03/31/22 12:16AM
Possible to search through favourites in current layout?

Just trying to find my footing with the new layout right now.
In the old layout there was a search bar where you could filter your favorite posts, but it seems to be gone now.

Is there like a special way to do this? Like a search term I'm missing?
03/31/22 01:14AM
Nope. Straight up, just nope.
03/31/22 06:39AM
HopelesslyLost said:
Nope. Straight up, just nope.

Fitting for your username you say that but that...that really sucks ><;

This truly is a sad day xD
04/03/22 01:00AM
Is this something we'll be able to reenable in the future?
04/03/22 01:17AM
halamadrid3393 said:
Is this something we'll be able to reenable in the future?

I hope cause its just not even worth looking through your faves if you can't even search through it.
04/03/22 08:58PM
I found a way to do this! Check User usnkw made a script that filters favorites, and it works here too, at least a little.
04/04/22 08:17AM
tailsmilesprower said:
I found a way to do this! Check User usnkw made a script that filters favorites, and it works here too, at least a little.

having a bit of trouble getting it to work here.
04/04/22 10:13PM
halamadrid3393 said:
Is this something we'll be able to reenable in the future?

It had better be. Besides videos being supported this new site format is a serious downgrade.
04/05/22 05:14AM
How do we do the equivilant of order:random on the new site
04/06/22 02:43AM
Twiggs said:
How do we do the equivilant of order:random on the new site

Far as Ive found so far, you cant sort random now. The 'order' command is now 'sort', but adding in random with it just takes you to recently added.

Can still sort by score or specific tags, but only 'random' function I think it has it the 'random button', which only gives one picture...
04/08/22 10:06AM
While it isn't as good as searching favorites, we can make personal pools that only you can see. I'm currently making one for myself to replace the three-star vote functionality on the old site, so I at least have my most favorite favorites in their own group. If anyone else would benefit from this, it's easy to make one; go to the "Pools" tab, then "New" and under "Pool Type" select "Personal".

The pool help page (under "Pools", then "Help") gives some more information about pools, but doesn't mention that you can add the tag "pool:[pool id number]" to the tags of a post (without the quotes) to quickly add the post to a pool.
Unfortunately that doesn't seem to work for personal pools, but I'll mention that as a possible bug.

You can also use the "Import" feature in a pool and search "id:[number]" (without quotes) to bring up a specific post.

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