04/25/22 12:48PM
[suggestion] threads related to themes?
Greetings everyone! I wondered if you thought you might like the idea of creating threads related to some specific themes such as "characters who're hypnotized/brainwashed by aliens" or "characters who're hypnotized/brainwashed by monsters" or stuff like "characters who're hypnotized by tech", "comedic hypno/brainwash scenes" etc ...

Just thought of that idea because I think it might be difficult for some persons to see specific or niche stuff.

If you want we might even make a "reverse hunting thread" to regroup all these possible themes together in the same place. The hunting thread's really great but it's purpose is to help people to find scenes they don't remember from which verse/ moment they come from. If we make that "reverse hunting thread" we will help people finding a specific content from verses they might not even know yet.

For example if someone asks for scenes involving a vampire hypnotist then people will help that person by posting scenes of that kind. If they want something involving let's say "hypnosis in medieval fantastic setting" people will post scenes of that kind etc ...

The first post of this "reverse hunting" thread may even be modified progressive and thanks to spoilers will be divided in 4 big categories: type of hypnotist, type of victim, media (anime, manga, video game, animated series, cartoon, movies, series, books etc ...), other (example: consequence, context, setting etc ...).

In the end the first post might become some sort of "encyclopedia" that'll grow bigger as people will participate.

What do you think of that?
04/25/22 06:38PM
I was about to suggest something like this when I have more time to elaborate.
I support the idea
04/25/22 11:58PM
Well, I've got a lot of thread requests like these I've left on the MC Forum lol.

If a thread is made for this I'll certainly contribute.
04/26/22 01:06AM
ihaveacuteturtle said:
I was about to suggest something like this when I have more time to elaborate.
I support the idea

Thanks for your support!
04/26/22 01:49AM
TheMadPrince said:
Well, I've got a lot of thread requests like these I've left on the MC Forum lol.

If a thread is made for this I'll certainly contribute.

What kind of thread requests did you make? (curious to see the type of content people helped to find)

Also I have a question: how do we handle spoilers since the site changed? I ask that because since the site changed two of my threads' spoilers disappeared, rendering them annoying to read.

Anyway yeah I'm ready to start that reverse hunting thread .... in term of name I wonder if I should name it "reverse hunting thread" or something like "specific content request".

For the 4 big categories I mentioned earlier (type of hypnotist, type of victim, media, other). I was thinking of the following subcategories:

Type of hypnotist:

Female adult

Male adult

Teen girl

Teen boy

Kid girl

Kid boy

Inorganic (robots, screens, AI etc ...)





Non humans


Villains etc ...

the "hypnotized" category will contain pretty much the same subcategories

the "media" categories will contain the typical stuff (western movie, western serie, anime, animated serie, cartoon, video games, eastern movie, eastern serie, book, manga, comics etc ....)

The "other" category will contain other information about the scenes (such as the employed method of hypnosis, the possibility for eyes to be different, consequence (random example: memory manipulation or brain drain) etc ...

Anyway thanks a lot for your support and I hope that if I make it, this might help people.
04/26/22 03:50PM

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