04/06/22 02:53PM
Is the popular tab gone?
Am I just blind or is the popular tab gone in the new layout.

Personally I always felt that it was pretty neat
04/07/22 08:17AM
Judging from other threads, the closest thing we have now is combining two searches: "sort:score" and "id:>[number]". For instance, post #141000 was posted April 24, so if I search "id:>141000", it will show all posts posted after that post on April 24.
04/08/22 04:54AM
I got a question in regards to this, the old hub used to update the primary post EVERY time a update was done such as comment, tag edit. We do not store this data, is this data absolutely necessary or would a query that checks for new uploaded posts in combination with a sort:score suffice?
04/10/22 06:17PM
slayerduck said:
I got a question in regards to this, the old hub used to update the primary post EVERY time a update was done such as comment, tag edit. We do not store this data, is this data absolutely necessary or would a query that checks for new uploaded posts in combination with a sort:score suffice?

Could you explain what you mean by "primary post"?

Depending on what exactly it is it might change my response, but I'm pretty sure all you really need for a successful popular page is to query results, sort them by score, and then have a check once a day/week/month/year to see if any of the posts are older than what the filter is checking for. Ideally if possible it'd also be nice to have a popular page for 3 months and 6 months respectively.
06/05/22 05:22PM
slayerduck said:
I got a question in regards to this, the old hub used to update the primary post EVERY time a update was done such as comment, tag edit. We do not store this data, is this data absolutely necessary or would a query that checks for new uploaded posts in combination with a sort:score suffice?

It would be very helpful to simply have a search function for upload date, so we can sort by rating since or between certain upload dates.

Much more helpful would be a tab that does this search for you within a specified time period, maybe with arrows that let you jump to the previous time period, e.g. from most popular in the last 30 days to most popular in the 30 days before that.
05/19/23 11:20AM
Feature missing
So how can I actually find the top picture posts of the week/month/year/all time?

Really appreciated that feature!

sparkane said:
slayerduck said:
I got a question in regards to this, the old hub used to update the primary post EVERY time a update was done such as comment, tag edit. We do not store this data, is this data absolutely necessary or would a query that checks for new uploaded posts in combination with a sort:score suffice?

It would be very helpful to simply have a search function for upload date, so we can sort by rating since or between certain upload dates.

Much more helpful would be a tab that does this search for you within a specified time period, maybe with arrows that let you jump to the previous time period, e.g. from most popular in the last 30 days to most popular in the 30 days before that.
06/09/23 10:09AM
Anyone? :)
06/09/23 06:54PM
The userscript has a method that lets you sort by popular in the last X pages, that's about the closest you're going to get unfortunately.
06/16/23 07:48AM
Thanks, how can I apply this?
06/16/23 11:31PM
Check forum #105958 for information on the userscript
06/18/23 11:57AM
Sorry I'm lost, what do I need to do / where do I need to click?

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