02/28/22 09:02PM
Strangest hypno, mind control/manipulation or brainwash scenes
Hello everyone! I thought it'd be a good idea to make a post about this specific theme: here we will talk about the weirdest scenes you know that involve any hypno, mind control/manipulation or a form of brainwashing. They can come from any sort of media (anime, mangas, video games, cartoons, animated series, live action series or films, comics, books etc ...) and can concern any characters (males, females, teens, kids, non humans etc ...). There are only one rule to follow: the consequences of the "hypno" must be strange/weird for the affected person(s).

I can list a few scenes where stuff like that happens:



In this japanese animated film, a device that controls dreams is stolen and used by someone with evil intents. At first one scientist that worked for the structure that created that device is affected by it: he started to spout some absolute nonsense and random sentences in the middle of a serious conversation. He then started to act crazier and crazier by the second and jumped by the window. We understand later that he was forced to dream while awake (which ofc modified his perception of things since in his head he wasn't in reality but in the dream from a crazy patient involving a madness inducing parade). Later in the movie two more scientists start to act really strangely for the exact same reason (for example a female scientist thinks she's using her phone to have a conversation but she's using her shoe) and start to say random things while attacking people and acting in a really strange way. Near the end of the movie we realize the dream of the crazy patient with the madness inducing parade is growing bigger and engulfs more dreams. And later, dreams and reality are fusing: the madness inducing parade is now in the real world and people around it randomly physically change and (more importantly) they all become extremely crazy and act just as crazily as characters who're part of the parade (people are jumping from some buildings' roofs while) while some other characters just join the parade ... which spreads the madness and the reality warping even more).

Saiki Kusuo no psi-nan

ep 20e: in the fifth part of that episode, a mysterious force (most likely the author himself) mind alters everyone in the world (except the main character who's resistant to that) into gaining a very strong, sudden and unnatural obsession for number 100 (even society itself changed: for example everything costs exactly 100 yens), characters are excited by the idea of hearing and pronouncing number 100 and are trying to do that as many times as possible. (to the point number 100 was pronounced 100 times in less than 4 minutes).

outlaw star

ep 13: several random humans and main characters are mind altered by an alien cactus with psychic powers. It made people obsessed by the idea of buying and eating ice cream. Though it was a mere test and as soon as it understands how powerful it's ability is on others' minds it tries to conquer everything.

Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera (2011)

ep 4: a yokai disguised as a cat uses a hypnotic "crystal" sort of thing by the end of it's tail to force one of the main female character to sleep. He then still pretends to be a normal cat and does the same thing to another main female character. Once they both sleep we realize they're mentally trapped in the cat yokai's dream world where their personalities are heavily impacted: they (+ other people who're trapped inside) start to dance, laugh, act extremely strangely and even start to do "naughty things", for example the two main girls start to play "strip shifumi" together and start to act as if they were a lesbian couple. They keep doing this instead of trying to find a way out. Meanwhile other main characters also fall asleep and are all trapped inside the weird dream dimension ... even the main character is like "there's only one thing to do ... let's dance!" and everyone just dances, laughs, act in a very silly way. Even when they realize what's going on in the real world thanks to the main character's power (it was a plot to bring all sleeping victims to some sort of "demon factory" to turn all sleeping victims into ugly demons) they're still affected by this dream world's mind altering power and keep fooling around (they have a few moments of clarity but they spend 90% of the time doing weird things instead of trying to find an exit).


ep 11 (trigger warning: consequences are really gross): near the end of the episode a woman is mind altered by a sweet scent into being fascinated by the idea of eating disgusting looking worms. She literally can't stop herself from eating them and even claims they're delicious.

Ichigo 100%

OVA 4: girls from the anime start to act very strangely and are totally off character. At first it's just one of them but soon more and more girls are concerned by this wave of strangeness. Their personality is reversed and they act in a totally opposed way to what they usually are. Soon we find it is due to a race of aliens that disguised themself as white panties with strawberries which mind alters/controls the ones who wear them.

Thank you in advance for your participation! Feel free to go ahead and just throw pretty much any weird scene with any form of hypno/mind manipulation/alteration etc ...
04/26/22 12:36PM
Update: spoilers are working again so feel free to participate ^^
04/26/22 06:03PM
manjumemajeur said:
Update: spoilers are working again so feel free to participate ^^

Well, they're "working" in the sense that they hide the text. Doesn't help much for readability, though, since it takes the same space unfortunately, which was why I originally suggested spoilers in the old Hub :/
04/26/22 06:32PM
Yeah that true and TBH I hate how it currently works: it was way better before because it allowed us to minimize the amount of text and make things more readable indeed. Is there a solution to improve that?
04/26/22 06:39PM
manjumemajeur said:
Yeah that true and TBH I hate how it currently works: it was way better before because it allowed us to minimize the amount of text and make things more readable indeed. Is there a solution to improve that?

Well, I just tried asking on the userscript thread, and I'm currently sharing my thoughts in your big thread.
04/26/22 06:45PM
Thanks a lot for your help! I really hope we're gonna make an enormous data base out of all that!

For that to happen we definitely need some script or something to make the whole thing readable

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