05/28/22 04:24PM
Favourites Search
Are we ever going to get the ability to search within our favourites back?
05/29/22 01:36AM
That is something I would love to know. One of the best features of old Hypnohub is gone. Fix your site.
05/15/23 03:08AM
I'm also wondering if this is coming back
05/15/23 03:10AM
05/17/23 12:21AM
Yeah. Does anyone know of another big site that lets you search your favorites? I'm really missing that ability.
05/17/23 05:35AM
e621 has it, though it's a furry booru
05/18/23 02:44AM
OperationTransport said:
e621 has it, though it's a furry booru

Ah, cool. Thank you! It'll be nice to have at least one place.
05/18/23 11:35AM
now that i think of it, i believe that's a feature of hypnohub+
05/19/23 05:52AM
You can probably abandon any hope of it ever coming back considering this :

Slayerduck on :
Fav search: the reason is that our searching is done trough a separate search database called SOLR. The favorites subset of data is not currently being stored there so it can't do the searching that way. Before the hub searched just on a SQL database and was able to make complicate (but heavy on CPU) searches like that.

also note that "fav searching" is not even mentionned in the "Planned migration/features:" of the "Site migration status / bugs" stick'd topic, which is probably the final nail in the "fav search on the hub" coffin since it show it's not even planned.

As for figuring a way to navigate favorite, my workaround to the problem is to DL them from the hub and UL them to my own personal myimouto booru with a copy pasta of their tag so i can search them around as much as i want.
05/19/23 06:12AM
I think it be cool to have a local version of a booru to search through my faves like you said but i have no idea how to even imagine the thought of even doing that.
05/19/23 06:59AM
A feature of the new site that may help some people with this: personal pools. The help page at seems to indicate this as the intended use: "personal pools are just that, personal. Only you have any access to view or make changes to it. This pool type is meant to be used as a favorite grouping system."

Not a great solution, but hopefully someone will find this useful.

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