11/20/21 07:38AM
Where to look for English to other-language (i.e. Japanese) translators?
I ask because I am looking for an English to Japanese translator for <<|an MC game>> I'm working on.

However, I thought that this question might be more broadly applicable to the community.

For example, here on the hub we have lots of members who know how to translate Japanese to English. Where can you find the reverse?

Does anybody know of any translation discords, forums, or similar? Especially those that deal with MC and hypnosis works?
11/21/21 07:00PM
<<|f95zone>> has a lot of translators, and some translated multiple MC games, so it's probably a good place to look
11/22/21 05:31AM
Mattlau04 said:
<<|f95zone>> has a lot of translators, and some translated multiple MC games, so it's probably a good place to look

Alright, thanks!
11/22/21 07:14AM
Mattlau04 said:
<<|f95zone>> has a lot of translators, and some translated multiple MC games, so it's probably a good place to look

I really do hope that's the case. Because Nyuu Manekin-Eko recently made a mind control game with voice acting and more however all the female characters have names but we only know one of them (Kuroko, a milf who originally appeared in an older comic of his).

I've tried downloading the english version but I couldn't find it personally. Nor has anyone archived their names.

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