12/24/21 05:28AM
Deffy's Emergency GoFundMe
So i'm in quite the pickle here because American Healthcare is garbage, my insurance company told me to fuck myself and now i owe 700 dollars in expenses that should have been covered according to my doctors. Worse still, my parents haven't be able to help for months, and my job WILL NOT give me hours. As such, i've been forced to used my Credit Card to buy groceries, thus resulting in a debt. So i've been screwed for months now and couldn't do a damned thing about it. So i've got no choice but to make this:

I'm trying to raise enough money to pay:
The bill that's been fucking dumped onto me by my fuck-ass insurance company
The Remaining Credit Card Debt i've built up because i've had to get groceries.
The 100 or so dollars that i need for my power bill.

This is the single biggest place where i am somewhat known, and have the ability to be seen, i am, reduced to this and feeling like shit for asking. If you can't give, then please consider sharing. I've been spreading the word far and wide, and i don't know what else to do. Sorry for being a beggar. I'll never do this again. Even if i can't help it.
12/25/21 05:53PM
Bump to avoid drowning. Sorry.
12/27/21 02:04AM
donated to help you out. hope you make it through sister.
12/28/21 03:02AM
I hate having to constantly push this but things have gone from bad to worse. The Medical Bill won't stop going up and i don't think my insurance company is going to help. I need as much as i can gather as fast as i can gather...this problem isn't going to be solved by new years, but any progress is good progress at this point.

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