02/27/22 07:09AM
New Tag Suggestion: "pop-up_control"
Sometimes I encounter this type of control where the hypnotized subject has some from of pop-up that describes or resumes the subject's own mind status and I was wondering if we could ad this new tag for this types of elements or there is already a tag for this type of thing?

Here is an example of what im talking about:

Belu so far is the one who seems to start with this idea, what are you thoughts?
02/27/22 02:08PM
Use the <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/51288|Official Tags Thread>> (which should probably be stickied) for requests like these.
02/27/22 09:47PM
I think that what your describing would probably fall under the "user interface" tag.
02/28/22 12:21AM
Is this something that post #85835 would count as, or no?
Do you mean the canvas we see in the picture includes some kind of hologram of a popup with a hypnosis/mind control "status" ?
02/28/22 02:48AM
Lloyd said:
Is this something that post #85835 would count as, or no?
Do you mean the canvas we see in the picture includes some kind of hologram of a popup with a hypnosis/mind control "status" ?

I would say it has to be on the hypnotized subject like my example.
02/28/22 02:50AM
nisantis said:
I think that what your describing would probably fall under the "user interface" tag.

User interface doesnt necessarily specifies it has to be related to mindcontrol tho, i was talking about this specific element that appears as a form of pop-up in front of the hypnotized subject.

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