01/09/22 09:08AM
Your Jungle Book Experience?
This has probably been done before but I want to know YOUR experience with The Jungle Book! Specifically the parts with the ever so infamous hypnotic python of course. Were they good/bad, positive/ negative, Didn't care/literally awakening the demons within? If you watched either of them I want to hear it! I'll even start this chain off:

When I first watched The Jungle Book all those eons ago Kaa interested me almost immediately. The way he was built different and how he functioned so differently when compared to any of the other characters in the film was enough to get me hooked. While I didn't find anything about it erotic at the time, I did develop a deep intrigue for all things hypnosis/mindcontrol related. For me it wasn't so much the situation of Mowgli/Bagheera/Shanti that peaked my interest but the very hypnosis itself and it's abilities. Something about it just felt right I guess. As I grew older and puberty hit me like a freight train my brain one day decided to think, "Hey you know that hypnosis stuff? What if that was used on sexy women?" Of course my fantasies deviated back to the old favorite of Kaa using his hypnosis to subdue his prey but I would also find other situations for them to star in. Eventually I just started searching for it and low and behold ended up on here. In current times I have mixed feelings on how everyone's favorite serpent has been interpreted as a borderline eldritch god able to hypnotize every being in the universe but if I was gonna judge people for liking some double decker snek dik I shouldn't have made an account on here at all lol
01/09/22 11:41AM
For whatever reason I had an mc fetish when I was very young. Kaa and mc plots would induce erections and I didn't understand why. I was a little embarrassed and didn't know if it was only me but luckily I kept quiet about until I was older and could research and understand what was going on and thought more of it in regard to women.

The thing I most like about the Kaa hypnosis stuff is that the victims telegraph pleasure and a sort of addiction.
I know other people like Kaa himself or the vore aspect but that does nothing for me.

I'm not sure how you can do serious analysis on Kaa's character. In the animated jungle book he is clearly very powerful and dangerous but also pathetic and treated as comic relief. This is fine but doesn't lend itself to extrapolation. The art around him is simply fetish fuel and you can't say much more.
01/09/22 04:01PM
I didn't watch much of the first movie as a kid, but I did see the second when I was 8 or 9 and always remembered the scene with Kaa & Shanti. I loved seeing her face turn from concern into a happy, smiling relaxation, and the part where she bobs her head up and down along with Kaa's movement. At the time I don't think I thought of it as hot, but more fun or exciting. I was a kid so didn't know I had a hypno kink yet.

The 2016 one is a different story though. In my first year of college, we got to see the movie in 3d as part of a cinema week trip for our media course work. As soon as Kaa's scene came on, I went straight to the bathroom to avoid any uncomfortable sexy thoughts.
01/09/22 04:30PM
TBH Kaa has never done anything for me in his original media. I only ever saw the first Jungle Book movie, and he hypnotizes only male characters in that, IIRC, which has no effect on me as a cis hetero male. SOME pics /fan fetish art that includes him hypnotizing women might get a small rise out of me, but not much.
Kaa wasn't influential for my fetish awakening in any way other than "man, i wish I could make my eyes swirly so I could control girls I like" before it occurred to me what consent was. It was other stuff in my youth that did eventually get me.
Classic cartoons and more modern ones alike, and even some Disney Channel live-action movies are what made me realize it wasn't just an interest/fascination, but a sexual fetish (different from a fixation and kink, BTW). I figured it out pretty early as a kid, aided by the fact that my (both medical professional) parents explained sex to me at a pretty young age, so I understood what was going on with myself after just a couple encounters with MC content and noticed a pattern.

I've come to appreciate Kaa as an icon of the MC community over the years, since seeing how influential and important he is to others, but he doesn't hold any special status for me. If all content creators suddenly just halted production of Kaa art on every way, I wouldn't be affected in the slightest. I'd just feel a little disappointment by proxy for others.
01/09/22 04:52PM
I was around 4 when i saw this first encounter. I kinda felt weird. I remembered this one akward moment when i humped on the bed in front of my parents showing them what i do. I think they tried to ignored it. It dawned on me years later how embarrassing it was. Around 9-10 i always was excited imaginating mogliw and shantii beeing under Kaas spell coiled up. Later in teen i took the route to fantasy and hentai, which is mostly with tentacles (maybe cause the gurls was also coiled up). Took some years until i returned back to Kaa and all about hypnosis. I watched first many animations and videos about hypnosis. Later i liked more the pictures and last year i started reading novels and stories mainly about kaa. Now i started to RP as femsub with Kaa since last month.
01/09/22 10:41PM
My first exposure to Kaa was with Jungle Book 2. I happened to just catch it on TV and when the Shanti scene came up it was...very hot. I already knew I had a hypno kink at that point, but hadn't yet seen Kaa in art and such, which came later, as well as looking up his scenes from the first movie. The Shanti scene does it for me more than anything though. How she quickly shifts from fear to bliss, getting a goofy grin on her face as she follows Kaa's head bopping up and down...There's this one part where she's leaning forward, her eyes nearly closing, like she's barely able to stand she's so deep. Really gets to me.

Learning that he had the same voice actor (in either movie!) as Winnie the Pooh kinda took some of the eroticism away, as I can't unhear it, and nowadays I do think he's a bit overused, but I'll always have a soft spot for him.
01/09/22 11:15PM
Blazing_Shell said:

Learning that he had the same voice actor (in either movie!) as Winnie the Pooh kinda took some of the eroticism away, as I can't unhear it, and nowadays I do think he's a bit overused, but I'll always have a soft spot for him.

I had disney in german, but after looking on it:

"He did voice acting for The Walt Disney Company, playing Mr. Stork in Dumbo, Adult Flower in Bambi, the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland, Kaa in The Jungle Book, Roquefort the Mouse in The Aristocats, and the title character in Winnie the Pooh, among many others."

I can fully understand it.
01/10/22 12:15AM
I did watch it when I was a kid (I still have the old vhs), but I'm pretty sure I've never watched it all the way through in one sitting. The movie didn't really start my love of hypnosis stuff (other stuff you'd see on tv did that), and I'm not really a kaa fan, but I do like the eye effect quite a bit
01/10/22 12:28AM
I had both movies on DVD as a kid. But the sequel's Shanti scene was like "Whoa" to kid me. Took being on the internet to turn it into a fetish but it was always there deep inside. It's also why I love *PING!*s, the 'Kaa eyes', wide mindless smiles and snakes. No vore, I somehow dodged that.
01/10/22 12:51AM
Polarisbow said:
I love *PING!*s, the 'Kaa eyes'

The "*ping* eye color and expression changes" trope is so hot, too bad its tied to kaa (one of the worst characters associated with this fetish)
01/10/22 01:56AM
teso said:
The "*ping* eye color and expression changes" trope is so hot, too bad its tied to kaa (one of the worst characters associated with this fetish)

It begann with Kaa but nowadays, there are many chars doing almost the same thing.
(Kaa´lin is a weak example but hey)
01/10/22 03:22AM
teso said:
The "*ping* eye color and expression changes" trope is so hot, too bad its tied to kaa (one of the worst characters associated with this fetish)

It is very much tied to Kaa and snakes in general but there really isn't any reason why other characters can't do those things either.
01/10/22 06:02AM
Kaa never played a role in my fetish. I know that puts me in a minority, but it's true. I've never really even seen the appeal, honestly.

Kaa hypnotizes people so they won't fight back and he can swallow them whole, like any python would.
01/10/22 06:08AM
ghost13 said:
Kaa never played a role in my fetish. I know that puts me in a minority, but it's true. I've never really even seen the appeal, honestly.

Kaa hypnotizes people so they won't fight back and he can swallow them whole, like any python would.

Except Pythons don't hypnotizes people. They just give out really tight hugs.
01/14/22 10:12AM
For anyone who hasn't seen them, there are of course these videos: and
1 2>>>

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