03/11/22 11:18PM
Stuck on an idea. Your thoughts, Hubbers?
Howdy ho Hubbers.

So I've recently been commissioning a comic set, which I shall be uploading here soon!

In fact, I have pages 1-4 done, and 5 on the way.

Now, the original idea for this comic was to be a reboot of the oooooold RWBY comic I was doing with Arabatos back in the day.


The more I think on it, the more I'm also considering making it a sort of multiverse style comic where I can just grab some of my favorite girls from various media.

And this is where I hit a block. I'm not sure if I want to do a full on RWBY comic where we see a whole slew of RWBY girls getting zonked, or if I do a multiverse comic where we see one or two girls from various things being zonked.

And so... I've concluded that I cannot come to a conclusion. And thus I shall be asking the hub.

Which sounds more appealing overall in your minds: a full RWBY comic set, or a multiverse comic?
03/11/22 11:49PM
See the cons of doing only rwby is that you will run out of girls or be burnt out on it but with the multi verse one you can get alot more girls but then you will need to pick between your 2 or 1 favorite i think you should go with the multi verse one more girls and more interactions
03/11/22 11:58PM
So as someone who also gets stuck on indecision over who and what to include in my stories (to the point that 90% of what I come up with will probably never see light of day), I feel you.

I mean Yang enough is reason to do just rwby imo. But if this was my story, I'd be like "grab Yang, off to go get Raven, k now we go get Erza, oh Ty Lee is coming along too, and so on"

Also the above comment has a point: how long are you wanting to make this? Limited selection of girls gives you a relatively definitive ending while unlimited selection could put pressure on you to keep this going longer than you wanted
03/12/22 12:07AM
sonicfan150 said:
See the cons of doing only rwby is that you will run out of girls or be burnt out on it but with the multi verse one you can get alot more girls but then you will need to pick between your 2 or 1 favorite i think you should go with the multi verse one more girls and more interactions

That's kind of my thing though. Looking at your PFP as an example, I definitely have my favorites for something like Danganronpa... but also characters I'd love to include from there as well who I otherwise wouldn't. So with the Multiverse I'd feel like it would be a case of "grab these characters and we're done" and others would get ignored.

That said... doing exclusively RWBY, then the other franchise characters also get ignored.

teso said:
So as someone who also gets stuck on indecision over who and what to include in my stories (to the point that 90% of what I come up with will probably never see light of day), I feel you.

I mean Yang enough is reason to do just rwby imo. But if this was my story, I'd be like "grab Yang, off to go get Raven, k now we go get Erza, oh Ty Lee is coming along too, and so on"

Also the above comment has a point: how long are you wanting to make this? Limited selection of girls gives you a relatively definitive ending while unlimited selection could put pressure on you to keep this going longer than you wanted

Well, Yang is the one I'm starting with. If I keep going only RWBY then the end goal is to get basically all the girls. If I do multiverse, I think it would end up being Yang and 2 more before "universe hopping".

As far as the length... I'm not sure. Either way it's looking like a long project - and honestly I think it would end up being a similar length. I mean, let's say I average 2 girls per universe, and I do 10 Universes. That's 20 girls. In RWBY there are 19 girls that I can think of off hand. So it would end up looking somewhat similar, I think.
03/12/22 03:27AM
I say go for the Multiverse, grab every girl you want, no need to forcibly include anyone you don't particularly desire.
03/12/22 05:39AM
I think it depends on who your target audience is. It could work either way.
But personally, I prefer keeping things pure as adding in other stuff might kill it for fans of the original idea.
But if you're doing it more for yourself and want to throw other characters in, you do you, boss. Build it and people will come (or in this case, cum).
03/12/22 05:51AM
Well besides the porn I know nothing of RWBY so I'd personally want the latter but guess it just depends on how much you like RWBY first and foremost @.@
03/12/22 07:34AM
bullet said:
I think it depends on who your target audience is. It could work either way.
But personally, I prefer keeping things pure as adding in other stuff might kill it for fans of the original idea.
But if you're doing it more for yourself and want to throw other characters in, you do you, boss. Build it and people will come (or in this case, cum).

It's definitely primarily for me. Unless I'm doing a collab, I don't really commission for an "audience" outside of myself.

As such, that means my "audience" is very indecisive.
03/14/22 06:43AM
Multiverse is lot more difficult and challenging than it seems. however, if you're sure about it, good luck buddy
03/20/22 12:09AM
Mindcollector13 said:
Howdy ho Hubbers.

So I've recently been commissioning a comic set, which I shall be uploading here soon!

In fact, I have pages 1-4 done, and 5 on the way.

Now, the original idea for this comic was to be a reboot of the oooooold RWBY comic I was doing with Arabatos back in the day.


The more I think on it, the more I'm also considering making it a sort of multiverse style comic where I can just grab some of my favorite girls from various media.

And this is where I hit a block. I'm not sure if I want to do a full on RWBY comic where we see a whole slew of RWBY girls getting zonked, or if I do a multiverse comic where we see one or two girls from various things being zonked.

And so... I've concluded that I cannot come to a conclusion. And thus I shall be asking the hub.

Which sounds more appealing overall in your minds: a full RWBY comic set, or a multiverse comic?

Personally I loved the original comic and was sad to see that it never really had a resolution. I would personally prefer it if it was just RWBY but I also won't complain if the multiverse gets involved

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