04/13/22 07:15PM
What's the appeal of cowgirls?
So I'm writing a hypno scene where a girl looks into a mirror and sees different reflections of herself (like a harem girl, a stepford girl etc) and one suggestion someone wanted me to include was a cowgirl (as in horns, bell, and big mommy milkers) so I wanted to do that for them...but considering I'm not really into cowgirls: how do I write about it in a hot way? Anyone who's into cowgirls wanna help me out? This would only be like just a paragraph or two so it doesn't need to be too extensive, just looking for advice on how to describe the cowgirl and her reaction to the vision of seeing herself become one.

Also if you have other ideas/suggestions of other versions she could see of herself in the mirror, let me know!
04/13/22 08:12PM
Hum. Well, it'd tied into fertility and life-giving; To give milk, one must be pregnant(True of dairy cows as well as people; thus they are kept permanently 'bred'), and can tie into a love of helping/feeding people.

Feeding someone in such a way is obviously incredibly intimate, also, regardless of age. Not even in a sexual way, but as a mother to their child.

It's also worth remembering that she's going to have muscle and bulk. Cows and bulls are strong. People do die from incidents with cattle of all sorts.

This is mostly guess-work, though.
04/13/22 08:44PM
wait, are we talking about girls who are cows, or girls who are wearing cowboy hats? because there's a big difference there
04/13/22 08:53PM
Ehh... I don't think its the pregnancy thing really. Most of the time, hucow has milking but does not have any other sign of pregnancy. Also, bulky strong cow girls are also pretty rare to see. It does happen, I think I've seen more strong cow girls than pregnant ones, but it's not like a thorough-line through the fetish.

I think the key aspects I see most often in hucow stories and images are being made to be docile, being made to be dumb, breast enlargement, and milking. Key concepts I see most often tend to be either willfully giving up on a more complicated life to enjoy the simple pleasure of being a cow, or unwillingly losing your ability to do complicated things as your mind grows simpler and simpler, until all you can do is moo.

Edit: Logan makes a good point, the cowboy hat version is completely different. I think cow girls in that definition tend to be more energetic, with a more forceful attitude when lucid, and tend to be more friendly, outgoing, and informal.
04/13/22 10:43PM
loganblast39 said:
wait, are we talking about girls who are cows, or girls who are wearing cowboy hats? because there's a big difference there

As in like where the girl gets used for milking
04/13/22 10:47PM
Changer said:
I think the key aspects I see most often in hucow stories and images are being made to be docile, being made to be dumb, breast enlargement, and milking. Key concepts I see most often tend to be either willfully giving up on a more complicated life to enjoy the simple pleasure of being a cow, or unwillingly losing your ability to do complicated things as your mind grows simpler and simpler, until all you can do is moo.

Okay I think i get it now. Like it sounds like it shares a lot in common with dollification...though just with the girl getting massive mommy milkers. I think I get what I should be shooting for now.
04/14/22 12:31AM
teso said:
Changer said:
I think the key aspects I see most often in hucow stories and images are being made to be docile, being made to be dumb, breast enlargement, and milking. Key concepts I see most often tend to be either willfully giving up on a more complicated life to enjoy the simple pleasure of being a cow, or unwillingly losing your ability to do complicated things as your mind grows simpler and simpler, until all you can do is moo.

Okay I think i get it now. Like it sounds like it shares a lot in common with dollification...though just with the girl getting massive mommy milkers. I think I get what I should be shooting for now.

as someone whos into that shit, never been much for dollification, I buy into because i like the asthetic, and it makes for a hot twist of expectations if the cowgirl ends up domming
04/14/22 12:36AM
I can thoroughly say that there are many appeals to the cowgirl.
04/14/22 12:55AM
Argonis said:
I can thoroughly say that there are many appeals to the cowgirl.

I can't imagine a person with a reputation such as yourself would be to content to stop at just this one sentence.
04/14/22 05:11AM
Argonis said:
I can thoroughly say that there are many appeals to the cowgirl.

Lol you wanna extrapolate?
04/14/22 05:49AM
I think it's the dehumanization, made into a toy, object, mindless, blank, used. Bit of humiliation.
04/14/22 11:02AM
Usually involves big breasts, of course.
What I like most is the idea that the human is now freed from human worries (politics, money, responsibility, fear of disease/war/death, etc) and is able to just enjoy a simple, dumb, happy life. I especially like when they're clearly quite happy in their new role. Bonus if milking feels really good, like orgasmic.
04/15/22 12:41AM
Luv big milkers, simple as
04/15/22 12:51AM
Myst said:
I think it's the dehumanization, made into a toy, object, mindless, blank, used. Bit of humiliation.

This. The dehumanization of being a sex toy with fat udders, the humiliation of having massive tits crammed into a skimpy cow-print bikini for everyone to see. It's stupidly hot.

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