08/16/22 02:42AM
How do I upload my artwork?
Hello. I'm very new to this website. Sorry for sounding ignorant. How do I upload onto this website? I've been drawing Hypno related content for several months and now I'm ready to post but I do know how.

Also if any mods are reading this, sorry in advance if I get tags wrong when I do learn how to upload.
08/16/22 02:48AM
If you are on the posts page there should be a link saying upload.
Click that and it should take you to a page where you can upload your art.

click file, locate the file you want to upload and uplaod it. then you can tag it in the box labeled tags then when you are done, go down to the very botton where the word upload is and click that and it should upload.

I hope that helps.
08/16/22 02:52AM
Argonis said:
If you are on the posts page there should be a link saying upload.
Click that and it should take you to a page where you can upload your art.

click file, locate the file you want to upload and uplaod it. then you can tag it in the box labeled tags then when you are done, go down to the very botton where the word upload is and click that and it should upload.

I hope that helps.

Thank you so much. And again if any mods sees my posts, sorry in advanced if the tags are wrong. Anything I post is my artwork fyi.
08/16/22 03:09AM
Argonis said:
If you are on the posts page there should be a link saying upload.
Click that and it should take you to a page where you can upload your art.

click file, locate the file you want to upload and uplaod it. then you can tag it in the box labeled tags then when you are done, go down to the very botton where the word upload is and click that and it should upload.

I hope that helps.

Also how do I have my own "Avatar"? I tried clicking the link on one of the forum pages and it lead me to a 404 page.
08/16/22 03:12AM
DrWaffles said:
Argonis said:
If you are on the posts page there should be a link saying upload.
Click that and it should take you to a page where you can upload your art.

click file, locate the file you want to upload and uplaod it. then you can tag it in the box labeled tags then when you are done, go down to the very botton where the word upload is and click that and it should upload.

I hope that helps.

Also how do I have my own "Avatar"? I tried clicking the link on one of the forum pages and it lead me to a 404 page.

If you click on "my account" it will take you to a page with some links.

One of those links says "change avatar"

Clicking it will take you to a page where you can upload an image you can use as an avatar.

I hope this helps.
08/16/22 09:07PM
Thank you. I got it now. I was reading the rules above the upload thingy saying it doesn't allow "traditional art but all I draw IS traditional. I've been drawing traditional hypno related drawings for the last several months and now that I recent made an account I plan to upload a lot. I also have a lot of sketches I plan to upload but the rules doesn't allow that either and that's worrisome. I do not have the means to color my other sketches traditionally and I have no means to any digital programs at this time.

My works may not be as good as everyone elses' and I don't want to break any rules but I do want my own drawings uploaded here.

Also eventually I'll make digital art but for right now all I have are my traditional works.
08/16/22 09:48PM
I think that's just an old rule, because I see a lot of traditional pictures here:

08/16/22 10:41PM
IDPet said:
I think that's just an old rule, because I see a lot of traditional pictures here:


Ah I see. Okay. Just making sure.

Also how long does it take for the mods to approve of uploads? Is their a limit to how many I can post per day or something?
08/16/22 11:36PM
DrWaffles said:
IDPet said:
I think that's just an old rule, because I see a lot of traditional pictures here:


Ah I see. Okay. Just making sure.

Also how long does it take for the mods to approve of uploads? Is their a limit to how many I can post per day or something?

You functionally have no limit but you may be asked to limit how much you post within a short amount of time due to spamming the front page.

If you are posting a series of pics like a comic a sequence, then you may need to post one page then hide the other pages when posting those.
08/16/22 11:43PM
The problem about that Argonis, the "hide" feature was removed with the server change. Now the only way to hide a picture is using the parent feature.
08/17/22 12:04AM
Argonis said:
DrWaffles said:
IDPet said:
I think that's just an old rule, because I see a lot of traditional pictures here:


Ah I see. Okay. Just making sure.

Also how long does it take for the mods to approve of uploads? Is their a limit to how many I can post per day or something?

You functionally have no limit but you may be asked to limit how much you post within a short amount of time due to spamming the front page.

If you are posting a series of pics like a comic a sequence, then you may need to post one page then hide the other pages when posting those.

Oh. Umm...I just got done posting a lot. I'm sorry mods if you're seeing this comment. Hope you can take the time to look through what I post before you either approve or not approve it.
08/17/22 12:15AM
@IDPet: ah i see, i didn't know that.

@DrWaffles: for the approval thing you will just have to be patent and wait for the mods to approve your posts.
I wouldn't worry much, the community is open when it comes to new artists wanting to show their stuff.
08/17/22 01:27AM
Argonis said:
@IDPet: ah i see, i didn't know that.

@DrWaffles: for the approval thing you will just have to be patent and wait for the mods to approve your posts.
I wouldn't worry much, the community is open when it comes to new artists wanting to show their stuff.

Oh good. Thanks. I feel better about myself. I'll wait a bit to post again in a few days at least until the other posts get approved.
09/01/22 12:49AM
Argonis said:
@IDPet: ah i see, i didn't know that.

@DrWaffles: for the approval thing you will just have to be patent and wait for the mods to approve your posts.
I wouldn't worry much, the community is open when it comes to new artists wanting to show their stuff.

Hi sorry to bother you again. How do I make pools? I have manga panels all from a chapter I want to post.
09/01/22 04:52AM
In the pools page (accessible via the nav bar), there are a row of options for what to do just below the nav bar. Clicking New leads you to the create pool page.

Then, just give the pool a name, type, and optionally a description to create a pool.

To add posts to pools, you either put pool:#### onto the tag list of those posts, or you use the import option on the pool page to import posts of similar tags, and using delete mode to prevent any unrelated posts with those tags from being imported into the pool.

To remove posts from pools, you use delete mode. With delete mode checkbox ticked, clicking on the posts will remove them from the pool.
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