05/21/14 09:39PM
The HypnoHub Manip Prop Pack Project!
So, a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away, some dude was wielding a light saber. But this is not his story. In fact, it has nothing to do with him. Nor light sabers. Nor galaxies.

This thread is about props. PROPS, I SAY!

A handful of months ago (how many months can you fit in your hand?), I decided to start collecting any images that contain objects on a transparent background that I can use as props in my manips. This collection originally only included mouths, for expression manipulation, but very quickly grew into quite literally anything I could even conceivably use in any way: clothing and accessories (collars, ENTIRE OUTFITS, hats), body parts (angel/demon wings, halos, horns), tattoos and Japanese Kanji body writing, and much more random crap.

After growing it for a while, I realized that HypnoHub has tons of manippers, and that we could all use more props! So, I've decided to make my prop collection publicly available here and turn it into a community project. My goal for this project is to collect as many image manipulation props as possible, for the future of our community's manips!

Current Edition:
Current NEW! Pack:
Last Updated: 01/27/15

Now, I'd just like to say that these props are not mine. I mean to say that I extracted VERY FEW of these props from other images. Most of them were extracted by others. Most of these others are Japanese users of some chans which I stalk (for props, no less). In addition, some of these props are from our fellow users here at HypnoHub! For example, almost all of the pendulum props are from HypnosisIsGreat! If you gave me your prop through private communications previously and it is included in this collection but you don't want it to be, then tell me and I'll take it off. Though I strongly urge that you allow it to be shared, I will respect if you don't wish to.
05/21/14 09:39PM
If you want to help make this prop collection even better, you can give us props you have that we don't! The more props we have for the community, the better off our manippers will be. It doesn't even matter if the prop is something seemingly ridiculous, just throw it up on imgur or somewhere similar and link to it here to share it! I'll update the pack periodically to include the new props.

Now, if you're feeling particularly creative and have some experience with image editing software, there are two other ways you could help us improve this collection.

* Clean up some of the props we already have, since not all of them are very cleanly created and could really use some work.

* Extract new props from images using your fancy select tool, cut, and paste skills!

When you've done either of those, just share them here and I'll replace/add the prop to the collection on the next update.

Here's to good luck, and much props!
05/21/14 09:39PM
I created an imgur gallery for images that have potential props to be extracted. I'll update this as I find more, though I don't go looking often. If there's an image you want a prop from but you can't seem to extract it yourself, request it in this thread and I'll add it to the gallery.

Oh, and pretty much anything in <<|deathwish's manip prop gallery>> should probably be put on a transparent background, as well.
05/21/14 11:05PM
About time you made this thread you damned slacker.
I gave a shot extracting the pendulum coin thing, lost a bit of details and it was real messy but here's what came from it.

Light Border (a little crisper) (a little blurred)

Darkened Border (a little crisper) (a little blurred)

Also I think you should focus less on collecting ahegao mouths and instead go for a bigger variety like grins for happy trances, gaping for dazed, teeth gritting for resiting, etc
05/21/14 11:08PM
A noble endeavor, indeed! Here are some props I've used in the past:

This contains some pendulum props ripped from various sources, as well as the drool prop I use in, like, everything:

Here are some hypno eyes that Blue was kind enough to share with me (hope you're cool with me sharing them here, Blue)
05/22/14 12:04AM
Zko said:
About time you made this thread you damned slacker.

Well sor-RY if I wanted to wait until the college semester was over before I devoted any more of my time to stuff that revolves around this site. :P

Besides, I was trying to make the prop collection relatively huge before I actually started making it a project.

Zko said:
I gave a shot extracting the pendulum coin thing, lost a bit of details and it was real messy but here's what came from it.

This is actually very good! Already, this thread has begun to serve its purpose well. :P I'll just throw all of these in.

Zko said:
Also I think you should focus less on collecting ahegao mouths and instead go for a bigger variety like grins for happy trances, gaping for dazed, teeth gritting for resiting, etc

Like I said, I barely extracted any of these mouth props, myself. I downloaded nearly every one I could find, and they were all ahegao. :P The only ones I extracted were the naughty smiles.

The two mouth prop requests in the gallery are there because I felt those were two angles of ahegao we didn't already have. I mean, literally, the angle of the face on which the mouth is placed, and thus the angle of the mouth. Because the perspective tool is harsh on things like body parts.

Vorp said:
A noble endeavor, indeed! Here are some props I've used in the past:

Nice pendulum props. And that drool prop is simple, but it will do its job. Wonder if someone can improve upon it, like that manip in the manip request thread (I think it was there) the other day. :3

Oh, and I forgot about Blue's prop, there! I have that, too, actually. I forgot to include it for whatever reason.

I'll update the main pack sometime tomorrow, to save me from the extra work in case other people contribute today. :P

Oh, and I know some of you remember that I originally planned to put all these props into a huge, multi-layer GIMP file, but I decided against that in the end. It was growing so large that it was becoming unwieldy. That, and the file size was growing rapidly. It seemed like a waste of time, waiting for the entire file to load every damned time I wanted to use it. Not that it took very long, of course, but a minor lag was already noticeable and it would only grow worse as the file got bigger.
05/22/14 05:41AM WHITES BE GONE white background removal is easymode

I notice that I never really use props unless its something specific and detailed, like the smartphone in that fairly popular gif <<|manip i made some time back.>> If I need a prop I tend to always draw/generate them myself.

For people who want to make their own spiral eyes from scratch I made a tutorial a while back.
05/22/14 08:00AM
Zko said: WHITES BE GONE white background removal is easymode


And I honestly still don't know the right way to remove white backgrounds without fucking something up. :P

Zko said:
I notice that I never really use props unless its something specific and detailed, like the smartphone in that fairly popular gif <<|manip i made some time back.>> If I need a prop I tend to always draw/generate them myself.

I wish I had the skills to draw the props I needed myself. But that would require time and effort.
05/22/14 11:44AM
I think I posted the link to my Manip Props Photobucket album on the old booru, but I guess I neglected to post it here. My bad.

It's okay, I've added a couple of things since then.
05/23/14 12:15PM
Updated the collection with everyone's contributions so far.

Oh, and deathwish. I saw that only one of your props is on a transparent background, so I added that one to the prop collection and added a link to your gallery in one of my above posts for the whole "extraction request" thing.
01/27/15 10:06PM
Nine months ignored, but finally there be an update! As it turns out, props are fairly hard to come by. :P

The new version is linked to in the OP. If you already have the last version, you can just download the NEW! Pack that I also added to the OP, which will contain only the props that were just added.

Happy manipping!
05/17/17 10:21PM
Bump! Just wanna say thanks to the guys who helped make this collection. It was really useful.
08/02/17 09:04PM
Good collections.

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