01/31/22 10:59PM
The sites translation bubbles are beyond broken on mobile
The bubbles to get the translation have been broken for months now and nobody has made any updates to fix em so i figure that im going to report this. When you click on them 90 percent of the time they will just disappear after you click on them whereas the other half ya need to soam the refresh page button to get the bubbles to load the text…then you are lucky to get all of them
02/01/22 12:49AM
Not sure about you, but I haven't experienced any issues on mobile. The annotation boxes do disappear if you click on the image instead of a box, but reappear if you do it again. If you click on a boxe, a popup should appear to display the annotation of a translation, without needing to refresh.

If you are certain that the behaviour of the boxes isn't working as described, then it may be an issue on your end. Might also explain why no updates have been made.
02/01/22 04:02AM
Xlmpth said:
Not sure about you, but I haven't experienced any issues on mobile. The annotation boxes do disappear if you click on the image instead of a box, but reappear if you do it again. If you click on a boxe, a popup should appear to display the annotation of a translation, without needing to refresh.

If you are certain that the behaviour of the boxes isn't working as described, then it may be an issue on your end. Might also explain why no updates have been made.

The issue is that i have used multiple devices now, multiple networks and multiple accounts…this definitely isn’t on my end otherwise at least one of those would have worked properly
02/01/22 08:26AM
Dunno how to re-produce it 100% of the time, but this can indeed happen in some (all?) mobile touch browsers through some combination of pinch-zooming, tapping on notes to show translations, and tapping on the image to show / hide all the notes. Eventually it gets into a bad state and you have to reload. I don't have time to look into it further, but it's not not an issue...
02/01/22 09:25AM
I mostly don't have issues using Firefox on mobile.
It's not a solution, but translated posts let you see the notes in text form in another page if you click just below the picture, where it says "This post has X notes." Maybe that can help you get the gist of the notes on some pictures?
02/01/22 12:39PM
The thing about the Hub is that it's running on Booru software that's barely maintained by its creator, pretty much impossible for Hypnohub staff themselves to change, and despite the team talking about migrating the whole thing to something more up-to-date for at least 2 years now, that plan hasn't gone beyond talking about it as far as I'm aware (mostly due to the logistical problems in the actual migration process).

Notes have been broken forever on desktop in that it'll stop showing most of them once you've added more than 3, and no-one's really capable of changing it. I guess the same is true on mobile.
02/11/22 12:58PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
The thing about the Hub is that it's running on Booru software that's barely maintained by its creator, pretty much impossible for Hypnohub staff themselves to change, and despite the team talking about migrating the whole thing to something more up-to-date for at least 2 years now, that plan hasn't gone beyond talking about it as far as I'm aware (mostly due to the logistical problems in the actual migration process).

Notes have been broken forever on desktop in that it'll stop showing most of them once you've added more than 3, and no-one's really capable of changing it. I guess the same is true on mobile.

What a joy
02/16/22 06:29PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
The thing about the Hub is that it's running on Booru software that's barely maintained by its creator, pretty much impossible for Hypnohub staff themselves to change, and despite the team talking about migrating the whole thing to something more up-to-date for at least 2 years now, that plan hasn't gone beyond talking about it as far as I'm aware (mostly due to the logistical problems in the actual migration process).

Notes have been broken forever on desktop in that it'll stop showing most of them once you've added more than 3, and no-one's really capable of changing it. I guess the same is true on mobile.

Gives me a project idea at least. The boorus really just need a responsive UI upgrade and fixing the notes. Perhaps a proper image viewer for smaller devices in the presence of notes. Im not sure where to start with this though. and Ive also thought about just making the entire thing from scratch, but I still dont know how hosting and saving the images works (especially if theyre potentially illegit)

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