07/06/22 02:38AM
What Kind of Hypno-Fetishist Are You?
Okay, OP-redo time. (Since the mods are taking their sweet time answering my request.)
Hey again to all the HH users that still browse the forums.
I have a question I wanted to ask for the sake of gathering statistical data, of sorts.

I feel I wasn't as clear as I should've been in my first take of this OP. The initial scale was actually meant to determine how much a person sexualized platonic hypnosis & mind control content over the content where the H&MC (yes, we're using that acronym from here on out) played a second or minor role to more explicit sexual content and other fetishes. It was a scale to gauge how much one loved H&MC itself (non-platonically) over anything else.

I've received some good suggestions from people. I thank you all for taking the time to share your ideas.
I'll try to adjust this scale accordingly so that the given answers still make sense.

Edit: Okay, so this is a bit of a take three on the first scale. Credit goes to abithig for helping so much with this scale. I do thank you for your patience with me.

The first scale will measure how much sexual content you prefer to see involved with hypnosis, with "1" being the lowest preference for sexual content and "10" being the highest.

The second scale will range from "A" to "J" and determine how much you prefer hypnosis content over other fetishes (For now, including sub-fetishes such as example: bimbofication and haigure). "A" meaning you prefer hypnosis over other fetishes and "J" being other fetishes over hypnosis.

Interestingly enough, I still think a "10A" means you have little to no desire for other fetishes or sexual content. I'll cast aside all the other labels because they might have been a bit gratuitous for the majority of this crowd but I still might like to consider the "10A people" psymicon.
07/06/22 03:21AM
a solid 5, my interest in it actually started completely platonically, as I saw it as a sort of magic in real life and always wanted to experience it. Eventually it developed into a more sexual thing as I grew up and experienced certain scenes on tv, jungle book 2 word girl andjimmy neutron come to mind, and it just kinda never looked back once i found the hub, and my interest in hypnosis has developed into a full blown interest in psychology, though i still want to actually be hypnotized, gotta get around to doing that at some point.
07/06/22 02:45PM
Is there more a scale? Feels a little limiting just to choose between these three numbers.
07/06/22 03:51PM
Contorted said:
Is there more a scale? Feels a little limiting just to choose between these three numbers.

My apologies for the limitation. For now, you can choose any number between 1 and 10. If you don't feel like the scale can accurately assess you then I encourage you to describe the kind of hypno-fetishist you are in the loosest or nearest relation to the scale.

Eventually, maybe we can get this scale adapted into a proper spectrum.
07/06/22 04:58PM
I'm a hard pass when it comes to explicit sexual content.

I've never really understood the appeal of sex. The "main event", as I'll call it, just kinda grosses me out. I've got no objection to being intimate with someone, and there are plenty of things I do enjoy in that context, but I'm not crossing that line for anything.

I'm honestly not sure why MC is so definitively at the top of my list. It's just always been the go-to.
07/07/22 01:28PM
Based on the parameters you have placed, I'd probably land somewhere around 3-4.
However, that being said, I do want to point out that you're effectively using a single scale and lumping two different metrics onto it. For instance, 1 on your scale indicates a heavy preference for erotic content, but less of a preference for hyponic content. Inversely, a 10 depicts an overwhelming love for hypnosis, but only platonically. You'd get a much clearer picture of things if you queried both seperately.
For instance, consider the following two scales:
A scale from 1-5, with 1 being a stronger preference for other fetishes and 5 being a preference for hypnosis over all others.
A scale from A-E, with "A" being almost exclusively preferring platonic hypnosis and "E" being almost exclusively preferring erotic hypnosis.
Based on THESE metrics, I'd place closer to 4E, with an extremely heavy preference for erotic hypnosis content while still having a strong preference for hypnosis over other fetishes, something that wouldn't really come across in your originally proposed scale.
07/08/22 02:54AM
I think the scale here is too narrow. Some people, like myself, are in it for multiple factors.
I'm here for the sexual content (both with hypnosis as the focus, or a vector for other fetishy stuff), I can swing one way or the other on dark vs lighthearted depending on the presentation, but i also have a purely scientific fascination with the study and psychology behind actual hypnosis, not just mind control fantasy.
I can separate the sexual part from the rest if a situation or context calls for it; something I'm sure some people can do, and some can't.

I don't think a linear or even 2-dimensional graph or spectrum is applicable for the data you're trying to aggregate. It's a good starting point, but does not allow for much variable data.

Side note: I don't think throwing in terms you're trying to coin will help people find their place(s) in the vast landscape of things. Not trying to attack anything, just trying to point out a way to keep things simple and direct.
07/08/22 11:43PM
So I've updated my OP since it's apparently not going anywhere.

I just wanted to say thanks again to everyone who commented and to those who pointed out the errors in my initial scaling metric.

I also wanted to mention that I personally, never saw much difference between erotic hypnosis and regular hypnosis. I simply find hypnosis itself to be erotic.
So with that, I actually don't see the need for any other kind of erotic content to accompany it. It doesn't bother me too much but I tend to feel alone and alienated because I don't enjoy this the same way most members might.

That's my continuing reason for returning here and for posing questions like this.
I hope you'll forgive me for still wanting to be differentiated as a psymicon.
I just think that the more hypnosis a piece of content has, the better it is.
07/09/22 09:20AM
Hypnosis is my biggest kink by far... like, I literally can't pleasure myself if there is no hypnosis in play in some form
07/09/22 10:33AM
LillyTank said:
I personally, never saw much difference between erotic hypnosis and regular hypnosis. I simply find hypnosis itself to be erotic.
So with that, I actually don't see the need for any other kind of erotic content to accompany it. It doesn't bother me too much but I tend to feel alone and alienated because I don't enjoy this the same way most members might.

That's my continuing reason for returning here and for posing questions like this.
I hope you'll forgive me for still wanting to be differentiated as a psymicon.
I just think that the more hypnosis a piece of content has, the better it is.

For what it's worth, your view of hypnosis is entirely understandable. Your enjoyment is your own, and is perfectly valid, regardless of whether or not it lines up with others.
Now, from what I'm gathering, the core of what you're trying to poll for is something along the lines of either how much sexual content others prefer in hypnotic content, or how much sexual content needs to be included before they personally find it erotic, correct? If so, that should be the only thing you're putting on the scale. Because with the way you're phrasing your scale, especially with, "the lowest love for hypnotism and highest preference for sexual content," you're making it seem like enjoyment of sexual content and hypnotic content are mutually exclusive at higher levels, when that isn't necessarily the case. This is the core thing I was trying to point out with my previous post. You're mixing the two into a single scale, one of which is enjoyment of hypnosis. Considering the site we're on, that's going to result in skewed data, which isn't going to give you as clear a picture as you're looking for. Enjoyment of Hypnosis is likely a given for anyone on these forums, so you should only be placing preference for sexual content on the scale to get the results you want.
For example:
"The first scale will measure how much sexual content you prefer to see involved with hypnosis, with "1" being the lowest preference for sexual content and "10" being the highest."
07/09/22 07:24PM
abithig said:
For example:
"The first scale will measure how much sexual content you prefer to see involved with hypnosis, with "1" being the lowest preference for sexual content and "10" being the highest."

I think this example really helps. Do you mind if I use it in the OP?

Also thank you for showing your understanding. This whole thread has been a little rocky but such comments make it worth the ride.
07/10/22 10:13AM
LillyTank said:
abithig said:
For example:
"The first scale will measure how much sexual content you prefer to see involved with hypnosis, with "1" being the lowest preference for sexual content and "10" being the highest."

I think this example really helps. Do you mind if I use it in the OP?

By all means, feel free! It's definitely something I'm interested in seeing results for, as well as hearing others' thoughts on!
07/11/22 12:11AM
Hmm. I'm definitely an "A" on the "likes only hypnosis" scale. Other fetishes just don't do anything for me.

I'm not sure where I am on the "needs sexual content" scale. Somewhere around 6-8?

All I know is that I don't normally like the majority of hypno-doujins because they use MC as an excuse to draw porn, and try to get over the hypnosis part quickly. I prefer it when they really focus on the hypnosis and draw it out, and then follow it up with the plot's sexy climax.

I still think MC stories without sexy parts are erotic. It's just that they're missing something, like edging with no release.
07/11/22 03:23AM
abithig said:
By all means, feel free! It's definitely something I'm interested in seeing results for, as well as hearing others' thoughts on!

Alright, thread updated once again! I really appreciate the help with all this. I guess I was just having trouble verbalizing how I wanted the metric to be. You've really helped to make things clearer. Again, I thank you.
07/11/22 06:45AM
This is confusing for my dum himbo bull brain but I'll try!
I would say I'm a 10 as far as sexual content, but like maybe a g in terms of my favorite kink? I'm not sure if that was what OP meant.

All I know is I like to be hypnotized to be a dum himbo cock for horny domme mommys to use as their personal dildo.
1 2>>>

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