03/27/22 05:21PM
Live 2D ViewerEX (So Much Potential!)
The title pretty much sums it up.
Has anyone heard of this program? I've had it for a while now and I had been meaning to ask about it but I just kept putting it off and then forgetting about it. lol

I hope it's okay to leave that link there for however long we still have this version of the site.

This program, Live2D ViewerEX, essentially lets you have desktop mascots of any live2d model you find in its database. You can upload new models and then use those as desktop mascots too. Each desktop mascot can have a hitbox that would allow you to interact with the model by left-clicking a certain spot and seeing them move or even speak. The models could even transform completely depending on how they're set up.

I was just thinking about what we could have if anyone tried to make a live2d mascot that was a bit more prone to "falling under" when a certain hitbox was clicked.

I think I kind of just rambled for a bit there. The tl;dr is that this is software we could use to have our own personal hypnotizable desktop mascots.

Tell me what you think about this, please.
03/27/22 06:41PM
LillyTank said:
Tell me what you think about this, please.

Sounds cute, but also my brain is mostly "Oh, this is just Dogz again" so maybe I'm not the best person to ask for an opinion on this.

30 years of progress for this.
04/07/22 07:28AM
Life is a journey, you don’t care about the destination, you care about the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery.
Others laughed at me as crazy, I laughed at others and couldn't see through.

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