05/19/14 04:05PM
Controversial Topic: Snuff/death
Okay, have to ask about peoples opinion on this. Saw a post today that drew attention to this little kink that may or may not be accepted and/or shunned by the larger community.

To those who don't know...snuff content relates to sexual content that pertains to the topic of death, or achieving release upon the person in questions death (Please correct me if my ascertation of this is wrong.)

My thoughts (as someone who doesn't always mind this kind of content in regards to strangulation) is that in certain non-realistic ultra controlled settings (art-work, etc) it is okay, as is any fetish.

We cannot help what excites us. But some things are more publicly frowned upon than others, and I am serious about wanting to know the hypno communities thoughts on what could be deemed as a very touchy subject...

So, fire away with your opinions.
05/19/14 04:22PM
I'd say I'm on the same page with you, except my 2 problems would be if there is any gore/blood or the person is already dead rather than in the process of death, because the way you describe it make it seem like even though it may appear that death is coming it may not be the case at the end. If the person it lying there already dead, well then I can't really interpret it as anything else.
05/19/14 06:34PM
I rather like the saying "to each their own" when it comes to this. Since I want absolutely nothing to do with it (the sounds of bones snapping makes me sick) then I won't go searching for it nor will I insult the people that do like it. And as IvyBitMe mentioned, we cannot help what excites us. Hell, many people think that we being hypnosis fetishists, we're gonna go around hypnotizing others to have sex with us, which is hardly the case. Snuffists? Snuffers? Snuffites? aren't going to go around murdering people just to orgasm. So I am a-ok with it so long as it's taken in moderation (like anything) and doesn't translate to real life scenarios.

Though I am curious as to how people got into snuff. For many of us here The Jungle Book and Sailor Moon were the gateway drug that led us down the spiralling (but very pretty) path to hypnosis, but what is THE movie that every snuffist agrees is the holy grail of snuff?
05/19/14 07:51PM
Personally I only enjoy it when it comes to vampire based stuff as death is more like a rebirth. Honestly I can't get behind snuff stuff
05/19/14 08:36PM
I'm pretty creeped out by snuff but that's why blacklists exist.
05/19/14 09:08PM
Not my thing personally, but given the weird shit I'm into, I cant say its terrible.
I've become somewhat desensitized to it over the years so I'm usually not that shocked by it and completely understand that it's a fantasy based kink. To each their own and all that.
05/19/14 10:03PM
I'm with Nadia on this one; I only like this sort of thing when it's related to vampires, and the victim dies but comes back as a vampire. Actual permanent death, such as people getting choked to death by snakes, is something I would much rather not see, or indeed think about.
05/19/14 11:40PM
As a writer whom kills off several characters it would be hypocritical of me to say that I am against its depiction. However, I tend not use it in a sexual way. Character death in my writing is always tragic. Even most of my villains aren't up for a bone when they watch/cause a person's death. I got a couple. One who honestly wouldn't care and another who just gets off on power trips.

I'm not saying that I'll judge anybody for liking it. Fantasy and reality are different things, and so long as we all can differentiate we should be fine.

I will say that I'm not into death as a kink. Kills the mood for me. But, as with every rule, there are a few exceptions. As previously mentioned, vampirism and other forms where death is considered "impermanent" are fine, since the character continues to function and interact afterwards. Also, if it is a creature that dies upon completion of its lifes goal such as mating, oviposition, or infecting some other creature to carry out its will/reproduction/etc, it is acceptable. I even wrote a piece involving exactly that.
05/20/14 12:22AM
Soft vore, even taken to its logical conclusion, can certainly get me off. Vampirism would also work.

Guro has never been my thing, however, so if it is snuff, it has to be "soft," and not involve any real bodily damage.
05/20/14 12:51AM
As someone who spends far too much time on the internet, over the years, I've become almost entirely desensitized to snuff, guro, and gore. Most of the time, I'll go "Ew." and move on, neither better nor worse off.

Granted, I will admit, not even snuff can overpower my love for MC fetish. The other way around is more true, in fact. I've always loved MC because of the control potential it held, and I'm huge on control-related fetishes (BDSM, D/s, the like). One of my darkest pleasures is a love for the most extreme of control - control so powerful that it is able to overwhelm one's most basic instincts. As such, if I were to be honest, I would have to admit that I can not only get off to snuff, but actively enjoy it, if the death were to be conducted due to the influence of MC. Nothing says power over another like the ability to overcome survival instincts merely for the sake of submission to the one in control.

It's one of those things I tend to like that I label under "really damned creepy fetishes". It's also one of the very few parts of my sexual preferences that I'm not entirely at peace with, yet. Even someone like me, who takes pride in his ability to accept every part of what he is to the very core, cannot easily overcome my hesitation to freely enjoy it.

Personal turmoil aside, I take the stance reflected by most everyone in this thread so far: to each their own, and to each their fantasies. So long as these things stay fantasies, they cause no harm.
05/20/14 01:49AM
As someone who legitimately enjoys guro, I can say that to me it's a feeling that is strangely simple to explain yet hard to actually understand why. The easiest way I can put it is that it's sickeningly satisfying.

When I was younger, I was a very timid and quiet individual. As if following the cliche of "the quiet types are usually the scariest", my gentle and kind nature meant that I would rarely ever really lose my cool -- but when I did, I ended up being destructive and breaking things. When I discovered guro, I found that it would eerily calm me down so I began to partake in the interest as a way of getting myself to relax whenever I did end up losing my cool. But over time, the interest began to turn into one of my dark kinks.

And here I am now. c: *twitch*

Presently, it just remains as one of my kinks that I indulge in every once and a while. I don't really have that anger problem anymore.
05/20/14 01:52AM
I had made something (though I never finished the sequence) where the character is basically lobotomized and her brain put in a robot, and it included a pretty graphic depiction of her (human) death. Needless to say, I never published it >_>
05/20/14 02:23AM
To be fair, Mind Control in any permanent sense is effectively snuff. The transformation of someone's personality so completely effectively kills their old identity, and isn't that what we consider to be a 'person'? Identity, personality, if you forcibly remove those things it snuffs out who they were just as utterly as if you kill their body.
05/20/14 02:46AM
Chaytel said:
To be fair, Mind Control in any permanent sense is effectively snuff. The transformation of someone's personality so completely effectively kills their old identity, and isn't that what we consider to be a 'person'? Identity, personality, if you forcibly remove those things it snuffs out who they were just as utterly as if you kill their body.

I think people just don't want lifeless corpses :'
05/20/14 02:58AM
Zko said:
I think people just don't want lifeless corpses :'

The point is that the stigma of death applies to both. Really, no one should be ashamed of/shame others for their fetishes; we don't get to pick them, barring exceptional cases of self-manipulation on a psychological level at a young enough age where that's generally not likely to be possible.
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