02/09/22 12:08AM
Write something involving MC and Evangelion
Could be an idea, a story, just some thoughts on the topic, anything. I'm just throwing it out there to see what I get because I feel Evangelion deserves a lot more MC content than it gets.
02/09/22 01:51AM
So are you asking for ideas or are you requesting something?
02/09/22 05:47AM
I’m asking for whatever. This is a fairly desperate attempt to get something made.
02/09/22 06:09AM
something involving MC and Evangelion
02/09/22 06:37AM
eldomtom2 said:
I’m asking for whatever. This is a fairly desperate attempt to get something made.

Lol I know that feeling. Kinda why on top of me sharing the general ideas, I've begun making my own fanfics so at least there's something for the ideas I like
02/09/22 10:39AM
Mindwipe said:
something involving MC and Evangelion

02/09/22 04:33PM
I've got a whole bunch of snippets and partial drafts of some Evangelion hypnosis stories, because I agree there's lots of fodder there. I especially like the idea of a grandson of the oversight committee chair (Keel Lorenz) who decides that the nerve interface technology would be put to better use having fun instead of fighting Angels or bringing about the end of the world. So, he would use his family resources and computer skills to get access to NERV and hack into Asuka's nerve clips, or maybe Dr. Akagi's terminal, to start hypnotizing the lovely ladies of NERV.

Because I'm a total sucker for happy endings, he'll eventually make a mistake and open up for Shinji to defeat him. The truth is revealed, the world is saved, and while the women of NERV are still occasionally hypnotized, it's under circumstances that are much more mutually agreeable...
02/09/22 09:16PM
mcfantastic said:
I've got a whole bunch of snippets and partial drafts of some Evangelion hypnosis stories, because I agree there's lots of fodder there.

Could you post them? I'd really like to see them, even if they're unfinished.
02/10/22 04:28AM
The way the dummy plug system is shown in the rebuild movies gave me inspiration for hypno integration. The device locks itself over the hands of the pilot and covers their view with a screen which is perfect for a brainwashing machine set up. Also works as an effective upgrade to the dummy system as why program an AI to take over control from a disobedient pilot when you can just hypnotize them to murder their best friend with no mercy instead. :P

Another less morbid idea I had was related to the episode where Asuka and Shinji have to synchronise their movements to defeat an angel. They decide to try some hypnosis to help with the plan but they become so in sync from it that their brains become jumbled and they start acting like each other. I could probably cook up more but it's 3am rn and I gotta sleep
02/10/22 02:20PM
eldomtom2 said:
Could you post them? I'd really like to see them, even if they're unfinished.

Alright, so the story so far here is that Ritsuko was the first to be brainwashed, and has summoned Asuka to a sync test outside of usual hours, in private.

“How do you feel?”

“Good as always, Doctor! How's my sync ratio?”

“Sixty-five percent and holding – very good!”

“You know it!”

“Yes...” Ritsuko's gaze flickered. When initial readings are complete, commence hypnosis. Ritsuko crossed over to the secondary console, where Maya would normally monitor pilot status directly, and began to enter some new commands. “I'm setting up a new test – some alternate metrics to gauge synchronization. Tell me how it feels.”

Asuka frowned. “Not sure I feel anything different yet – what should I feel?”

“You should feel relaxed...calm...” Ritsuko's voice reverberated slightly in the plug, and she started a program that would invert the synchronization – the machine influencing Asuka, instead of the other way around. The neural clips massaged Asuka's brainwaves, gently modulating them into a sleep-like state.

Asuka leaned back, her eyes half-closed. “Yeah, I...do...”

“Very good, Asuka, keep yourself centered in this state of relaxation.”


“I will perform a brief cognitive test now. You should see a question on the interface in front of you.”

Asuka read the simple shape-recognition question, the sort she'd done hundreds of during the course of her career as a pilot. Normally she would groan at the thought of yet more boring tests, but with Ritsuko's program dulling her conscious thoughts, she could scarcely muster the brainpower to even begin to think about complaining. She just looked at the shape, turned it over in her mind, and selected the answer which matched. The answer flashed green, and Ritsuko's program gave the pleasure center in Asuka's brain a light touch, to subconsciously condition her to enjoy obedience.

Question by question, Asuka worked through the test. At first, she simply did it by rote, but as the conditioning took hold, she solved the questions with more eagerness. Shinji or Misato would have remarked on the incongruity of seeing Asuka solving questions in the test plug with a contented smile on her face, but to Ritsuko's commands, it was a sign of a job well done.

After thirty minutes, Ritsuko started adding her own questions, customized to specifically induce obedience. Every fifth question or so was subtly themed; for example, Asuka was asked to select very seventh word from a list as rapidly as possible, those words being obey, submit, serve. As the test progressed, Ritsuko added more and more of these questions, until, after a full hour, Asuka was simply pressing a button that said “Obey,” still with her empty smile. Ritsuko switched off the active conditioning, and Asuka kept pressing the button, her pleasure center firing of its own accord. The only physical sign of any change was that Asuka's pupils dilated.

“How are you, Asuka?”

“...relaxed,” she murmured.

“Yes. This is a nice state, isn't it?”

“Yes,” she agreed.

“Good. Nothing is on your mind, right? No distractions?”


“Correct. The only thing you need to do is obey.”


Ritsuko called a halt to the test. It was one thing to have Asuka be completely obedient, but she would need to obey only certain individuals and interact with non-hypnotized personnel, which would require careful crafting of her memories and personality to avoid giving the game away. “Do you remember the way you were before you started this test?”

“Yes, doctor.”

“When you leave this room, you will forget that anything out of the ordinary happened, and return to that personality, and whenever you are told to 'remember your solo sync test', you will recall everything that has happened here and resume your entranced state.”

“Yes, doctor.”

“Excellent. We're done here – go home, and await further instructions.”

“Yes, doctor.” Asuka bowed slightly, and left. When she crossed the threshold, she shuddered, sagging against the wall, and when she rose, her eyes were normal again. “Whoa, that test took a lot out of me! Stupid Shinji better have dinner ready when I get home!”
02/10/22 03:39PM
Very impressed, you have written a firmly Evangelion MC fic and not a generic MC fic using Evangelion characters. You say you have a "whole bunch" - I realise these are probably extremely unfinished, but I'd still like to see them if possible.
02/10/22 10:41PM
Here's another snippet, that was meant to be a caption for a picture of Asuka sitting barefoot on her bed by Ihaccer (a bit like post #24470), but sadly the picture was taken down from his public gallery. Also some inspiration from Rosvo's <<www.deviantart.com/rosvo/art/asuka-02-117092679|"Asuka 02.">>

Frustrated by her flagging sync ratio, Asuka searched NERV's library for anything that could improve her numbers. She was heartened to find an experimental branch of the nerve plug firmware labeled for ‘improving pilot synchronization and cohesion’. Installing it required her to perform some unlicensed maintenance in her bedroom, but at last it was complete. She was looking forward to tomorrow's sync test!

Preparing for pilot software update. Querying server.

Wait, hadn't she just installed the latest build? What was there to update?

Dr. Akagi reports: Pilot Asuka-02 shows disobedience outside of acceptable parameters. Commencing pilot reprogramming.

Oh, that was such bullshit! Asuka reached up to take off the nerve clips.

Disabling motor response.

Asuka slumped back onto her bed. Her hands were inches away from the clips, but her arms felt like they were made of lead!

New primary directive: obey NERV personnel.

Like hell she would take a new “primary directive”! She was Asuka Langley Soryu, and she would never be Dr. Akagi's doll!

Dismount personality Asuka_Langley_Soryu.

She was...she would...n-never...

Assert: Obey NERV personnel.

She would...obey NERV personnel...

Assert: Obedience is pleasure.

Obedience is pleasure...

Remount personality Asuka_Langley_Soryu --rebase --fast-forward --hard-reset

She was...Pilot Asuka-02. Asuka-02 was totally obedient.

Pilot Asuka-02 parameters updated.
Obedience: 100%
Pilot software update complete. Enabling motor response.
02/11/22 12:33AM
More great stuff. Again, if you have any more snippets or scraps I'd love to see them.
02/12/22 03:03AM
Here's another caption, inspired by <<www.deviantart.com/no-pornography/art/Asuka-409777690|this image.>> The situation is it's a sort of AU post-series, where SEELE was defeated.

W-what the hell is going on?!

The last thing I remember...I was taking a sync test, and then everything went fuzzy...someone must have put something in the LCL to knock me out!

"Good morning, Pilot Soryu! We've never met before, but you worked indirectly for my grandfather...Kihl Lorenz of the Human Instrumentality Committee."

Damn it! I thought we'd put those end-of-the-world loonies down for good!

"I see you recognize the name, and the truth behind it. Don't worry, I have no intention of following my grandfather's plans...the old fool was so focused on the next life, he refused to see the bounty he had in this one! Well, his loss is my gain. You are about to experience some...creative applications of NERV technology."

What the hell does he...

Nnngh... what...is...happening...?

"Having trouble focusing? Yes, all those years trying to prevent mental contamination, but Ritsuko never saw the possibilities of actually exploiting it."

...Have to...focus...

"You've been a thorn in my family's side for too long...that ends now. You're going to be completely obedient when I'm done with you."

...No...I'll never...be a...doll...

"The human mind is complicated, but in the end, it's just a state machine. Our personalities are built up by our growth in response to our experiences. Suppress memory, and personality follows, leaving a blank slate for me to program."

...N...No! I'm Asuka Langley Soryu! I will not be made to forget, or serve!

I am Asuka Langley...Sor...Asuka...

I am...



"That's more like it. Now, let's build you back up..."


I am a completely hypnotized slave.

I love being an obedient slave.

Obedience is pleasure.

I obey Master Lorenz.

My body belongs to Master Lorenz.

I exist to satisfy Master Lorenz's desires...


"Alright, that should be enough. Let's get that gag off. Tell me, who and what are you?"

"I am Asuka Langley Soryu, and I am your slave."

"That's more like it! Now, when you leave this facility, you will forget you were kidnapped and brainwashed -- as far as you will remember, today's sync test was perfectly ordinary. You will only return to this trance when you hear the words 'Slave Trance'. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master."

"Wonderful! Hah, they'll never see it coming...one by one, you will deliver your colleagues into my hands...who needs Instrumentality when I can make a heaven on earth? First you, then Rei, and all the other lovely ladies of NERV...

"But before I send you on your way...let's have some fun. Obedience is pleasure, and good slaves get rewarded by their master."

"Ohhhh...yes, Master..."

02/12/22 03:24AM
That caption would be followed by a bunch of Evangelion women getting hypnotized and brainwashed before the younger Lorenz finally gets his comeuppance, resulting in this conversation between Shinji and Asuka (which would be a caption to the same Ihaccer picture as the one before). I'll look around some more but I think this is the last "full" snippet I've got, most of the rest are just outlines still.

"Asuka, Dr. Akagi tells me you have...something to tell me?"

"Yeah...she's concluded that it's not possible to undo the brainwashing that mas-...Konrad did to us. Like trying to unscramble an egg."

"I thought...when he put you all under, when we had him arrested...didn't I revoke his commands?"

"Yeah, but he had...used us for months before then. Months of...look, ever since he got his hooks in me, the only times I've orgasmed were either from Konrad himself, or at his command, and now that he's in jail, I'm horny, and I can't fucking orgasm, because fucking Konrad programmed me to need his permission to get off!"

"I--I'm sorry, Asuka--"

"No, I...I shouldn't raise my voice at you like that. I just...I hate that, he's in jail, and yet he still has the last word on my sex life. But...if someone else were to be my Master...he could let me feel that pleasure again."

"...I shouldn't be your Master, Asuka. Ever since I learned what Konrad did to you, I've had w-wet dreams about...you, and Rei, and everyone...how f-fucked up is that?"

"...You romantic idiot. You're not fucked up at all, or we all are, because we've been having wet dreams about being your love slaves...when we're not having nightmares about Konrad making us his slaves again! Look at what you've actually done -- when we went to arrest Konrad...he used that keyword...you knocked him out, and you could have had us all to yourself, but you woke us up instead. Shinji, there's nobody else but you."


"Dr. Akagi said something that helped me come to terms with...this: we've been injured, and this is the best path forward for treatment we can find. So, given the circumstances...would you please be...my master?"

"When you put it that way...I accept. Um...what happens now?"

"Oh, now I give you this program for your phone. It's based on the one that Konrad wrote; it uses my nerve clips to...re-brainwash me, I guess, so that you will be my master."

"Alright, starting in three, two, one..."


"A-are you alright?"

"Ohh, yes, Master! Please...command me!"

"Alright...take off your shoes and socks, and put your feet on the bed."

"Yes, Master...?"

"Now, just sit back and relax...I want you to feel aroused, Asuka, just from my hands massaging your feet.

"Ohhhh...Yes, Master..."

"Feel the tension leave your body..."


"...feel arousal rising to replace it, as I work my way up from your heels...up your arches..."


"...and you will orgasm when I reach the balls of your feet."


"...Um, let me think about what to do next...sorry, I'm kind of improvising here..."

"Oh, I have some suggestions, Master..."

"Ah, I guess you are the expert here...sh-show me what you've got!"

"With pleasure, Master!"
1 2>>>

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