08/10/22 09:40PM
soul stealing and voodoo doll
These posts have me perplexed. Does voodoo_doll imply soul transference into a fabric doll? Any doll? Does it imply body control whether the sub is aware or has become a mindless husk?
Both soul_stealing and voodoo_doll don't have wikis, so I'm stumped as of how to differentiate them.

08/11/22 07:29AM
You may want to post this on the official tag discussion thread here: hypnohub.net/index.php?pa...amp;id=51288&pid=1215
08/11/22 07:43AM
Typically, a voodoo doll works via spirits or other supernatural forces manipulating a persons body in the same manner that a person has acted on the doll. This normally results in body control with full awareness, but unaware control and temporary mindlessness are also common interpretations.

Soul transferrence is completely unrelated, though not mutually exclusive. Most voodoo dolls do not effect the subjects soul at all, and a human-shaped vessel containing a person's soul does not count as a voodoo doll unless the specific means of control matches the above definition.

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