07/12/22 04:52AM
A notice + new tag suggestion
Hi, I'd just like to say that the "sleepwalking" tag is often misused; unless otherwise stated by the artist, either in the art or in the description, it really shouldn't be used for any character who is walking while under hypnosis with their **eyes open**. If their arms are out, it should be tagged "zombie_walk".

My suggestion is to add a new tag for just general walking while under hypnosis. "hypnowalk/hypno walk", "hypnotized walking", "hypno walking" or simply just "walking" (used for hypno walking only, not for any character who happens to be walking at the time, that'd just be silly.)
07/13/22 10:46AM
I've definitely run across this myself. I think it's worth bringing up on the main tags thread here: hypnohub.net/index.php?pa...amp;id=51288&pid=1200

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