04/09/22 04:54AM
Seriously how do we add stuff to pools now?
I have no idea how to do this but I would certainly like to, if there's anyone out there that knows how to do it and has done it here please can we get a little walkthrough? I would very much appreciate it!
04/09/22 05:51AM
If you go to the pool you want to add to, there's an import tab at the top of the screen. You can use tags to locate the posts you want to add, and you can remove any unrelated posts individually.

Alternatively I hear you can still use the pool:XXXX tag to add posts manually, but I haven't tested it yet.
04/09/22 07:18AM
hmm okay I guess that'll work...seems a little more over complicated especially if said tag pulls up like 100 different things...
04/09/22 07:29AM
When I do that import thing nothing comes up so...either that doesn't work or I have to try the other thing?
04/09/22 12:12PM
When doing the import search, you can also use "id:[number]" to bring up just that one post. You can also use more than one tag in the search. As for why it isn't bringing up results, I'm afraid I don't know.

For me, the import and tag "pool:[number]" both work.
04/09/22 10:13PM
Okay that works I get it you put the pool: thing in as a tag and it puts in there got it, thanks guys!
04/15/22 11:16PM
The problem is what you want to add to an old pool... so you need to go page per page on all the 99 pool pages in order to look for the pool, since the search button dissapeared.
04/15/22 11:39PM
IDPet said:
The problem is what you want to add to an old pool... so you need to go page per page on all the 99 pool pages in order to look for the pool, since the search button dissapeared.

For now, the old Hub is up (not sure how long it will be up), so you can go to to use the old hub, including the pool search. I've been going back mostly to use that feature to fix pools here.
04/16/22 06:42AM
A workaround I just now used is to tag something with a unique made up tag like "addtopooltaghere" to the post you want to add and then go to the pool, import, and search for that tag and click import. Not the most straight-forward thing but it worked for me XP

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