11/26/21 03:11AM
[scene listing] mind alteration that makes characters act weirdly or gain strange obsessions
[IMPORTANT: the scene listing post is the 2nd message of this thread]

Hello everyone, I've been lurking on that site form time to time without creating an account and so I decided to make one and make this thread so we could list a maximum amount of scenes from medias (I tend to avoid live actions though but feel free to talk about that) where fictional characters are affected by something (anything: a gas, a virus, hypno, mind control, tech, plants, mushrooms, drug etc ...) that changes their behavior and makes them act weirdly or obsessed by something (like they're unable to resist the urge of doing something).

I call that kind of stuff "mind alteration" because I think it's different from classic mind control that is often used to force people to change side (usually heroes being forced to serve evil forces). Here it's literally just any alteration to the mind that makes characters act weirdly. Which is why I made this thread because I have the feeling it's kind of a niche thing (it's easier to find "classic" hypno/MC scenes). I'm pretty sure it will help several other persons because I'm sure I'm not the only one with that specific fetish.

I will mention a few examples of what I call "mind alteration" (keep in mind I don't necessarily have a fetish for what characters did but I love seeing characters being unable to resist the urge to do weird things even if they're gross, strange/weird or ridiculous):

examples 1) In Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt (episode 5a), a villain spreads something in the air that gives the whole town a fetish for nasal masturbation (nose picking). Everybody does it constantly and nobody can resist the urge of doing it. Ofc even the main characters are affected by it!

2) In yokai watch (episode 58) a yokai (yokais have the ability to make people behave differently) possessed the main character to give him a licking fetish (he cannot resist the urge to lick anything and everything). Also the longer he is possessed the more he is into licking weirder and weirder things.

3) In keroro gunsou (aka sgt frog) an anime about frog aliens who try to conquer the Earth but always fail. In episode 201a they try to conquer the Earth because they notice ear cleaning feels good (It's quite popular in countries like Japan to be ear cleaned and it's viewed as something quite sexy). So in order to defeat humans they spread a virus that gives EVERYONE a MASSIVE ear cleaning fetish (they become so obsessed by it nobody cares about anything except ear cleaning. Even persons who are doing a serious job can't help it ... they're all obsessed by it). Their goal is to attack humans while they're busy cleaning each others' ears. In fact the virus makes 50% of people totally into being ear cleaned and 50% of people totally being into cleaning ears!

4) Then another one from the same anime. In episode 197b one of the frog alien is affected by an illness that makes him obsessed by the idea of digging holes (in anything: walls, doors, items, clothes etc ...). Soon the affected frog alien develops a drill on his head and start to randomly use it to make holes everywhere! Though ... after a while it is revealed that if an affected person sees someone's butt they'll gain an obsession about using their drill in that person's butt! The first victim is another frog alien ... strangely persons who're being drilled in their butts are aroused when it happens! Also if someone is drilled in their butt by an infected person they immediately also become affected by the sickness and gain a drill on their face! Very soon more characters are drilled in their butt and also gain obsession for that! Also ... even a shota is drilled in his butt and shivers in pleasure while it happened! and ofc the illness doesn't only affect alien frogs but humans too! so the shota wants to drill someone's butt too!

5) Though it doesn't even have to be sexual at all. Example in flip flappers episode 2 the main characters are in a dimension that slowly and partially changes them into rabbits (tails and ears only). They start to gain the obsession to bite hard things like rabbits!

6) In flip flappers episode 5 they're caught in a time loop that makes them love the idea to imitate residents of the dimension they explored.

7) Gegege No kitaro (2018) ep 72. There's an episode where an old looking yokai releases a gas that makes people fall in love with the first living being they see. There's even a scene where an adult woman fell in love for a dog and asked it to marry her! A few moments later a shota fell in love for an adult woman and said he wanted to live with her!

Or in an anime I completely forgot (about people who're in space) a mind controlling cactus who mind altered some humans to make them love the idea of buying and eating ice creams. I personally consider stuff like intelligence drain/reduction is a form of mind alteration.

Anyway I hope we will build a nice database (as people will mention more scenes I'll edit the 2nd message of this thread to build an "encyclopedia").

To make any addition feel free to give us information about scenes ... information like:

Type of media (anime, video games etc ...):
Name of the fictional verse:
Number and/or title of the episode:
Ways that altered the mind (hypno, mind control, tech, gas, virus, magic, plants etc ...):
Description of how minds were altered:

Also in addition to specific scenes, feel free to talk about fictional verses you think that contain scenes like that (even if you forgot in which eps it happened) and also feel free to talk about scenes you have even vague memories of what happened.
11/26/21 03:11AM
Alright so in this 2nd message I'll update the list of scenes we found by media (scenes from the same media will be classified by names of the verse alphabetically)


Battle Spirit: shonen Toppa Bashin

ep 27: in this episode a lame dude tries to alter the mind of an idol. He sings some rap in front of her and even though he's awful at singing his hypnotic rap made her think he is an incredible singer! More: it made her obsessed by rap culture (a music she never liked before) and also from now on she can only speak by rapping. She changed her clothes and style to become a rapper and her friends noticed something was wrong but as they investigate they also fall victim to the man's hypnotic rap and all of them also become obsessed by rap culture and can only speak by rapping (the main character is the only one who isn't affected).


[suggested by "averageguy17"] ep 11: near the end of the episode a woman is mind altered by a sweet scent into being fascinated by the idea of eating disgusting looking worms. She literally can't stop herself from eating them and even claims they're delicious.

ep 13: some flowers released pheromones that made characters laugh and feel very happy. It altered their minds so much that even if they knew they'd die from that, they still continued to fool around and laugh like idiots.

Brave Police J Decker (aka Yuusha Keisatsu J-Decker)

[suggested by "averageguy17"] ep 6: two clowns spray a "Fad Formula" gas onto the town, making the residents obsessed with the latest "fad" one day, then changing to another "fad" the next day. Among them, people from the town were all obsessed by the idea of wearing bald wigs, wearing those weird glasses with a big nose and a mustache or tight suits for example.

ep 17: an ancient demon is able to make humans and machines obsessed by the idea of fulfilling their deepest desires. The results? Many citizens and even some robots start to act weirdly once they're enslaved by their desires

Brave Witches

Ep 17: almost all girls form the show ate a laughing mushrooms which turns them into laughing girls who're fooling around and are completely unable to fulfill their mission.

Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera (2011)

Note: this remake of the anime from 1973 follows the manga way more strictly (in the 1973 version they totally changed personalities and concept to make it watchable by a younger audience) so even if there are still a few censored things there's an INSANE (the main male characters are total pervs, especially the main one) amount of fan service so even if you're into more things/fetishes you'll most likely appreciate at least one ep.

ep 4: a yokai disguised as a cat uses a hypnotic "crystal" sort of thing by the end of it's tail to force one of the main female character to sleep. He then still pretends to be a normal cat and does the same thing to another main female character. Once they both sleep we realize they're mentally trapped in the cat yokai's dream world where their personalities are heavily impacted: they (+ other people who're trapped inside) start to dance, laugh, act extremely strangely and even start to do "naughty things", for example the two main girls start to play "strip shifumi" together and start to act as if they were a lesbian couple. They keep doing this instead of trying to find a way out. Meanwhile other main characters also fall asleep and are all trapped inside the weird dream dimension ... even the main character is like "there's only one thing to do ... let's dance!" and everyone just dances, laughs, act in a very silly way. Even when they realize what's going on in the real world thanks to the main character's power (it was a plot to bring all sleeping victims to some sort of "demon factory" to turn all sleeping victims into ugly demons) they're still affected by this dream world's mind altering power and keep fooling around (they have a few moments of clarity but they spend 90% of the time doing weird things instead of trying to find an exit).

ep 5: an insectoid yokai uses demon bees that can suck someone's brain out of their body, rendering victims of it extremely stupid. If you're an intelligence drain fan this is YOUR ep! He first uses that against males students of the primary school as well as their male teacher but spares women as well as the main character's hat (who's alive). However the main character and a kappa are both affected by it. Due to his demon nature, the main character is affected differently: he mentally becomes a baby (while the kappa acts like a normal frog). Later in this ep no more intelligence drain but expect some body part expansion fan service (from female characters).

Ep 6: a yokai disguised as an obese boy spreads a curse ... if he touches someone they become supernaturally fat/bouncy (if you have a WG fetish this ep is made for you) and if someone affected by it that became fat touches someone, they also feel the effects of the curse. It spreads like a virus as more and more people are concerned but that's not all: victims are mind altered into being extremely obsessed by the idea of eating (they're totally unable to control that urge). Note: at one point ALL main characters are affected and in fact 100% of humanity is concerned by this phenomena!

Flip flappers

ep 2: the main characters are in a dimension that slowly and partially changes them into rabbits (tails and ears only). They start to gain the obsession to bite hard things like rabbits!

ep 5: main characters are caught in a time loop that makes them love the idea to imitate residents of the dimension they explored.

Final fantasy: unlimited

ep 3: an evil plant girl spreads some laughing pollen (any living being who breathes it starts to laugh and act like a total idiot). Now you may wonder how it's mind alteration and not mere laughing gas. Well you see among affected characters there is one shota who claims "it's really fun to breath in this pollen I feel ticklish". The pollen affects their mind into loving the idea of staying on purpose in the pollen to laugh like idiots even if the situation is urgent.

Gegege no kitaro (2018)

ep 72: an old looking yokai releases a gas that makes people fall in love with the first living being they see. There's even a scene where an adult woman fell in love for a dog and asked it to marry her! A few moments later a shota fell in love for an adult woman and said he wanted to live with her!

Ichigo 100%

OVA 4: girls from the anime starts to act very strangely and are totally off character. At first it's just one of them but soon more and more girls are concerned by this wave of strangeness. Their personality is reversed and they act in a totally opposed way to what they usually are. Soon we find it is due to a race of aliens that disguised themself as white panties with strawberries that mind alters/controls the ones who wear them.


Ep 129: an ugly yokai has a tiara that makes the wearer madly fall in love with him regardless of how ugly he is (it works on anyone regardless of the gender). First Inuyasha himself is accidentally affected and starts to love that ugly yokai but quickly we realize his true goal is Kagome. She's forced to wear the tiara and also falls madly in love with the ugly yokai and feels like obeying his every commands.

Ep 135: all main characters are caught by a technique that summons a gas that instantly makes people drunk. Everyone starts to act very strangely due to that, for example the main girl starts to sing, two people with the ability to transform into someone else take her form ... and also start to sing despite how serious the situation is. Inuyasha is somewhat resistant but after Sango tries to flirt with him because she's drunk, Kagome (the main girl) becomes jealous and spams the "sit" command on Inuyasha, forcing him to be crushed on the ground instead of trying to collaborate to escape. Sango battles Miroku because of the effect of the gas.

Keroro Gunsou (aka sgt frog)

ep 63: Keroro disguise himself as a teacher and uses a special chalk when he writes something on the classroom's board. The sound waves produced by that chalk mind alters all kids to make them believe anything and everything Keroro says is true and that he is someone they can completely trust. At one point he makes them jump like frogs during a PE class and none of the kid seems to mind that.

ep 88: An alien with an afro uses an army of robots that looks like him to invade the Earth. His robots can use a special beam that give afro hair to it's victims and mentally make them obsessed by disco culture and afro hair (victims can't help but they constantly dance and are extremely obsessed by disco culture). It works even on babies and animals and almost everyone on earth is affected.

ep 139a: at one point a character named Kogoro (aka "556") has a virus that forces people to laugh in a very weird way (he has a very unique laugh and people affected by his virus are forced to laugh the way he does). The virus is in fact so strong it'll make you obsessed by the idea of imitating that character's laugh as two female characters spent literally the rest of the episode laughing like him and did literally nothing else. The virus quickly spreads and soon all of Tokyo is affected and becomes obsessed by the idea of laughing stupidly like 556. In fact it works so well that even if you're reduced to microscopic size to investigate how to cure 556 from the inside the virus can still infect you into being obsessed by the idea of laughing stupidly instead of eradicating the virus (at one point the ones who entered in his body dropped their equipment and laughed stupidly instead of stopping the virus). In fact the virus also minds alters victims into loving the idea of spreading the virus to force absolutely everyone to laugh and feel the curse of that virus. The only choice they had was to release another virus to counteract the first virus so they unleashed the Lavie virus (Lavie is 556's sister). This new virus physically modifies people, giving them long blonde hair just like Lavie as well as bunny ears similar to hers. It also makes them obsessed by the idea of constantly saying "I'm sorry" just like Lavie.

ep 185b: Tamama (one of the alien frog) gets his hand on a "dense note" (a parody of the death note). If Tamama draws someone in that note they'll act like him (so they're speaking with a cute tone and will act as if they were a bunch of Tamama bis). Later Kururu reveals he invented that book and that it produces special EM waves that control the drawn person. Also, it is possible to make people speak and act the way you want by writing speech bubbles.

ep 197b: a drill space virus made main characters obsessed by the idea of digging holes everywhere (in items, furnitures, walls etc ...) and also they loved the idea drilling people's butts (which is how the virus is transmitted).

ep 201a: in order to defeat humans some alien frogs managed to spread a gas that gives EVERYONE a MASSIVE ear cleaning fetish (they become so obsessed by it nobody cares about anything except ear cleaning. Even persons who are doing a serious job can't help it ... they're all obsessed by it). Their goal is to attack humans while they're busy cleaning each others' ear. In fact the gas makes 50% of people totally into being ear cleaned and 50% of people totally being into cleaning ears!

Ep 236a: the alien frogs produce chewing gums that have varied effects on those who eat them depending of their flavor. At one point one of them makes the one who eats it speak and act like Kururu (that effect was still active even in ep 236b). At one point a girl who eats the chewing gum is mind altered into being obsessed by the idea of spitting it out of her mouth and stepping on it (most likely for at least several hours). But warning: it's a random unnamed character so don't expect a long scene.

ep 345: fuyuki Hinata, his sister Natsumi as well as Keroro and his platoon want to celebrate the new year. Keroro prepared a special cola that alters people's personalities, making them act very strangely (for example they can become very giggly and will constantly laugh). Everyone is just acting in a very weird way during almost the whole "mini ep" (each keroro ep is divided in two parts). The cola also has some short term memory erasing properties and everyone keeps forgetting they already celebrated the new year which means that as long as the special cola reserve isn't empty they'll keep acting strangely during entire days (in fact the narrator states they did it for about 9 or 10 days before it was over).

Märchen Mädchen

Ep 8: some girls are affected by some sort of magic that alters their minds into thinking really bad jokes are actually extremely funny. Of course someone immediately takes advantage of this to make them laugh loudly by spamming really bad jokes (they're so affected by that magic that one joke involved Russia and one of the girl states even the word "Russia" sounds extremely hilarious to her while she's in that state).

Minami-Ke Tadaima

Ep 8b: a strange TV program is using hypnosis to alter the watchers' minds into being obsessed by the idea of singing the song used in the TV program but also (and in fact especially) into becoming obsessed by the idea of eating vegetables. Someone tries to convince a vegetable hater girl to watch it just to see if rumors about that show being able to turn anyone into absolute vegetable lovers are true. The result? Rumors are more than true: she becomes OBSESSED by the idea of constantly eating vegetables. She's so obsessed by it she even loves to eat them while they're raw. More and more students in their high school are hypnotized by this TV program and obsessed by the idea of eating vegetables but that's not all: they also become obsessed by the idea of converting others to also become obsessed by the idea of eating vegetables. For some unclear reason if a hypnotized person makes someone eat a vegetable they'll be able to also hypnotize that person and turn them into vegetable obsessed people. Though Everyone is cured once they eat some meat.

Mob Psycho 100

Ep 3: A random member from a sect tries to convince the main character he needs to be part of their group to truly feel happy. It turns out the leader of the sect is an esper who uses mind alteration powers that force people to laugh and feel happy. Someone who tried to spy the sect but was caught red handed was affected by the leader's power forcing her to laugh and feel happy and after a while even if she knew the situation was serious as she'd be controlled like all other members she started not to mind that much after a few mins and in fact she even stated she was starting to have fun! Also the sect grew exceptionally big after barely one month of existence and since the one random member who tried to convince the main character was that determined to convert him it's very possible members have their mind altered to love the idea of converting more and more people

One piece

ep 75: the main character (Luffy) is affected by the trap colors of a little girl that alter his mind. For example the black colored one makes him love to betray his friends. The yellow trap makes him want to laugh instead of helping his friends. The red one makes him obsessed by the idea of hitting the zone of the trap (even if there's nothing to hit). Finally the combination of both blue and yellow alters his mind to make him extremely relaxed despite how serious the situation was.

Outlaw star

ep 13: several random humans and main characters are mind altered by an alien cactus with psychic powers. It made people obsessed by the idea of buying and eating ice cream. Though it was a mere test and as soon as it understands how powerful it's ability is on others' minds it tries to conquer everything.

Panty and stocking with Garterbelt

ep 5a: villain spreads something in the air that gives the whole town a fetish for nasal masturbation (nose picking). Everybody does it constantly and nobody can resist the urge of doing it. Ofc even the main characters are affected by it!


In this animated film, a device that controls dreams is stolen and used by someone with evil intents. At first, one scientist that worked for the structure that created that device is affected by it: he started to spout some absolute nonsense and random sentences in the middle of a serious conversation. He then started to act crazier and crazier by the second and jumped by the window. We understand later that he was forced to dream while awake (which ofc modified his perception of things since in his head he wasn't in reality but in the dream from a crazy patient involving a madness inducing parade). Later in the movie two more scientists start to act really strangely for the exact same reason (for example a female scientist thinks she's using her phone to have a conversation but she's using her shoe) and start to say random things while attacking people and acting in a really strange way. Near the end of the movie we realize the dream of the crazy patient with the madness inducing parade is growing bigger and engulfs more dreams. And later dreams and reality are fusing: the madness inducing parade is now in the real world and people around it randomly physically change and (more importantly) they all become extremely crazy and act just as crazily as characters who're part of the parade (people are jumping from some buildings' roofs while) while some other characters just join the parade ... which spreads the madness and the reality warping even more).

Saiki Kusuo no psi-nan

ep 2e: in the 5th part of of episode 2 the main character explains how one of his strongest psychic power works. He explains he can make people think weird things are normal but if he does it affects 100% of people on Earth and in fact it even modifies human DNA to make it true. He gives a few examples and among them he made everyone think pink hair and other strange colors are normal and modified human DNA so humans can naturally have weird hair color. He also gave everyone small regeneration abilities and made them think it was perfectly normal to instantly recover from injuries, and even modified humans to make everyone think it's normal to be koed by an atemi (a weak old man used an atemi to KO a very strong person and everyone thought it was normal).

ep 20e: in the fifth part of that episode, a mysterious force (most likely the author himself) mind alters everyone in the world (except the main character who's resistant to that) into gaining a very strong, sudden and unnatural obsession for number 100 (even society itself changed: for example everything costs exactly 100 yens), characters are excited by the idea of hearing and pronouncing number 100 and are trying to do that as many times as possible. (to the point number 100 was pronounced 100 times in less than 4 minutes).

Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita (aka "I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level")

ep 3: near the first minutes of the anime, two girls are eating mushrooms but one of them eats a mushroom with two properties: first it makes her laugh and giggle even if nothing funny happens and then it has aphrodisiac properties and due to that, she develops lesbian feelings for the other girl and tries to "have her way" with her.

Strike the witches: road to Berlin

ep 7: in this episode one of the girls accidentally activates some sort of statue. At first it just makes her boobs bigger but a few seconds after that, she starts to act weirdly: she's controlled by the spirit inside of the statue. She starts to randomly fondle the breasts of other girls which turns any of the touched victims into more girls with big boobs who're obsessed by the idea of fondling the breasts of other girls to make them bigger. In a way this spreadable curse makes them all into "zombies" (they don't even look like zombie but the concept is kinda similar) who're obsessed by the idea of doing that.

Urusei Yatsura

ep 87: The WHOLE episode is about characters eating a giant "soup" of mushrooms they mistake for matsutake mushrooms (a very rare and expansive mushroom). Though they're not matsutake mushrooms at all: they're poisonous mushrooms that makes them all act extremely strangely. They start to do very weird shows in front of each others and become obsessed by the idea of doing awkward things in public or seeing others doing awkward things in public. Their sense of humor becomes extremely altered by the mushrooms: even the lamest "shows" (the awkward actions everyone is doing) become extremely funny to them and the only thing you can do to be booed by this weird "show obsessed" crowd is to do the same "show" twice or more (even a very slight variation of it will greatly amuse the ones who ate the mushroom). At one point they feel sad because nobody has new ideas for shows so the main character who isn't affected by that flies and brings more people to make them eat the mushroom so more ideas of shows are created. Except the one who brought the mushroom and the main character, it's pretty safe to say nobody is sane anymore.

Vampire dies in no time

[sugested by "Abyssmal"] ep 5b: a vampire cat wanted to take over the world by controlling people to love cats and worship them.

[sugested by "Abyssmal"] ep 7b a vampire had a staff which made whoever was hit by it "talk dirty" which was more like them being able to only talk about their kinks (they could only talk this way and were no longer able to talk normally).

[sugested by "Abyssmal"] ep 9a in this episode, a vampire was into playing strip paper rock scissors, through forcing people to battle him with like a small incantation or "song" as they described it. Victims of it couldn't control themself and removed all of their clothes.

[sugested by "Abyssmal"] ep 9c a vampire wanted to take over the world with and force others to wear micro bikinis and those he hypnotized gained a newfound liking to micro bikinis and "sharing their love of/converting" other people who wore more clothing than them to also wear micro bikinis.

ep 10b: a parasite type of vampire escaped from a research center that analyzes vampires of all kind. If it attaches to a host, then the host will start to release aphrodisiac pheromones that will make them irresistibly attractive. The parasite quickly attached itself to a male victim who has his own harem of girls but it detached itself a few minutes after that (after it stole enough blood, it leaves and searches a new victim). Ofc girls/women immediately insulted the first victim once they returned to normal. a second victim quickly arrived, quickly had his own harem and was also quickly rejected once the parasite left his body. The 3rd victim was an ugly vampire (he's beautiful with his true form but unfortunately for him he had a problem controlling his metamorphosis and is stuck in a visually disturbing form), despite his extreme ugliness women/girls became crazy for him. One of the main character (Ronald) notices the parasite became more powerful after he stole some blood from several victims as it starts to move and fly way faster than before. The parasite then left the 3rd victim and attached itself to a 4th one (also a vampire). Then we notice once the parasite attached itself to a 5th victim (another vampire) that it's not just his speed that increased but his mind altering power too: indeed the 5th victim was a male vampire and despite the fact Ronald is straight, he was fascinated by that male vampire too and remained immobile instead of trying to capture the parasite (meaning his power can now affect absolutely anyone regardless of their gender (except those with resistance to mind manipulation like Draluc who remains unaffected). It then detached itself from that 5th victim (and Ronald starts to chase it again only after it detached itself otherwise he'd most likely still admire that male vampire). At one point it attaches itself to a 6th victim: John the armadillo. Once it's done nobody moves and the parasite became so powerful he mind manipulates everyone around to worship John the armadillo as a living god and people even start to make a cult dedicated to John

Yokai Watch

ep 36c: A yokai possessed shota into thinking everything was funny and laugh even if the situation was serious (they were in a hospital to visit a friend).

Ep 46c: A yokai possesses people into being obsessed by the idea of saying random intelligent (but useless) things.

ep 58a: a yokai possessed the main character to give him a licking fetish (he cannot resist the urge to lick anything and everything). Also the longer he is possessed the more he is into licking weirder and weirder things.

Ep 64c: A yokai that looks like a yellow dumb looking hat can possess people by being on their heads. Possessed people will start to act stupidly and will become obsessed by that (they only return to normal if that yokai leaves their head). Note: his favorite type of victim is kids (especially shotas) since he wants to humiliate them by making them act stupidly in public.

ep 143: a yokai had the ability to make people he licks gain rewards and the main character was so tempted to let that yokai lick his body he let that yokai lick while he was completely naked in front of his whole class!

yokai watch! (aka yokai watch 2019)

ep 6a: a yokai possesses the main character into being obsessed with being the number 1 in the world at random and stupid things. In the very beginning of the episode it makes the main character who's a shota obsessed by the idea of being the fastest in the world when it comes to reaching the toilet first and being able to be the fastest in the world to use toilets and wash his hands. This makes him forget everything when it comes to common sense or social rules because in order to optimize his time the main character unzipped his pants before he reached the toilets in order to win some seconds though he did it while in the corridor and in front of girls (a side effect of that mind alteration is that he doesn't care about public shame/humiliation). Later in that episode he made him obsessed by the idea of becoming the greatest nose picker in the world so he literally became extremely obsessed by the idea of digging his nostrils even while he knew his female neighbor (who he has a crush on) was watching it.

Youkai Watch Jam Youkai Gakuen Y - N to no Souguu

ep 4: in this spin off of yokai watch, someone uses a "gross note" (a book that parodies the death note). Instead of killing people those names are written inside it makes them act weirdly and their minds are altered for that (they don't resist or something, it's normal to be gross and weird). At one point the main character (a shota) is affected and starts to act like a total pervert, removes his clothes and even sexually harasses some of the other main characters while naked.

zero no tsukaima

season 3 ep 6: in this episode, a love potion that acts like a virus affected more and more characters: the first person who's affected by it falls in love for the first person they see (regardless of their gender) and tries to kiss them. Kissing another person makes the new victim also fall in love. More and more characters (mainly females) kissed each others, spreading the love virus at an alarming rate.


DC Super Hero Girls

[suggested by "anonymind"] S2 ep 8 "Happy Birthday Zee": Zatanna thinks her teammates forgot her birthday. So she accidentally casts a spell that turns them into birthday-obessed zombies.

Archie's Weird Mysteries

[suggested by "anonymind"] in one episode, Veronica had also gotten her hands on a spellbook That used to belong to some old swamp voodoo witch. The book contained a spell for creating a devoted servant. Because Veronica is a STUPID bitch, she casts the spell on Archie before she reads the thing all the way through. Suddenly Veronica is his number one priority. Archie is tripping over himself to do her favors. But it gets to the point where even Veronica is finding the attention a bit much. Plus, Archie is looking rougher everyday. Veronica finds out that Archie thinks about her so much that he isn't eating or sleeping. It is ONLY THEN that the dumb bitch reads the entire entry in the spellbook. She finds out that this is an entirely expected side effect of the spell and that those who are under it eventually collapse and die. Furthermore, the book says that even death isn't enough to quell the obsession and that Veronica is now faced with the prospect of being followed around for the rest of her life by a literal zombie instead of a figurative one. The only way to break the curse is to throw the spellbook back into the swamp where they got it from. However, Betty has figured out what's been going on. She and the test of Archie's friends are understandably pissed off. They confront Veronica and Betty tries to wrestle the spellbook away from her. This causes the spellbook to accidentally go off (??) and now Betty and the rest of the gang are now also Veronica-obsessed.

Legion of Super Heroes

Season 1 ep 8 (brain drain): in that episode, Brainiac 5 (who's usually the supergenius of the group) is victim of a malfunction that makes him become extremely stupid. He also act very strangely during the whole episode


Disgaea IV

at one point in the game, a virus affected demons and main characters. It's highly contagious and force victims of it to mentally adopt the mindset of a character named "Axel" which includes his love for licking other people's boot. If the virus isn't stopped, victims will fully turn (physically) into Axel and will literally become him mentally. If you lose against Axel during that chapter there is a bad ending where it's reveal everyone in the world of demons (no exception) was affected by the axel virus.

Later in the same game after you finish the main story, there are more optional battles to do and a mysterious force hypnotizes demons (and sometimes main characters) into being obsessed by various things. For example at one point many persons were hypnotized to love Axel and his music (to the point demons were furious you tried to stop his concert). Though if you beat him, everyone returns to their normal state and wondered why they even loved Axel's concert in the first place. This happens in pretty much all those new optional battles and in one occasion a new trend made everyone love the idea of doing good things like cleaning and get rid of garbage. In one other occasion the same mysterious force brainwashed everyone into thinking they're Etna (a demon girl)'s servants.


In that game there is a weapon (an unlimited amount can be obtained thanks to cheat codes) named "confusion grenades". They produce a gas that makes people act stupidly and strangely. It works on almost all NPCs of the game and each of them has different dialogue lines while they're influenced by the gas.

[Shin Megami Tensei IV]

In one of the dungeon, a demon releases a kind of pink gas that makes characters act very strangely and become stupid. Despite how usually dark and serious it is, in this scene characters start to fool around and say things that make no sense at all.



[suggested by "contorded"]a sleazy Cable executive (played by James Woods) who gets addicted to a strange snuff channel that warps his mind and later on his body in increasingly graphic and sexual ways. One such example is when one night while he's watching it (and probably one of the film's most iconic scenes), he sees the lips of his girlfriend speaking to him and he starts kissing the TV as a result (and the TV itself begins to audibly move and moan while this is happening).[/spoiler]
12/02/21 01:11AM
There is an episode of DC Hero Girls where Zatanna thinks her teammates forgot her birthday. So she accidentally casts a spell that turns them into birthday-obessed zombies.
12/02/21 03:17AM
anonymind said:
There is an episode of DC Hero Girls where Zatanna thinks her teammates forgot her birthday. So she accidentally casts a spell that turns them into birthday-obessed zombies.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I started to think nobody would reply. I added your scene to the list and I also added a few more (from mob psycho 100, one piece and outlaw star)
12/02/21 05:46AM
Anyone here watch ever watch Videodrome? It's a film from the 80s about a sleazy Cable executive (played by James Woods) who gets addicted to a strange snuff channel that warps his mind and later on his body in increasingly graphic and sexual ways. One such example is when one night while he's watching it (and probably one of the film's most iconic scenes), he sees the lips of his girlfriend speaking to him and he starts kissing the TV as a result (and the TV itself begins to audibly move and moan while this is happening).

Awesome movie, highly recommended if you haven't seen it.
12/02/21 08:40PM
Contorted said:
Anyone here watch ever watch Videodrome? It's a film from the 80s about a sleazy Cable executive (played by James Woods) who gets addicted to a strange snuff channel that warps his mind and later on his body in increasingly graphic and sexual ways. One such example is when one night while he's watching it (and probably one of the film's most iconic scenes), he sees the lips of his girlfriend speaking to him and he starts kissing the TV as a result (and the TV itself begins to audibly move and moan while this is happening).

Awesome movie, highly recommended if you haven't seen it.

Thanks for your suggestion! I never heard of that movie before
12/02/21 10:49PM
manjumemajeur said:
Thanks for your suggestion! I never heard of that movie before

It's one of THE staples of body horror in cinema. it also, rather horrifically, predicted the future of social media and how much media in general warps our minds into becoming radicalized nutjobs for other forces, whether their intentions are good or not.
12/03/21 02:24AM
This is kind of an old one. Years ago there was a short lived animated series called "Archie's Weird Mysteries." It featured Archie Andrews as a paranormal investigator. In one episode Veronica felt that Archie wasn't paying enough attention to her. Of course, being a total bitch, saying "no" to her once is enough to count as "neglect". She had also gotten her hands on a spellbook That used to belong to some old swamp voodoo witch. The book contained a spell for creating a devoted servant. Because Veronica is a STUPID bitch, she casts the spell on Archie before she reads the thing all the way through. Suddenly Veronica is his number one priority. Archie is tripping over himself to do her favors. But it gets to the point where even Veronica is finding the attention a bit much. Plus, Archie is looking rougher everyday.

Veronica finds out that Archie thinks about her so much that he isn't eating or sleeping. It is ONLY THEN that the dumb bitch reads the entire entry in the spellbook. She finds out that this is an entirely expected side effect of the spell and that those who are under it eventually collapse and die. Furthermore, the book says that even death isn't enough to quell the obsession and that Veronica is now faced with the prospect of being followed around for the rest of her life by a literal zombie instead of a figurative one. The only way to break the curse is to throw the spellbook back into the swamp where they got it from. However, Betty has figured out what's been going on. She and the test of Archie's friends are understandably pissed off. They confront Veronica and Betty tries to wrestle the spellbook away from her. This causes the spellbook to accidentally go off (??) and now Betty and the rest of the gang are now also Veronica-obsessed.

The climax of the episode has Veronica trying to get to the swamp because Archie looks like he's on his last legs. Meanwhile, Betty and the rest keep throwing themselves in her path trying to do favors for her. I remember that they think they're doing her a favor by keeping her from disposing of the spellbook, because then the wonderful Veronica wouldn't have her slaves anymore!
12/03/21 04:40AM
anonymind said:
This is kind of an old one. Years ago there was a short lived animated series called "Archie's Weird Mysteries." It featured Archie Andrews as a paranormal investigator. In one episode Veronica felt that Archie wasn't paying enough attention to her. Of course, being a total bitch, saying "no" to her once is enough to count as "neglect". She had also gotten her hands on a spellbook That used to belong to some old swamp voodoo witch. The book contained a spell for creating a devoted servant. The book contained a spell for creating a devoted servant. Because Veronica is a STUPID bitch, she casts the spell on Archie before she reads the thing all the way through. Suddenly Veronica is his number one priority. Archie is tripping over himself to do her favors. But it gets to the point where even Veronica is finding the attention a bit much. Plus, Archie is looking rougher everyday.

Veronica finds out that Archie thinks about her so much that he isn't eating or sleeping. It is ONLY THEN that the dumb bitch reads the entire entry in the spellbook. She finds out that this is an entirely expected side effect of the spell and that those who are under it eventually collapse and die. Furthermore, the book says that even death isn't enough to quell the obsession and that Veronica is now faced with the prospect of being followed around for the rest of her life by is life by a literal zombie instead of a figurative one. The only way to break the curse is to throw the spellbook back into the swamp where they got it from. However, Betty has figured out what's been going on. She and the test of Archie's friends are understandably pissed off. They confront Veronica and Betty tries to wrestle the spellbook away from her.. This causes the spellbook to accidentally go off (??) and now Betty and the rest of the gang are are now also Veronica-obsessed.

The climax of the episode has Veronica trying to get to the swamp because Archie looks like he's on his last legs. Meanwhile, Betty and the rest keep throwing themselves in her path trying to do favors for her. I remember that they think they're doing her a favor by keeping her from disposing of the spellbook, because then the wonderful Veronica wouldn't have her slaves anymore!

My god this is really interesting! It's crazy how it contaminated everyone! And for a bitchy character like that (I checked the ep and she's Mandy (from totally spies) level) to think it's too much attention it definitely means the mind alteration is powerful ^^.

Thank you again. I'll add your new suggestion as well as contorted's (as well as some more I found recently). Btw if I could suggest anime to watch for mind alteration I'd recommend "yokai watch" (and it's multiple remake/reboot and spin offs). Yokais keep possessing characters in that anime (including the main character) and make them act weirdly or become obsessed by something. And there are many forms of mind alteration let me tell you. from memory loss to intelligence drop to becoming obsessed by the idea of doing weird dances in public. There's even stuff like yokais that make you obsesssed by the idea of saying intelligent things (fun fact: the yokai that makes people dumb once possessed the yokai that makes people love to say smart things so when the possessed yokai possessed humans it made them love to say stupid and gross things). There are even occasions in which characters did naughty things while possessed or acted like pervs (surprising considering the targeted audience but yeah it actually happened). There's even a yokai that can make you win tons of awards ... but you have to let him lick your body for that to work (the more he licks you and the more prizes you'll receive) ... he can even mind manipulate you into loving the idea of being licked and winning prizes (so you'll become addicted to that). Ofc, the main character was affected and in fact it reached a point where he removed most of his clothes in public to allow that yokai to lick him.
12/08/21 03:05AM
The list of scenes was updated. I added things suggested by Contorded and anonymind as well as some other things such as more yokai watch and keroro scenes, a moment from shin megami tensei IV and a moment from Saiki Kusuo no psi-nan.
12/09/21 02:00PM
So I was looking for a new anime to watch and decided to check out "The Vampire Dies in No Time" and surprisingly there is a good amount of hypnosis throughout the series so far. It's not really hot since it's a comedy but I just wanted to share this here. Also so far there are only 10 episodes.

I'm pretty sure in episode four there was a vampire cat that wanted to take over the world by controlling people to love cats and worship them.

There was also a 3 other vampires with some form of mind control or body control.

First one had a staff which made whoever was hit by it "talk dirty" which was more like them being able to only talk about their kinks.

Second vampire was into playing strip paper rock scissors, through forcing people to battle him with like a small incantation or "song" as they described it.

Third vampire wanted to take over the world with and force others to wear micro bikinis and those he hypnotized gained a newfound liking to micro bikinis and "sharing their love of/converting" other people who wore more clothing than them to also wear micro bikinis.
12/09/21 11:00PM
Wow thanks a lot for your contribution! That's exactly the type of mind alteration I love: I recently understood I had literally a fetish for this kind of "hypno" that makes characters act weird or gain obsessions for something. And wow there are FOUR episodes with mind alteration already? That's really promising! Thank you again! Did you watch all 10 eps that were released so far?

Hope my thread helped you to find scenes you might like too ^^. I'll check those eps myself but I'm sure I'll def add them to the list ^^

Once again thanks a lot for your participation ... 4 eps out of 10 is a really nice ratio I would say!
12/10/21 03:30AM
I did watch all 10 of them and I feel like the anime is pretty underrated since not many people talk about it. And I think I found some scenes I might check out. I'll see if I can find any more for this list.
12/10/21 04:02AM
Abyssmal said:
I did watch all 10 of them and I feel like the anime is pretty underrated since not many people talk about it. And I think I found some scenes I might check out. I'll see if I can find any more for this list.

Thanks a lot for your efforts. I also started to watch it and it's really good! It's true it's definitely underrated! I watched 9 eps so far and saw all scenes you mentioned. I'll definitely add them to the list since they're all interesting! Feel free to share more scenes of that kind from any anime, video game etc ... even if you have just some vague memories of them.

I'll also add more scenes of that kind myself!

Also if you're interested by scenes of that kind I can definitely recommend "yokai watch" and it's spin offs (there are so many eps where yokai possess humans and make them act strangely) as well as keroro gunsou.

Edit: I added scenes suggested by Abyssmal as well as some scene from the video game disgaea 4 and one more scene from yokai watch
12/12/21 10:11PM
The scene listing message was updated. Elements from psychonauts as well as an episode from "the legion of super hero" was added.
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