06/04/22 12:35PM
transgender_identity ?
there used to be a tag for transgender identity, to show trans characters, not futa or anything
but it seems to have been removed or something? any reason why?
06/04/22 01:49PM
I don't speak for the mods but I think that the general rule of tags in a booru is "tag what you see, not what you know".

I might be wrong but, transgender is mostly the kind of thing that can't be conveyed visually. That might be the reason it's not being used anymore.
06/04/22 05:53PM
someone went and deleted all the tags off of the pictures that had them. it's a real pain, but there's nothing we can really do about it without the mods stepping in.
06/04/22 06:13PM
I can't speak for the mods either, just speculate about what happened...

I remember some tags about identity, weird i can't find any of these. Although if these tags were deleted i think what Lilytank says could be the reason (same reason because we don't have tags as "non binary", if i remember right, the site rules was that since it's a porn site all that matter is what the character have between the legs, even more on a mind control focused site where the character identity can be supressed/changed).

Although, deleting previous tags are really annoying, I hope that was a mistake.
06/04/22 06:38PM
IDPet said:
if i remember right, the site rules was that since it's a porn site all that matter is what the character have between the legs,

The problem is that is not how the site rules have been enforced.
06/04/22 06:48PM
eldomtom2 said:
IDPet said:
if i remember right, the site rules was that since it's a porn site all that matter is what the character have between the legs,

The problem is that is not how the site rules have been enforced.

Yeah, i know by experience that sometimes the rules of this site are really unclear or plain weird.
06/04/22 08:46PM
I did remove the tag off of one picture of a character doing a canon crossdressing, Marco_Diaz, because the character isn't and doesn't identify as transgender at all.

It did make me notice that it was on almost every single poison (final fight) picture and I don't think that it should be on her pictures anyway. Canonically she's a transgender woman but she doesn't *identify* as a transgender woman.
06/04/22 09:54PM
Timo4545 said:
I did remove the tag off of one picture of a character doing a canon crossdressing, Marco_Diaz, because the character isn't and doesn't identify as transgender at all.

It did make me notice that it was on almost every single poison (final fight) picture and I don't think that it should be on her pictures anyway. Canonically she's a transgender woman but she doesn't *identify* as a transgender woman.

About the first thing... weird, I was sure there was more picture on that tag, i guess other people removed it. That o was just a mandela effect...

About Poison:
Technically Capcom never really reveal what Poison and Roxy are outside that comment that they said in order to avoid the censorship, and never on japan, so you can make poison as a trans or a full woman depending if you're considering the US canon (transexual woman) or Jap canon (full female).

Yasuda himself commented that as far as her gender, he considers her transgender woman in North American localizations, but cis in Japan.

Eventually they started to give a lot of contradictory mentions about Poison that right now they're just "Poison is just what you prefer, we won't do more declarations about Poison gender" because don't even them knows what Poison is at this point xD.
06/17/22 06:18AM
IDPet said:
Eventually they started to give a lot of contradictory mentions about Poison that right now they're just "Poison is just what you prefer, we won't do more declarations about Poison gender" because don't even them knows what Poison is at this point xD.

Well, the original concept art for Poison had a Japanese slur for a trans woman on it for reference, so I think that narrows it down quite a bit lol
06/17/22 06:35AM
In all seriousness, this is a problem. As a trans woman myself, it does bother me to see all representation of people like me be swept under the rug. And as for the "tag what you see" thing... Well sometimes that doesn't apply. For example, when Terry from Fatal Fury is in their girl form in a pic on here, it's usually given the transgender tag (as in literal transformation). But often we don't see the actual transformation, instead relying on the context of Terry normally being a guy. Whereas I often pics of Sonic The Hedgehog as a girl that are merely given the genderswap tag. Like, are we sure Sonic didn't just go through the same thing Terry did? In both these cases, we rely on the context of canon as well as what the artists of the fanwork intended. Ergo, if we're going to allow both of those, then it stands to reason that the transgender_identity tag should stay and be reinstated on most of the posts it was removed from.
Besides, even if we go with "tag what you see," then there are multiple instances of the tag being needed to be added onto posts where it's explictly shown! One of the Sonic comics I mentioned literally stated that she was trans for the storyline, and another had a trans person who commissioned the piece have their OC wearing a trans flag sweater. As far as I know, neither of these posts were ever tagged with transgender_identity.
Though I will say that this gives us an opportunity to change the tag to transgender_(lore), which I honestly prefer. Either way, transgender people need a tag of their own.
06/17/22 01:18PM
CuteChaosSlut said:
In all seriousness, this is a problem. As a trans woman myself, it does bother me to see all representation of people like me be swept under the rug. And as for the "tag what you see" thing... Well sometimes that doesn't apply. For example, when Terry from Fatal Fury is in their girl form in a pic on here, it's usually given the transgender tag (as in literal transformation). But often we don't see the actual transformation, instead relying on the context of Terry normally being a guy. Whereas I often pics of Sonic The Hedgehog as a girl that are merely given the genderswap tag. Like, are we sure Sonic didn't just go through the same thing Terry did? In both these cases, we rely on the context of canon as well as what the artists of the fanwork intended. Ergo, if we're going to allow both of those, then it stands to reason that the transgender_identity tag should stay and be reinstated on most of the posts it was removed from.
Besides, even if we go with "tag what you see," then there are multiple instances of the tag being needed to be added onto posts where it's explictly shown! One of the Sonic comics I mentioned literally stated that she was trans for the storyline, and another had a trans person who commissioned the piece have their OC wearing a trans flag sweater. As far as I know, neither of these posts were ever tagged with transgender_identity.
Though I will say that this gives us an opportunity to change the tag to transgender_(lore), which I honestly prefer. Either way, transgender people need a tag of their own.

If someone put the transgenger tag on Terry and someone mis tagged it.
06/18/22 06:26AM
Argonis said:

If someone put the transgender tag on Terry and someone mis tagged it.

I meant in the sense of it being a magical transformation, not literally trans, if that helps. Sorry if I'm wrong on that! I still think my point still stands.
(Also, apologies if I come off as rude or something. I have no idea how I sound in terms of tone.)
06/20/22 09:47AM
Since it's a porn site all that matter is what the character have between the legs.

This is such a backwards, transphobic rule. I don't expect much from porn communities, but it's still so sad to see trans people shunted into a dumb little sex category for the sake of others. It really isn't that hard to be supportive.
06/20/22 04:45PM
Honestly I think isn't an issue about being supportive and mostly something that could be confusing with the tags and cause conflict, since "gender" isn't something you can see on the picture unless there's on the text or the character is a stereotype (for example, wear a dress and use cute stuff for a trans woman is a stereotipe, the person don't need to follow it and that could cause discussions), and even more in a hypnosis based site where a character can act against their genders under hypnosis or change the gender.

I could understant the issue, when the gender doesn't change on the picture could be easy, but when the gender change via hypnosis... for example a character hypnotized to change the gender would be tagged as a transgender? Or a character that was already transgender hypnotized into the biological one?
Some people would call transphobic that kind of pictures even if that wasn't what the author wanted?

It's a bit complex.
06/24/22 11:36PM
What bothers me is that if you're trans, oftentimes your equipment differs from that of cis people. My boyfriend is a trans man with bottom growth, basically a giant clit/microdick. If I want to see art of people with bodies similar to his represented on this site, there's no tag for that whatsoever. On a less physical level, I'm nonbinary, and if I want to see androgynous characters like me being hypnotized or what have you, I just have to, what, hope and pray that one shows up? It sucks.
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