06/30/22 07:23PM
Any recommendations for hypnofetish-themed "audio dramas"?
By this I meant any hypnofetish-themed audio that is not intended to be genuine hypnosis.

Femsub and tech control preferred, but recommend and discuss whatever.
07/03/22 11:59PM
Yeah, honestly I would like to see more straight up readings of hypnosis stories as opposed to the audio files. I'm sure there's a good chunk, but it isnt easy to separate the two when trying to search.
07/04/22 01:00AM
Here are a few (Unfortunately only one is actually in English):

Each day by Outbreak games. Been a while since I listened too it but as far as I remember there aren't that much direct mind control until the end, more so implied that mind control is going on/involved.

"Not Aware Of Being Hypnotized" series by Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise (No that's actually just their name).
A series of 6 or 7 different products where in different characters are hypnotized to do lewd acts with the main character which is represented by you. Has some nice things in it like finger snapping "triggers", though it is in Japanese. Each entry into the series is voiced by a different voice actress.

""SNAP!!" -"city girls"- Hypnotizing My Female Friend Into a Whore" by shanghai hanten.
Audio quality wise it is a little worse for wear, the voices seem to lack a bit of base and the audio seems to be kind of low in bitrate, but the content itself is pretty nice! Again it has stuff like finger snapping, this one is supposedly "binaural" which is where they record stuff with a funky microphone shaped like a human ear to make it sound more natural when listening with closed back headphones. Though most of the things tagged with this on dlsite is just a stereo mix of a normal recording. Anyways, it gives you a nicer experience as you hear the voices move around from left to right during the recording.

"Use Hypnosis on Your Introverted GF and Find Out that She's a Sadistic Slut!?" by Fruittart.
Really nice binaural recording, very clean audio and sounds very natural. If you close your eyes and listen with headphones it sounds like someone is in the room. More inductions and stuff in this one as far as I can remember but since its in Japanese, not sure if it adds anything for you.

Most of these also have other products available that are similar to the ones linked here so be sure to check out their profiles if you like one of these. Chances are they have more stuff.

What I've found as a trick to try to find stories instead of hypnosis audio, at least when searching dlsite, is to search for the keyword "audio drama". It's not perfect since a fair few of these audio dramas center around some character hypnotizing you but it at least helps to filter out some of it.

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