03/19/22 05:49AM
Shadows of Forbidden Gods

Play as a sealed God, screw with the world through your agents, try to corrupt it and bring the world down. It's the corruption aspect that makes me want to bring it to this place's attention; it's 'hypno-adjacent'.

Also moddable, so...
03/20/22 01:53PM
So no brainwashing magic yet?
03/20/22 04:42PM
Depends. A hero hits full Enshadowed, you can bring them under your control. Ophanim's Faith mechanic destroys the free will of a town by lore, which allows your people to command crusades against the unfaithful. Vinerva can draw people to her trap plants via a pheremone power. Iastur can force likes and dislikes on a person. Precisely? You can't walk up to someone and do a control command yet.
03/20/22 04:55PM
Hmm, that all still sounds interesting. Kinda reminds me of Ruinarch in concept. It's only 17€, too - I'll add it to my wishlist, I may wait for even a small discount and buy it, then.

Thanks for the suggestion!

On an entirely unrelated note, the <<|gameplay trailer>> for the upcoming Harry Potter ARPG dropped recently. It probably will not be as good as what's presented there, but if it's any indication, there are hints you may be able to cast the Unforgivable Curses, since (near 13:50) there's a scene with Avada Kedavra and a bit about a "darker path" you can go down on - playable Imperius Curse would be great for a Harry Potter game, but I don't really want to get my hopes up.

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