stupid whore" etc)
11/16/21 04:18AM
I cant decide if them talking normally while being unaware or just being blank is the best.
11/16/21 06:26PM
During hypnosis by text chat, seeing a sub struggle to type properly more and more as they fall is very nice
11/17/21 06:38AM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned 'mantras' yet, especially if its them declaring their submission.
11/17/21 08:37AM
Mine actually differs by situation and personality of the sub

For lighter spirited subs, Yang Xiao-Long, a personal favorite, for example, simple acceptance of the dom being their Master/Mistress, but retaining their normal personality otherwise. She's still allowed to make puns, playfully jab at her Master, etc. But she fully accepts that no - HE is in control. Even to the point that he could tell her to do something she really doesn't want to, she'd do it, then pout about it.

For women with bitchier personalities, such as Raven of Titans fame, being forced to affirm they're... less than pleasant.

"I'm a bad girl" "I'm such a horny little bitch" etc. Also, for these types I tend to find the dom being referred to as "daddy" to work better. More demeaning for the sub, I feel. "I'll be a good girl for you, daddy"

Girls with politer demeanors, like Pyra from Xenoblade since I just played that, more of a loving relationship with lighter dialogue. Maybe she calls him Master, maybe not. Could go either way. But her dialogue would be more loving and tender. "Welcome home, hon" kind of things.

HOWEVER one that crosses over for me and really drives me crazy is rhyming mantras.

"The watch will sway and I'll obey", "I live to do my Master's will, his every wish I shall fulfill", stuff of that nature.
11/19/21 06:49PM
I go crazy when someone reads me a poem, all of a sudden or prepared, it really inspires me and really hypnotises me))
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